
Explain Howard Becker's Labeling Theory

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1. (Ch. 6) Howard Becker’s labeling theory argues that no act is deviant until a society labels it as deviant. Explain why Becker believes that labeling can have long-lasting effects on the individual who is labeled a deviant. 5pts. In my opinion, there is no act should be seem as deviant because every thing we did was depend on our nature reaction of things; however, according to the “looking-glass self” theory, how we see ourselves does not come from who we truly are, but from how we believe others see us. Therefore, we are very easy to be effected by others opinion, or even judgment. Once we got the label of “deviant”, we will be self-doubt and ask ourselves, “Am I really a deviant?” Some people identify with this label and continue to do more deviant thing to intensify this label. Some people don’t agree with label and try to separate with this label. In my opinion, people who identify with the deviant label will be isolated by this society, because people believe they are very deviant; however, for the people who disagree with this label, they will lost their actual self and follow like sheep. Therefore, it is easy to see that labeling can have a long-lasting effect on the individual who is labeled a deviant. …show more content…

(Ch. 6) Structural functionalists like Emile Durkheim believe that every aspect of a social structure does something to help maintain the stability of society. According to Durkheim, what are some of the “functions” of deviance within a society?

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