Homework #2
The physical properties are color, shape, volume, cleavage and hardness.
Defining a mineral by color is not the most sophisticated method, due to many minerals hold the same color. Also, different imperfections can show different colors within the mineral. Only using color can be difficult to identify a mineral, but when using a combination of shape and hardness one has the ability to narrow down choices. If a mineral reflects light from a surface it is said to have luster, however it does not reflect light such as silver or copper does it would be called glassy, pearly and dull.
Minerals are said to have a different level of hardness, this means that some of the minerals are softer compared to others. Certain Minerals have the ability to be scratched or left marks in as with others one cannot mark in the surface
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The shape of a crystal will vary due to the amount of space that is available; however the angle that it faces will always be the same, which means that the internal atomic structure will be similar in each, which could be due to the factor of twinning. One can also tell the difference when a mineral breaks, does it break into a smooth plane in a certain direction can help tell the difference in the mineral.
Definition of a rock and mineral
A mineral is a naturally substance that happens, in this process an inorganic material creates a solid crystal like material that has a specific chemical composition. All the matters that make up a mineral are natural and made up from the earth and do not have living matter in them. The structure makes it three dimensional, which means that it has a particular shape that repeats itself. Now compared to a rock, which is also an inorganic material, however it has not certain atomic structure compared to minerals. Rocks are made up of several different minerals, which have been “stuck” together in a geological process that formed
A crystal is a solid whose atoms, or other components of matter, are structured in a uniform pattern as seen in Figure 1. This repetitive pattern forms an extending crystal lattice that gives crystals their unique geometric shape, known as the crystal structure. The crystal structure can be seen in Figure 2 below. The primary macroscopic characteristic of a crystal is its shape, typically consisting of flat faces, also known as facets, meeting at sharp angles. As a crystal grows, the new atoms attach far more easily to the rougher parts of the surface than the flatter, smoother parts of the surface.
Mineralogy- An important part of Geology is the study of Minerals, their physical properties, structure, and chemistry. It helps us understand how they react with one another depending on the circumstances including weathering, fire, how deep, with living or non-living organisms. Minerology is broad and interesting field of study.
Substances such as inorganic salts and minerals, semiconductors, and organic and biological compounds can form crystals under suitable and specific conditions. The method is beneficial in determining the structure of molecules, allowing researchers to characterize and understand their behavior and function. This method of structure determination has provided the most reliable evidence scientists have about the way molecules are shaped and what their bonds angles and lengths are. This also can be useful in education, since we can have more of an understanding as chemistry student or even future, nurses or
Geology is the study of the Earth’s crust through the crust’s chemical composition and physical properties. The way that geologists are able to figure out the
There are two types of minerals that we find in Earth - rock-forming and ore minerals.
Minerals can be used for a variety of different things. Without knowing it, they could be in the walls of a house, or there could be minerals in food. Also in Hollywood, Gypsum is used as fake snow(“Other Uses of Gypsum”). Gypsum has different forms like Alabaster, and Satin spar. Having different forms contributes to the reason why it has many different uses. Alabaster is known as a healing rock and is used for meditation. It also is very chalky while Satin spar is known for being very silky (Desy 1). Overall, Gypsum is utilized in everyday life because it can be used for a variety of different things like industrial items and food.
The color to an Agate mineral is very special in it's own way. The Agate has it's very own unique color pattern that no other Agate is capable of having. When trying to find an Agate the color will help the most. In order to find the mineral, you must look on the beach, not only looking on the beach will help but you must look for an Iron Oxide Red color. That's when the role of color comes to play.
A metamorphic rock is formed from a protolith, that changes its form due to increasing pressure and temperature.
Volcano eruptions bring newborn rocks to the world. Every year, rock families would wait around volcanos for the erupted magma or surface lava to cool down. Each family would adopt the baby igneous rocks of their type, who share the same genes, or minerals, as them. These igneous rocks could have a variety of appearance and crystal sizes. Some rocks composed of surface lava have smaller, less complex crystalline structures. They were cooled much faster when they were in contact with air or water, and larger, more complex crystalline structure would not be formed before they harden. On the adoption day, all kinds of rocks could be spotted; with different lustre, colour, crystalline structure, and mineral composition.
It is basically the inner structure of the gemstone and this property again deals with hardness, it can determine how hard a gemstone is based on the crystal system it also helps to determine the durability of the gemstones. The crystal systems are cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, monoclinic, triclinic, orthorhombic.
Scientists discovered that some mountains in the world are made up of the same rock as other mountains in the world. For example, there is a mountain
A tectonic plate was just sub ducted and the rocks and minerals around the subduction area are about to change. They will change because of how the plates have moved. The plates have moved because of the way magma underground has moved. The magma has a mind of its own when it comes to flowing somewhere underground, because it doesn’t have any way to stop unless it cools and hardens into rock. It will change the rocks and minerals every time hot magma runs over it and melts the rock again. The rock could change shape, color, size, and could potentially change all the minerals inside the rock.
Rocks are classified to make it easier on people to identify them in the future. This can be done by a numerous amount of ways. Each rock type has their own specific ways, but there are two distinct characteristics that apply to all. These are texture and composition. These two, along with many others helps to classify igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
Now, an ordinary person, who has no knowledge of precious gems, might not be able to tell the difference between the two but a jeweler, with his knowledge and proper apparatus, can easily tell the difference. Hence, Pir Sadarddin asks in one of Ginans:
The main characteristic to classify crystal or glass is the content of lend in the glass. Lead that in crystal make its more easily cut and engraved are the presence of the lead soften the glass in crystal. The lead also increases the weight of the crystal glass and light will diffract though the glass. For the glass stemware has the lighter weight than crystal glass and light will not diffract though the glass.