Introduction There are numerous entities involved in making a healthcare facility run smoothly. The hospital administrator is responsible for overseeing services, programs, facilities, staff concerns, balancing budgets, and setting policies (Healthcare Management, 2016). The hospital board makes sure that the administrator is qualified and operating in the best interests of the hospital. Just to name a few of the behind the scenes hospital employees, there are those taking care of billing/finances, training/education, food services, security, registrars and those hired for caring for patients which include physicians and nurses, the numerous specialty services such as anesthesiologists, cardiologists, neurologists, and psychiatrists. Of …show more content…
A personal example of this type of power is when I was learning how to draw blood for the first time. I was nervous and unsure, but the nurse who was teaching me said you must have confidence in yourself and not to be afraid of failure. After working with her I could tell that she was good at what she was doing, and her reputation and credibility stood out among others. She also had the confidence to influence others to do their best and that repetition will make you better.
Expert Power
Expert power is the result of knowledge and skills one possesses that are needed by others (Yoder-Wise, 2015). When you are confident and have the expertise or skills to get things done. An example of someone with expert power is an experienced nurse who has years of expertise and through that experience they possess skills which others are trying to learn from and eventually
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Having someone, such as manager or supervisor, that is a step higher than you who has the authority or the ability to influence others. I have witnessed this through various nurse managers who took the time to teach student nurses various procedures while other floor nurses were busy answering calls due to full floors or an emergency. The nurse manager took the time out of her busy schedule to answer questions and provide information to me and my fellow students.
Perceived Power
Perceived power is the result of one’s reputation as a powerful person (Yoder-Wise, 2015). A person believing that they have power over someone because they outrank or have been in a position longer than the other. Witnessing nurses asking questions to certain fellow nurses is how I have seen this type of power in action. While nurses work as a team for the betterment of patients, I have seen nurses who have had more experience in this field and how they are the “go-to” person for answers and they are willing to take the time to answer questions or assist in situations, as needed.
Leadership skills, taking initiative in doing things on time. this can be demonstrated in my assignment as I
Plato, a greek philosopher, once said, “The measure of a man is what he does with power” (Brainyquote 1). In other words, when giving someone power, their true character is revealed. For instance, in William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, some character’s genuine personalities were unveiled once obtaining high authority over others. In the drama with Macbeth, he portrays both coercive power and referent power throughout the written work, as defined in, “French and Raven’s Five Forms of Power.”
The management team in the healthcare environment has a very important role within their facility. There are ten managerial roles that fall within three categories. The three categories are: interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles. “A manager’s interpersonal roles involve interactions with people inside and outside the work unit. The information roles involve the giving, receiving, and analyzing of information. The decisional roles involve using information to make decisions, to solve problems, to address opportunities” (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007. P. 13). Interpersonal roles involve interactions with people inside and outside the unit. Informational roles of a health care manager involve giving, receiving, and analyzing information. Finally, the decisional roles of a health care manger involve using information for decision making, problem solving, and addressing opportunities (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007. P. 13). Of all these different roles, I believe the most important role is the interpersonal role. The
“Running a health care organization is a team sport. It is very important that all members of the team-whether on the medical staff, in management or on the board-understand the role of governance and what constitutes effective governance” (Arnwine, 2002). Running a hospital is a difficult task. Several factors need to be seriously thought of and considered in every decision and undertaking. Unfortunately, all the three important factors in governing a hospital is not always in harmony. As likened to a team sport, if the three major components are not working with each other as a team, there will be tension and a great divide will be experienced. And often times, the patients will be in the middle and will be greatly impacted. This writer believes that there are several factors that contribute to the tension that usually exists among the medical staff, the board and administration. One factor is the disconnect, where each entity is not seeing each other eye to eye and their visions may be different from each other. Another factor may be the lack of communication in order to bridge the gap and to build a respectful and a relationship wherein there is trust for each end every member of the group. Often times, the medical staff is concerned with ensuring that patients are cared for in a manner that their practice is protected as well as the patients are getting the appropriate care. On the other hand, the board of trustees may be focused in ensuring that that
Power as defined by Kelly & Crawford (2008) is the ability to achieve one’s goals by creating, acquiring and using resources to do so. Nurses over time - whether learned, cultural or related to gender-specific characteristics, have not embraced power (Kelly & Crawford, 2008). The public view of nurses as subordinates to physicians, simply “trained” to follow doctors’ orders, an overall lack of understanding as to the level of education and the kind of work nurses actually do (Sullivan, 2004) has lent to this perception. Sullivan (2004) writes about telling
During the botched 2010 roll out of the affordable care act, multiple veteran’s agencies marched on Washington with fears of how the Tax/Mandate would affect indigent veterans who could not afford the penalty and could not afford secondary insurance. In their hubris, these agents pushed an agenda that has greatly hurt the veteran population.
In addition to power established because of organizational hierarchy or role, power is also established based on the level of influence or status one holds in an organization (Anichich, Fast, Halevy, Galinsky, 2016). “Status is the outcome of an evaluation of attributes that produce differences in respect and prominence” (Ketner et al, 2003 p. 266) They co-exists but are not co-dependent on each other. It’s possible to have status without power and power without status (Ketner et al, 2003). Whether one’s control comes through status or positional power, lauding control or significant influence over another inevitably leads to conflict.
People today believe that to be powerful you have to be known and rich. While that may be partly true, an individual is powerful if they possess the ability to show responsibility, courage, determination, and initiative.
Power can be defined in many ways. Most simply, it is the ability to get what you want.
1. Administration – He or she carries full administrative responsibility and authority for the entire nursing service of the hospital. The policies and procedures as well as objectives of each unit is always verified by the nursing director so that it will be congruent with the whole organization’s reason for existence.
Healthcare management is a great, complex, and dynamic field. Like any business, healthcare requires exceptional administration to keeps its operations effective and smooth. Notably, the healthcare field is constantly growing, calling for the expertise of skilled administrators with the capacity to manage hospitals. Since my childhood, I have enjoyed solving problems, helping people, caring about the community and individuals, and having an excellent compensation and growth opportunities.
Power is the emphasis is an employment situation. While employed you have a certain amount of power, both over your work environment and your own life.
Power is having the capability or qualification to do something or control something. The idea of power is often analyzed in the Truman Show and Animal farm. In the Truman Show, Peter Weir suggests that power can be bad and that people shouldn’t have power
Administrative staff remains at the top- level of the organizational structure, formulated of individual’s that have ownership (stakeholders) with the functions of operations in the healthcare facility. These important individuals are accountable for the enforcement on policies and regulations, with ensuring the implementation for public
The second source of power that influences individuals and organizations behaviors is known as Personal Power. This power focuses more on the individual?s independent nature within the position that he or she has been placed. There are three sources under this power that are apparent in most organizations that are well managed. The first is expert power in which control is based on the knowledge or experience that the individual possesses in the position that he or she holds. Rational persuasion is the power to control behavior by being able