When watching movies, one can usually decipher what is fake and what is real, as well as, who is acting and who is not. Whether that be through exaggerated effects, poor acting, or previous knowledge, one can decide early on if the film being viewed is factual or fabricated. However, Exit Through the Gift Shop, a film directed by street artist Banksy, has left many viewers unsure if the film is an authentic documentary or merely a “mockumentary.” While some elements of the movie contain truthful content, it can be concluded that the film as a whole is a mockumentary, and just another one of Banksy’s notorious pranks. One of the first giveaways that the film is fake is by Thierry Guetta, the apparent Los Angeles filmmaker, who is the focal point of the entire documentary. Guetta has a wife and children in Los Angeles that he leaves for long periods of time over the course of many years. One would think that his would be struggling to make ends meet on Guetta’s virtually non-existent salary. Guetta also had a very odd personality. With what seemed like no care in the world, he was able to leave his family behind and take part in illegal activity for years. Not only that, Guetta also was strangely obsessed with Banksy; many people would have a starstruck …show more content…
For example, Thierry was supposed to be the person who shot all the footage for the documentary, yet half of the film was of Thierry. This can make viewers think that there is a film crew that could be documenting Thierry, instead of Thierry being the sole director. Many scenes also seemed like they were planned. The part of the film where Thierry spilled an entire can of paint in his just seemed like a play on his clumsy, goofy character. It also seemed unrealistic for the film to have captured his injury accident on film, yet the cameras just happened to be there. Many parts of the film emitted the feeling that they were fake, almost
One reason the film seems like it was a real event is how the producers
Medical and special effects people said it was very easy to prove fake. Santilli said he made it because the first one was ruined. The film was said to be filmed in Fort Worth, Texas. The film was actually filmed in a London apartment. It was performed on a mannequin that was supposed to look like a alien.
This mise-en-scene and use of cinematic techniques within the show, is used to portray how easy it is for the media to misrepresent the truth through film editing and other technological
A large portion of the film includes convincing
Critics tend to say it is too lazy and weak when defined as a horror film. Although these assumptions are brought up, there are factors proving otherwise. For instance, when director Robert Zemeckis uses the close up shot to minimize the audience's peripheral vision, it makes the scene more suspicious. For example, when Claire figures out that Norman does not really call the police, she looks around to discover where
Spielberg adds another dash of realism to the film by throwing in real historic footage to the mix. The most effective contribution to the realism and documentary styling is the genuine historic footage of the real Schindler Jews visiting Schindler's grave alongside the actors who played them in the film shown during the end. This suggests that the characters featured are not fictional and that the events in the film really took place. It stresses that these people really had families who cared for them and are of some significance to history.
Surely I heard that wrong...didn’t I? Like Hitchcock, Fincher uses extreme filming techniques (low lighting and sound, rather than odd filming angles and mise en scene) in order to confuse the spectator, however not necessarily directly. We are confused but do not know that we are confused. The thing about Zodiac that troubles people so much is that it could truly happen to anyone.
As the introduction of the movie starts with an airplane flying through the sky. Yes the idea of a plane flying is there but the feeling of realness is not. It is easy to tell this scene is fake and was created from the illusions of props as cinematic limitations existed during the time. Was the director really sure that this scene would pass as real? That is uncertain but from the audience's viewing it is easy to say we are not convinced.
Throughout the time that humans have created pieces of artwork, the interpretation of whether or not the general public considers it art changes. In the past, being an artist was highly respected such as in the times of the Renaissance where they were alongside philosophers and other of the kind, examples being Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo. Nowadays, the arts are often looked down upon and disregarded and do not receive the respect they deserve. One form of art that is typically looked at with disgust and lives a very short lifespan is street art. Street art is the main focus of Banksy’s documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, which focuses on two sub-themes which were the actual creation of street art and its history along with the uprising
In this essay, I will explain why a documentary is always more realistic than a fiction film. I will show my thesis by exploring elements that influence how realistic a film is: film editing and format, genre, and transparency. I will use the documentary of Armadillo (2010), by Janus Pedersen, and the fiction film of The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach (1968), by Danièle Huille as examples.
Tom Hanks who is the main character couldn’t believe his eyes. He was shocked that those cruel scenes were happening right in front of his face. Spielberg also stops the music and makes the screen kind of blurry to instill a sense of reality to the atmosphere. This definitely added more reality to the movie. Tim O’Brien said credibility might be threatened by telling an unbelievable story but this unbelievable aspect of the movie adds more credibility. The way he shot the film almost gives us a feeling that we were watching a documentary about war. These are the aspects Tim O’Brien exactly talks about in his text. Spielberg includes unbelievable aspect to his movie but he does not lose the credibility as Tim O’Brien states on his text.
The film-makers were pretty accurate with the big parts of the movie; I could imagine that these parts of the movie were changed to make movie more exciting and entertaining. The film blends recorded
In this movie, different filmic techniques are used, however, in my opinion, they are not very effective and thus it fails to improve or contribute to the success of the movie, which I believe it should. The filming techniques used in
In the film “Exit Through The Gift Shop” Thierry Guetta, a Los Angeles-based Frenchman decides he loves the idea of recording and starts recording everything he does, soon after this he falls in love with the idea of street art, first introduced to him by his cousin with the street name of Space Invader. Once Thierry ventures in the street art culture he comes across the anti authoritarian artist Banksy. Banksy lets Thierry film him paint street art but decides to turn the camera towards Thierry and gives him the advice to try street art himself. This makes for a great twist in the documentary, played out as a decision of the moment, however many audiences interpret the meaning of the film in different ways. Thierry's transition into a street artist demonstrates Banksy's attempt to mock the art world by documenting an un-experienced middle aged man transition from cameraman to seven figure street artist.
In recent years a new idea was introduced around Christmas, Elf on the Shelf. This idea came from a book that was published about elf that was sent from the North Pole to watch over children to make sure they were being nice and not naughty. The family names their elf when they adopt it and that is how they get their magic. The idea is that the scout elf watches over the family during the day and then when they go to bed the elf returns back to the North Pole to report to Santa. Before the family wakes up each morning, the scout elf flies back from the North Pole and hides somewhere in the house. By hiding in a new spot each morning around the house, the scout elf and the family play an on-going game of hide and seek. Children however are not supposed to touch the elf or it is