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To elucidate the real meaning of Existence, one should begin with the philosophy of Existentialism in which this concept is debated threadbare and discussed inside out. In Existentialism, 'existence' is important because the meaning of being is always grasped through human experience for which the existence is the first and basic point. This philosophy continues to remark that Existence is what man foundationally has and everything else is offered to him as a range of choices to choose from and act upon. Problems and quandaries are necessities of human life. Everyman has to face with them in a way freely chosen by him. He himself has to solve the problems and is fully responsible for what he does, even though he is not responsible for his coming into the world. He, in this way, should consider himself as an individual who is condemned to be free and must choose his choices freely in the world. …show more content…

As Roubiczek says: "Kierkegaard uses the existentialist approach as a method." (Roubiczek 1966: 109) He further says that in Kierkegaard's philosophy "existence alone is admitted and essence is ignored-that is, all the conditions and limitations inherent in men's nature are neglected" (Roubiczek 1966: 110). Kierkegaard believes that individual men are no mere particulars under the corresponding essence. A man in his plenitude of being is much richer in qualities than the so called 'essence'. Therefore, ‘essence’ cannot account for

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