
Explain How You Set Personal Educational Goals And Monitor Your Own Progress

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1.Explain what the phrase “taking ownership of your learning” means to you?

Taking ownership of your learning means to take responsibility for your own education. You are responsible for ensuring that you understand the information, and you are responsible for clarifying anything you do not understand. It also means that you have to take initiative to study the topic on your own

2.Explain how you set personal educational goals and monitor your own progress.

The way I set my own personal goals is by formulating them in my mind and then writing them down on paper.I then breakdown those goals into smaller goals. For example, if I wanted to learn about Biology, I would write the words "Learn Biology". Next I would write what form of biology, whether it is micro-biology or another form. I then would detail …show more content…

The instructor is, most likely, an expert in their field. To ignore this fact would be a grave error on my part. However, the instructor is not my only source of information on the topic. With access to the web, I can now get information on any subject within minutes. To not utilize this tool would be another error on my part. So, I do view the instructor as an expert and I just a novice, however I also see myself as responsible on furthering my own understanding on the subject.

6. Do you see a value in collaborative learning, pursuing knowledge through peer engagement and feedback? Do you see a difference in how deeply you explore a topic when you are alone vs. when you're working in a group?

I do see value in collaborative learning. When I work with a group, I am more likely to research both sides of the topic, and find new information on the then when I work by myself. However, I find the quality of the work I produce in a group setting to vary. I think collaborative learning can be beneficial to a student, so long as there is a instrucor or leader, and a student has the ability to learn on their own as

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