Discussion Question #3: From your readings for this week, How and why are stakeholder inputs important to healthcare leader assessment and evaluation? IN the readings the book talking about creating knowledge. There is statements that Health organizations constantly have to keep up with the new knolede that become available. It is ciritical because the new information can change process, have new break threws in new techniques or disprove old outdated processes. Stakeholder in side or even outside these organization are always look for health organizations to provide or have the newest and greatest technology or techniques to help their illness or injury. As such this emphasis on what they want and why. As a health care leader you need
This paper examines how organisational values and stakeholder engagement can improve patient quality, experience and care. The author will do this by exploring what stakeholder engagement is and how it is being used in the healthcare arena to improve care quality and patient experience. The author’s critical analysis will discuss the relationship between organisational values, stakeholder engagement and the delivery of quality patient care, before relating this to his professional practice, prior to drawing and presenting conclusions.
It has been proven that stakeholders, either an individual or an health care organization play a key role within strategic implementations and policy developments
Discuss the Nurse Leader’s strategic plan as it relates to The Institute of Medicine’s Quality initiatives and ONE of the following five core competencies.
A third strength of my leadership practice is my ability to meet the goals of the organization in a timely matter. The trust that I have for our CEO allows me to challenge any of my assignments enough to clarify the needed outcomes and then I become fully supportive. With the weakened state of the healthcare systems across the nation, it is imperative that my team and I are responsive and quick to take action when called upon. The fact of the
Policy analysis is an assessment of specific healthcare policy to determine its effectiveness in improving patient care outcomes. As an organization continues to grow in complexity; health status indicators provided gauges for process to be assessed and evaluated for restructuring. This provides new opportunities for evaluating policies, guidelines and procedures that enhances patient care to benefit all stakeholders. Transformational leaders are healthcare professionals whose knowledge and experience are required when policies analysis is needed that may require examination, designing, implementation, and evaluation for a practice change. In healthcare systems globally, transformational leaders are task with
First of all, both scenarios represent emotionally charged situations that impact many stakeholders both internally (employees, patients, providers and board members) and externally (payers, community, government entities, community leaders). There is no doubt that the knowledge I have gained over the course of this program allowed me to have a broader understanding of the implications for each of these stakeholders. Furthermore, not only having knowledge of the perspectives of these various stakeholders but also the tools to critically assess the situation and formulate a plan is also a byproduct of my studies. Additionally, this work highlights the complex and fragmented nature of the US health system and the challenges in working on a solution to almost any problem tackled by healthcare leaders today. Thankfully, the program has given me the confidence to undertake these
Stakeholders are a big part of a healthcare organization. They play a major role in the Healthcare Delivery System that plays a part in the performance and the health of the organization. Five of the major stakeholders consist of government, providers (which includes doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers), patients, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies. Based off of the healthcare delivery system where it stands now, there are some recommendations that the stakeholder can do to have a positive effect on the healthcare delivery system.
When talking about healthcare reform, one must always think about the stakeholders. Stakeholders are “people and organizations that have a stake (interest) in what a healthcare organization does and that could affect the healthcare organization” (Olden, 2011). There are many different stakeholders in our case study but we will focus on the main ones.
by letting our team participate in a flexible situation where we share authority and maybe break the rules. Management is about: Managing, instructing, allocating, delegating, following up, disciplining, organizing and directing Vs. Leadership which is about: leading, inspiring, helping, encouraging, team work, coaching, supporting, constant feedback, continuous personal development and goal alignment. Management is about: Order & consistency, protecting the existing structure, systems, traditions and the status quo, the belief that past success gives insight into the way forward and relying on accumulated facts. Vs.
Stakeholders have strengths that will help them prevail in enacting health care reform however they are not with out some weaknesses. Medical industry leaders, providers, and academics, while supportive of reform, may also cause weaknesses. Having health care knowledge and experience is beneficial but can also
The changing climate of the Canadian healthcare system influenced by calls for increased accountability for quality of care and financial prudence led to the re-evaluation of the healthcare delivery model including the leadership component (Canadian Health Leadership Network [CHLNet], 2014). Healthcare improvements and patient outcomes are associated with strong leadership (Swensen, Pugh, McMullan, & Kabcenell, 2013). To assist in developing competent and strong healthcare leaders, the CHLNet developed the LEADS framework that defines the skills and attributes required to successfully lead in the industry (CHLNet, 2015). This paper will include a description of a healthcare leader, the interview process and
This essay will first consider the different leadership theories and the evidence that supports those theories within healthcare practice. Highlighting how these theories can enhance patient experience whilst promoting a transparent open culture to healthcare, linking leadership and decision making to a patient scenario experienced by the author. It will then go on to describe the differences between behavioural, trait, transformational leadership models researching the positive and negatives of the theories from a range of academic sources. The third part looks at the importance of clinical decision making in the practice setting, encompassing when and who is responsible for making decision in a healthcare setting (Haycock-Stuart, E and
The leadership competency for development I chose to work on is Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment. I chose this competency because I have very little knowledge of the healthcare environment and feel it would greatly benefit me to broaden my knowledge in this area since I would like to work with the older population as a care manager/geriatric care manager type role in the near future.
#3. It is 2025, identify the types of roles nurse leaders have in healthcare. You will want to discuss their scope and competencies they need to have to do the work.
Effective decision making requires the ability to consistently identify and choose the best option from multiple possibilities. It also requires imagination and logic. Applying the critical thinking process in your professional life will help you disassemble complex health care management problems and better understand the factors that influence your thinking, along with the potential implications of your decisions.