Language arts can help you in many ways in any career. They help you with many different functions throughout the day. Strong language arts skills show more professionalism in the work place. Language arts can help with writing things properly . Common grammar mistakes are a big issue when writing up resumes, filling out applications or just making notes for your boss. Language arts can help you broaden your vocabulary. With basic language arts skills it will help you when learning new words.
RE: Unit 6 Discussion 8/2/2015 8:20:00 PM I agree with you about how grammar skills can affect your career. Having a person write up a letter for you could turn out hurting your reputation if they had bad language arts skills. If someone misspells words
It is very important that you use correct grammar when communication in a business environment to make sure what is written is understood correctly. A sentence that contains many grammatical errors can be very hard to read and can cause misunderstanding. It is important to use correct grammar whether it is written or verbal to communicate
In Kyle Wein’s article, he explains why he doesn’t believe people with poor grammar shouldn’t be hired. I agree with Wein’s statement because everyone was taught basic grammar, it represents you when text is the only form of communication, and it also gives a first impression when handing in the resume. Firstly, everyone was taught basic grammar in school. To say that a certain applicant wasn’t able to learn the difference between its and it’s and another was, shows that the other applicant will be able to do much better remembering and performing tasks in the job correctly.
High-quality and diversified education enhances your employability and chances of a successful career. Special training and practical experience boost the likelihood of getting a job. Such background makes you much more valuable to a boss. Go to any website with job vacancies and view the requirements. The employers are always looking for recruiters with at least some experience. Another huge benefit is the knowledge of foreign languages. Ours is a progressively more global world; businesses expand overseas and deal with customers from different countries. The employers highly value specialists fluent in at least one foreign language. The salaries get higher. Knowledge of languages can bring you additional income as you may find more job opportunities. You can do translations, teach this language to students, or find another use of your skills. You can become a freelancer. Combined together, proper education, training, and foreign languages knowledge may increase the probability of finding a better job,
In “I Won’t Hire People with Poor Grammar. Here’s Why” Kyle Wiens explains that Kyle wants to hire a people who have great grammar and he gives a reason why he said that. He regards grammar as an important part. His company which is iFixit is one the biggest online repair manual, that’s why employees need a good grammar to make the best manual. Kyle thinks good grammar makes a sense of successful business. In addition, his company thinks reliability is made through good grammar especially on the internet. Of course, writing and reading are less important than those who create manuals in their office. However, the company practice grammar test for all employees such as sales managers, staffs. This is because distinguishing the even small part
The main purpose in the correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling is ensuring the receiver of the information reads it accurately. Addition to this when given a task to do, your employer expects you to do it perfectly. When a document has inaccuracies, readers tend to distrust everything, including the statistics, opinions, and facts. This would be relayed back to my employer who would themselves lose confidence in our ability. For progression in my company I need to ensure I carry out all tasks to a certain standard.
I chose to interview Gabby Turner, who is a graphic designer and social media strategist. She works for a non-profit organization called Ekhaya Youth Project, which provides support to families involved in the Louisiana Mental Health Services. After discussing the importance of strong writing and the function of grammar within her profession with Ms. Turner, I discovered new information about my future career path. She explained that strong writing plays an important role in her career because of the effect it has on her image. If she presents an idea through an email or presentation and her writing is not strong, then potential clients or co-workers may view her as inferior. Ms. Turner believes that although strong writing is important, in
An organisation may have plans to extend their contact and plan to employ globally, the organisation would gain a good quality and diversity within the workforces. For example: if they employed a fluent Chinese individual, they would understand the Chinese culture and they would experience an easier time communicating with representatives in China. This would increase sale profit within the organisation.
With modern technologies, the way we write and read is changing rapidly, and with such changes so must spelling. Both authors make valid points, but at the same time have different views. Both, Mikita Brottman and Anne Trubek are passionate about spelling and grammar. Brottman says that spelling counts, grammar counts, and consistency counts in résumés. Mikita Brottman states that everyone especially those applying for a job should know how to properly spell the name of their field of expertise. Trubek says that as long as the message gets understood, spelling is not necessarily as important as the meaning behind the message. “No, autocorrect and spellcheckers are wrongheaded because they reinforce a traditional spelling standard. Consistent spelling was a great way to ensure clarity in the print era. But with new technologies, the way that we write and read (and search and data-mine) is changing, and so must spelling.” (p.
Employers and educators realize the importance of good writing skills but many business employees have writing deficiencies, costing American businesses billions of dollars every year. According to a study conducted by the National Commission on Writing (NCW) in 2004, American businesses may spend close to $3.1 billion yearly on the remediation of employees’ writing deficiencies. Consequently, employers are dissatisfied with employees writing skills and even more disappointed in the skills of new college graduates.
In the class of Language Arts, I have strengths and weaknesses that I always try to get better at. I also have interests and goals, that I'll accomplish. If you'd like to know more, keep on reading.
How often do we as employees consider our use or misuse of grammar, spelling and punctuation in the workplace? Proper usage of grammar, spelling, and punctuation results in the use of Standard English. Standard English is known as the correct form of the English language. Is our misuse of Standard English in our workplace reflecting negatively upon us? Brad Hoover, the CEO of Grammarly, says, “Companies looking to hire top talent should consider grammar as one predictor of a candidate’s aptitude and success.” (Hoover). Many people may find the use of non-standard grammar trivial however, this is not the case in a professional atmosphere. Non-Standard English in the workplace provides no benefit to either the employee or employer and has only negative consequences. The use of non-standard English in the workplace will negatively affect our communication, image, chance for promotions and even our pay in the workplace.
Students with foreign language skills can find jobs more easily than students without. Many employers look for applicants with basic foreign language skills. Language skills are also important for positions with international companies. Job security and higher pay for employees who know a foreign language are other possible benefits. Since only twenty percent of students in the United States take a foreign language, the ones who do have an advantage. Also,
Neglecting to fix any issues in your resume or letters can cost you when it comes to getting a job interview at a new job. When it comes to grammar in career success the employers seek for professionalism, and proficiency. There’s many people wanting to get that job, so you have to make sure your resume or letter is the one that stands out the most by the professionalism used in your work. No employer would want to hire someone with poor grammar, and isn’t professional whatsoever when it comes to the job. Having poor grammar can be an issue when trying to advance in a
Language is a key part of any family, community, culture and the human race. Without language the world today would be much different. From cavemen, to the Egyptian use of hieroglyphics, to Old English, to more than 6,500 languages spoken around the world today, the advances that humans have made in language is remarkable and inspiring. The ability to speak, read, write and understand more than one language is also remarkable and expands the liberties in life, especially for young people. High school students should be required to take at least two years of a foreign language class in order to graduate, as many recent studies support the benefits of doing so. Students who have learned a foreign language in high school have proven to have a
When enhancing my writing skills , this will also help improve my poor grammar and spelling. Having good writing skills will help you succeed in your academics and professional career. Better writing skills communicate intelligence, professionalism, and competency. The inability to write clearly and effectively communicate through the written word significantly impacts your ability to land a new job or promotion. Enhancing my writing skills will allow me to advance further along in my career.