Experts Explore Effects of Aggression on Classmates
Bullies are among the most popular boys in school from the fourth through sixth grade, according to a recent survey of teachers, classmates and bullies themselves.
The report by Duke University psychologists explores the effect of unchecked bullying of classmates, which is often undetected or unpunished by school staff, on victims and innocent bystanders.
Some experts worry that the double whammy of being excluded from the popular crowd and being bullied by some of its members could lead emotionally disturbed students to retaliate violently.
"Our study looked at elementary kids, but I think that the popular, aggressive kids would have been the [Columbine] victims. The two shooters would not have been the tough kids. They weren't popular," said Duke University psychologist Philip Rodkin, lead
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Another concern is whether these children are being passed over for counseling and behavior programs because their popularity overshadows their negative behavior.
Behavior 'works' for some
Rodkin and other psychologists worry that popular bullies may be less likely to change their behavior than unpopular bullies because it works so well for them.
"These boys may internalize the idea that aggression, popularity and control naturally go together, and they may not hesitate to use physical aggression as a social strategy because it has always worked," Rodkin said. "But there will come a point in these boys' lives when this turns from an adaptive and fun to a lonely and potentially dangerous characteristic."
Parents may also unwittingly contribute to the problem by accepting or even encouraging aggressive behavior as long as their children are popular, Fisher said.
Sports culture can
When it comes to bullying in schools it has plenty of negative effects on some individual students. There are some kids who don’t have a problem with bullying because they are the problem.
According to this article “ kids who were popular, but not the most popular, were most likely to bully others.” or “the top two percent perhaps because they no longer feel the need to put others down to improve their own status.” Basically this quote means that most of the popular kids are live under pressure of popularity. This is important is because we all have our own stereotype even without noticing. We might asking how is thinking teenage bullies are bad is stereotype? Well, as long as people read the question above you might seem where are the problems. Nevertheless, people all young once, and we all used to be a stupid. Sometimes people judging others without thinking, and that’s why people can easily make a mistake. On the top of that, teenage bullies are the same. They
The link between school violence and bullying has increased in attraction exponentially after the Columbine shooting. “The shooters were classified as gifted children who had allegedly been victims of bullying for four years.” Many of those who are close to them regarded them as “the losers of the losers (Ball)”. Klebold has also made remarks to his father about his hatred toward the jock culture in his high school. He added that Harris had been victimized by the jocks by stating to his father “They sure give Eric hell.” There is no doubt this helped drive them to the decision they made.
Bullies may grow up and lead a life of ultimate rebellion or crime. These students start off with bullying and advance into acts of vandalism, theft, and alcohol and possible drug abuse. Left unchallenged, the bully will never understand that their behavior is inappropriate. The bully will grow up, victimize, and start a family of budding, pint-sized oppressors. Bullying is a learned behavior. Whereas, the victim may live a life of depression and anxiety. The victim may never reach their full potential because of fear and uncertainty. The victim has a difficult time making and keeping friends, and seeks to stay clear of confrontation. The victim loses his/her control or voice and lives in the shadow of the aggressor. Over time, the victim may begin to miss class, fake illnesses, and believe that he or she deserves bad treatment. In the end,
Yet the notion that bullying may have caused the massacre at Columbine High School is a chilling one, as it lessens the blame of the attack on the perpetrators themselves and further increases it on the students who actually bullied them as well as on the school officials who did nothing to discourage it. Elysa R. Safran writes in the Journal of Emotional Abuse:
Police, teachers, principals, state senators, and many others claim it’s not bullying that causes these mind numbing numbers of suicides and school shootings. They truly believe it is mental illness, depression, anger, and PTSD that causes the overwhelming number of suicides and shootings. What they fail to comprehend is that those are side effects as a result of being bullied.
Students who are constantly targeted are likely to become increasingly withdrawn from their peers and suffer risk of depression and suicidal thoughts. Some actually end up killing themselves or even taking it out on the bullies.
I am sure every sixth-grade class had at least one kid who was the focal point for bullies. The class was a place for bullies to be in “their own spot”. In the fifth grade, I fought against my inability to make friends, so I did things to garner attention. I thought that if I had enough of the class’s attention or the teacher, I would be safe.
The effects of bullying on students who are bullied(victims) include psychological/physical issues, low academic performance, social difficulties, and attempts to suicide(hghghy). Students who are bullied on a daily basis can experience emotional distress such as anxiety, low confidences, and depression; As a result, they may have sleep disorders(hdgefiffuhfugf). Many experts are worried because these issues may persist into adulthood. (hfefhhfunrfb).Since students who are bullied suffered from such emotional distress, they may face troubles in their social life such as engaging in relationships with others and form friends. As bullying victims suffer from these emotional distress, they may feel that their school is unsafe for them and consequently they may skip classes, show poor participation on class, and being unfocused while studying. Therefore, they would have poor academic performance. The National Association of School Psychologists estimates that 160,000 students in the
According to “Columbine High School Massacre” from Wikipedia, the two shooters, Harris and Klebold, “were classified as gifted children and had allegedly been victim of bullying for four years. A year later, an analysis by officials at the US Secret Service of 37 premeditated school shootings found that bullying, which some of the shooters described "in terms that approached torment," played the major role in more than two-thirds of the attacks.” School administrators and teachers condoned the bullying in school, and Columbine teachers commonly looked the other way when confronted with bullying. In The Washington Post, Lorraine Adams and Dale Russakoff confirmed on "Dissecting Columbine's Cult of the Athlete” that Columbine teachers “condoned a climate of bullying by the so-called jocks or athletes, allowing an atmosphere of intimidation and resentment to fester.” After the shooting, people realized bullying was not kid’s game anymore. The bullying led to crime. Children who have been bullied show that they are scared when they go to school. Plus, because of the abuse, the victims can not focus on studying. They get anxious, and some of them have suicidal thoughts. Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center, in “Bullying Statistics” claims that number of bullying cases has not reduced yet. “Nearly one in three students report being bullied during the school year (2013).” It means around 27.8% students are being bullied, and even more students have had confrontation that they do not report. Students bully others about looks, weight, and race. There are many types of bullying; it can be verbal, physical, psychological, or cyber. Statistics about adults bullying are not available because no one reports incidents to the center, however, it exists. Not only in school, the workplace is another place where bullying is happening. A man or a woman can
Bullying is defined as “verbal, physical, or psychological abuse or teasing accompanied by real or perceived imbalance of power” and is usually targets what children perceive as different (Olweus, 1993). Bullying is prevalent across the nation. It has devastating effects on students each day. Bullying is a problem for all students, regardless of race, gender or class. The National Education Association reports that 160,000 children are absent intentionally from school each day because they fear being bullied whether it is an attack or just intimidation by other students. This accounts for 15% of all school absenteeism (Hunter, 2012). Dan Olweus (1993) from the National School Safety Center tells us that bullying includes three parts: (1)
Statistics indicate many aggressors at some point or another have witnessed acts of violence. During childhood, these observed behaviors can have a major impact and influence on adolescent and adult attitudes, perception of self and others. "Children become more susceptible and prone to negative and dangerous behaviors which can
The influence for some bad behaviors are caused from some athletes abuse towards family members. Athletes have had the spotlight for being brutal to their children and significant others which can confuse children to be rude to their own family.. Minnesota Vikings’ Adrian Peterson was “on charges of child abuse and neglect”(Today’s Parents) for beating his son with a branch. Kids might think he is an amazing football player, but setting this example and having it go public is not what the children who look up to him should see. Bullying could also be started by seeing this behavior and thinking it's ok because their favorite person is doing it. There was a video release of Baltimore Ravens player, Ray Rice, “ knocking his fiancée unconscious in an
Also people judge them without knowing what is going on. Everything that bullies do is a cause of their mental issues. Authors, Dorothy Espelage and Melissa K. Holt mention in their articles “Journal of Emotional Abuse” how boys are more often bullied than girls.Also it talks how older students take part in bullying more often than the youger ones because they have more available resources to do that.. Younger kids do not know how to use facebook and other media that is available to them.In adition the studies from their articles prove that people that are bullies tend to hang out with other people that are bullies, and that is how bullies are geting stronger and abuse more and more innocent students,kids and even elders.
Bullying has the obscured need of an individual to feel like they have the power as compared to others in a social setting. When the bully carries an ego at school, the victim of the bullying may suffer both physical and emotional abuse. Bullying can also extend to sexual and verbal abuse. In some schools, a majority of the popular students tend to pick on the less popular students for the sake of fun and attention from other school mates. The main structural causes of bullying are mostly psychosomatic problems. In most of the times, a bully can also get rid of their own problems by passing it on to others person. In rare cases of young people, teenagers often release their anger out because of their violent backgrounds or negative influences that they come across as they grew up in life. As an outcome, they end up exhibiting these feelings through