Follow the healthy and safety policy relating to food and drink:
- Staff who prepare and handle food must be first receive appropriate training and understand and comply with food safety and hygiene regulations.
- All food and drink is to be stored appropriately.
- Adults must not carry hot drinks through the play area and should not be place drinks within reach of children.
- Snack and meal times must be appropriately supervised and children are not walk about with food and drinks.
- Fresh drinking water should be made available to children at all times.
- The setting operates system to ensure that children do not have access to food and drinks to which they are allergic.
- Alls staff must be familiar with the policy concerning the safe handling
As a childcare provider I must ensure quality meals are served to children and that nutrition education is encouraged. I offer a variety of foods for our preschoolers and toddlers. Each meal has whole grain bread, a serving of vegetables, and a serving of fruit, with a meat or meat alternate, and milk is served with each meal. I believe that my menu meets all the requirement for a child’s nutritional needs according to the “National Standards for Child Nutrition Programs”
|- Food Hygiene Regulations 1995. These regulations also require that employees who handle food as part of their | | | |
1.2 Employers also have a responsibility to their staff, clients and other people who come in to contact with their services. employers need to ensure that staff are trained in how to prevent and control infection, have the equipment needed such as PPE and cleaning products as well as to check that employees are applying themselves in an appropriate manner, finding any areas
All task in the work setting should be carried out with special training for the care for standard quality care.
Washing hands before touching food is very important as you get rid of any bacteria or dirt which could be harmful towards the child. Every staff member should be CRB checked. This makes sure they have no criminal history. And that they are safe to work with children. An admissions policy is also important almost settings operate on a ‘first come first served basis’ which means who ever applies first get a place first.
6- Which will be the best method for cleaning and sanitizing equipments that cant be placed in dish machine or three compartment
In handling the kitchen utensils there should be a sliding opening in a locked door so no access to kitchen staff civilians. There should be cameras with audio and video in every room. The procedures in searching the kitchen staff should be constantly and in a detail manner.
First and foremost, is the child's health if the child is on a strict diet then there should be a line for people like this so they can have a choice of health or not health food.Some students on are a sirt diet and need all the health food they can get.
The setting used meal and snack times to encourage the children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.
For some children, it is essential to monitor their diet and the food that they eat has to be prepared and planned very carefully as they may have allergies, intolerances or medical conditions, such as: disease or diabetes. You should take care to follow the parents instructions relating to their child allergies or intolerances, failure to do so could result in the child health being endangered, possibly even in death.
It is imperative that everyone in the food services industry go through a variation of a food safety, health, and sanitation training program. Anyone that is either in the constant vicinity of, and/or handles food constantly at the job should go through a food safety training program. This is because everyone in the industry that comes into close contact with food items have the chance of transmitting pathogens that could contaminate the food and potential get several customers and/or staff members sick.
The Food Hygiene, Health and Safety Act provides food hygiene regulations for people who work in the hospitality industry it reviews the legislation which regulate hygiene, health & safety practices. The Chefs role in the safe preparation and service of food is critical and the law states that a food handler has a legal responsibility to ensure that food is maintained in a hygienic & safe manner.
Food is an essential constituent in human life. Nevertheless, some foods can be detrimental to a person’s organism by causing life-threatening diseases. For that reason, food safety comes into play. Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling,
Hygiene and sanitation: The kitchen should have proper ventilation, lighting, safe flooring, proper drainage system etc.
There is no doubt that healthy food is one of the basis of healthy life. But how to recognize what food is healthy and what is dangerous?American grocery stores are full of nice looking fruits and vegetables. Meat, fish, dairy, and pastry products also look very attractive. But are they safe? What do we actually eat? These questions are very important. In last decades wesee cancer epidemics in the U.S. Also, masses of people suffer from asthma and allergy here. What is the reason for these terrible diseases? One of the potential reasons is using genetically modified (GM) food that is a hazard for the human health. First of all, GM products may cause toxic effects. Second, these novel foods create new allergenic risks. And third, genetically engineered (GE) food is a potent cancer tumor promoter. By the beginning of 2010, a full menu of GM foods and crops have made their way into kitchens and shopping carts nationwide. Analysts estimate that about 60-75 percent of foods commonly found on supermarket shelves or at our favorite restaurant would “test positive” for these genetically engineered crops. What does it mean for us, consumers? It means that we need to be knowledgeable about how dangerous GM foods might be. GE products clearly have the potential to be toxic and a threat to our health. For example, in 1989 a GE brand of L-tryptophan, a common over-the-counter nutritional