1.Explain what the phrase “taking ownership of your learning” means to you?
Taking ownership of your learning means to take responsibility for your own education. You are responsible for ensuring that you understand the information, and you are responsible for clarifying anything you do not understand. It also means that you have to take initiative to study the topic on your own
2.Explain how you set personal educational goals and monitor your own progress.
The way I set my own personal goals is by formulating them in my mind and then writing them down on paper.I then breakdown those goals into smaller goals. For example, if I wanted to learn about Biology, I would write the words "Learn Biology". Next I would write what form of biology, whether it is micro-biology or another form. I then would detail
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The instructor is, most likely, an expert in their field. To ignore this fact would be a grave error on my part. However, the instructor is not my only source of information on the topic. With access to the web, I can now get information on any subject within minutes. To not utilize this tool would be another error on my part. So, I do view the instructor as an expert and I just a novice, however I also see myself as responsible on furthering my own understanding on the subject.
6. Do you see a value in collaborative learning, pursuing knowledge through peer engagement and feedback? Do you see a difference in how deeply you explore a topic when you are alone vs. when you're working in a group?
I do see value in collaborative learning. When I work with a group, I am more likely to research both sides of the topic, and find new information on the then when I work by myself. However, I find the quality of the work I produce in a group setting to vary. I think collaborative learning can be beneficial to a student, so long as there is a instrucor or leader, and a student has the ability to learn on their own as
Setting goals are the most important thing you can do in your life. Without goals you are going to have no direction, no ambition to be successful, no drive to stay in school, and you would have trouble finding a career that will provide for you. When planning for success you must make good choices on the path you are going to choose. The wrong path will put you somewhere that is going to take you off track of your goals. For example, it can lead you to get lazy, partying too much and skipping school. You must stay on top of schoolwork and not fall behind. Now that you understand what a goal is, you might be wondering what the different types of goals
When setting goals, you need to prepare the steps you’re going to take. You should start by setting SMART goals. According to an article on Mind Tools written by the mind tools content team titled Golden rules of goal setting SMART goals means “Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound.” Remembering this is a great way to manage your goals. O In addition, setting goals is essential so that you have something to look forward to and keep you occupied. Having goals makes you think about ways you want to get to them and that gives you a bit of motivation. According to an article on Personal Excellence written by Celestine Chua titled 7 Important Reasons Why You Should Set Goals it states, “As Bill Copeland says, when you don’t set goals, you can spend your whole life running up and down and not achieve anything.” Not setting goals can leave you clueless and you can be stuck not
I had the opportunity to observe in a collaborative classroom during field observations for my EDUC 1301 class two years ago. In that school teachers usually worked collaborate to do lesson planning and instruction. For example, in the second grade that observed in, one teacher taught science and math and the other teacher taught language arts and social studies. I feel that collaborating with others can help teachers come up with more creative lessons for student and new strategies to teach the material. Also, dividing up the work, allows teachers to focus more on the subjects they are teaching and actually have more time to plan the lesson. On the other hand, I personally will dislike being in a collaboratively taught class if my partner
The strategy I use for setting and achieving goals is simple. First, I identify the goal that I want to achieve. Then, break it down into smaller long-term and short term targets that I must reach to ultimately attain my main goal. Lastly, I simply start working on the goal I set out to achieve. Pursuing this further, the SMART goal method will help me become more successful in all areas related to the SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Attainable/ Achievable, Realistic/ Relevant, Time bound). I will be specific, more detailed, which odds are that I will be successful. Being measurable will be beneficial to my success at measuring progress toward attaining a goal or anything else in life. Attainable will help me become successful at
My educational goals were to get a certificate in Health Information Technology as a certified coder. But I change my mind and decided to get my associates degree because it provides me with more opportunities in the field. I can choose many different careers such as health information analyst, insurance claims analyst, records technician specialist, etc. With this degree I can improve my family financial situation and be an example to my children that if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything.
Do you see a value in collaborative learning, pursuing knowledge through peer engagement and feedback? Do you see a difference in how deeply you explore a topic when you are alone vs. when you're working in a group?
A goal is defined according to Wong are “well-defined plans of actions aimed at achieving specific outcomes or results” (102). Goals are a good way to set out plans to complete long term or short term. Also goals can give you motivation to accomplish an outcome. For example, you could write a goal on a piece of paper put it on your wall to remind you what you are working for. From my experiences, I put a sticky note on my mirror or write down a goal in my planner on what to accomplish for that week whether it is personally, academically, or Athletically. Also according to Wong some strategies to achieve goals includes “using positive self-talk, using the ABC method, monitoring your process, and keeping your goals in the forefront” (111). Not only setting and trying to achieve your goals can be easy but motivation can be hard to be and stay motivated to achieve those
Out of the three goals, (Personal, educational, and professional) I chose two of the goals that I am focusing on and that is my personal and educational goals. For my personal goals, I want to create a big picture of what I plan to do in life. Then I want to break them down in order to reach my goals, then once I have them together, then I would start working on them to achieve them. For example(Specific and Measurable goals), I plan on finding a job that has great benefits and the best rate of pay, and one that does not require working on weekends(Monday-Friday only), and not working overtime.
Live life to the fullest and accomplish your goals while you still have the chance and take every opportunity you get. These opportunities come once in a lifetime and if you take them now you won’t regret it later. My educational goals for 2016-17 is to prepare for high school graduation with good grades and to look forward to applying to culinary schools as well as accomplishing my personal goal which is to become a better diver.
I am pursuing college education because I know it is the way to have a comfortable life in the future. I learned, in the world we live in today we need education. I am grateful to have fee waiver and I will not take it for granted because without it I don’t think I’ll be able to pay my tuition by myself. But if necessary I would work full time and be a part time student just to be able to achieve education.
The biggest event of my life that has influenced my decision to go back to school is the promise I made to my mother before she passed away. I promised her that I would go back to school and obtain my degree in accounting. I had always wanted to be able to provide my children with a life without the worries that I had to face.
Personal goals setting allow students to decide what they want to achieve, and then step-by-step move towards the achievement of these goals (University of Hull, 2016). Furthermore, achieving these goals provide student the confidence to strive for higher and more difficult goals in long-term (University of New Hampshire, 2016).
I used to believe that I did not perform very well in groups. I am an observer who likes to learn alone. I thought I learned best when I worked on my own. Even though I always knew group work had many positive values, I was more comfortable with the lecture-based approach and resisted group work merely because it involved change, not because it had a collaborative learning approach. However, during the learning community project, I came to realize that I learn more effectively when I work in groups. Working in a group was like an adventure for me; there were both exciting and challenging times while preparing for the learning community project.
My vision of collaborative learning is a learning strategy that affords the students enormous opportunities and advantages not available through traditional learning processes. I believe that students in a collaborative team tend to attain
Everyone should have personal goals that evolve around anything that needs to be accomplished. I set goals on a daily basis. One goal that I seem to have not truly focused on has been my college education. Considering all things, I decided I needed to focus on my college education. The first thing I needed to accomplish was to enroll in an institution for higher learning. Now that my enrollment is complete, I am an official student at the University enrolled in the undergraduate program for business management. As a student at the university, I now have to set personal goals so that I will be successful in my endeavors. My personal goals are to gain personal growth and development and graduate from my undergraduate program in business