
Explain Five Points Of A Biblical View Of Just Political System

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Explain five major points of a Biblical view of a just political system (study on Christian Principles of Government). A Biblical view of a just political system should necessarily start with the sovereign, creator God. Because He created the world, God is concerned with all aspects of human society, down to the political system. He is a moral, just, and righteous God who expects the rules of government to be modeled along His principles. His notions of government are clearly demonstrated in the Old Testament with the numerous laws given to the children of Israel. Not only did God create the world, but He also created man in His image. This imbues man with value and purpose. However, man disobeyed God and sinned. That sinful nature means man cannot live up to God’s expectations. It also means that man is focused on himself, instead of putting God and his fellow man ahead of himself. Any notion of a political system must take man’s sinful nature into account. As man is God’s creation, he is necessarily limited in knowledge and understanding. Man will never be able to create a truly good and just government apart …show more content…

The term national interest is fairly self-explanatory, as it is the idea of making a decision based upon what is in the nation’s best interests. The idea of national interest varies because policy-makers often have differing ideas of national interest. There are two main perspectives within the government that drive the idea of national interest. The first is the realist perspective, which is focused solely on a nation enhancing its own power and then using that power to influence other nations. There are two types of power within the realist perspective: hard power and soft power. Hard power uses both military and economic strength to force other nations into behaving in a desired manner. Soft power is focused on mutual cooperation, and does not use direct force (Kaufman

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