Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people 48h tempban. If I have a video I will post it in staff chat to get other input for a possible perm ban. Adevertising- If someone says any type of IP in chat it will result in a PERMBAN and then I will quickly /cc to clear chat. ADV/BOTS- Bots spamming IPs in chat. I would /ch to hault chat then ban the bots, afterwards I would /cc to clear chat then un hault chat. Outside Game Threats - Outside Game Threats This can result into being muted/kicked depending on the seriousness of the situation. Staff Disrespect - Staff disrespect can result into a mute and the length time of the mute will depend on what the player has said to the staff member. Spam- If they are spamming
Hacked Client: If Someone is hacking/ Useing a Blacklisten Mod and u ar Caught with it u wil be Temperarly banned for Hacked client Holding bane with ./Tempban [IGN][Time][Reason] and then we wil have a debate if the votes ar a in it wil be a unban or a Perm Ban from the server
Also in other server i i checked out people don't ban\mute there friend if there braking a rule, so I'm not doe's people even if there my friend i'll still ban\mute then for the better of the server. Also i'm not gonna give a none staff member Opped, and if they keep spamming me then it will be a
4. Tell them to type .help and -help in chat to see if they are using a client.
The simple commands. For example...SS:/SS is a command that allows you to freeze a player by typing /SS. It's very helpful because it notifies the player to join TeamSpeak. And most importantly, so the player doesn't go hacking around with his/hers Hacked Client:/V is a command that allows you to go vanish. /V is very helpful because the player you’re targeting doesn't know that you’re watching them. Like X-ray, If a Staff Member isn't in /V when their watching an XRayer. The XRayer will just log off. Mute:/Mute is a command that allows you to mute someone for the amount of time. What it basically does is not let a person type in chat for the amount of time he/she is muted for. There’s also TempMute which allows you to temporarily mute someone. For example, /Tempmute (Player) (How Long) (Reason) TempBan:/TempBan is a command that allows you to temporarily Ban a player for whatever reason. For example, /Tempban (Player) (How long) (Reason) Ban:/Ban is a command that allows you to permanently Ban a player for whatever reason. For example, /Ban (Player) (Reason) as well as /Banip (Player) (Reason) Once you deserve to be promoted, you will get more perms. I can also bring all the support I will give towards ]Faithful and my dedication. I've been playing Faithful since 3-4 months. I see so many cheaters in the morning around 4:00 AM taking advantage because staff aren't on. Since I'm active, they can’t take advantage anymore. I see many cheaters on HCF as well, I try reporting them and coming in TeamSpeak but they just log off. I can bring my activeness by coming on in the morning and cleaning out the cheaters as well as the toxic people in chat, making racist comments. I love the Faithfulstaff team that's why I want
Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people If someone spams in chat I would give a warning and if they don't stop a 5-15 minute tempmute depending on how much they were spamming
Definition: if someone is trying to flood chat by doing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 that is classed as chat
Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people Explain in Some Cases where you would Temp-Ban/Ban People:
Never on Havoc, if I'm correct. I don't think I've ever received a warning. On other servers, yes. I've been muted for saying things I shouldn't have. That was a long time ago, though.
I can proudly say that I haven't been banned or kicked. I honestly don't think I have ever been muted, but I can't remember. The website where you search yourself to check did not work for me. I do not think I have done anything to result in a mute, though.
Spamming chat is when someone is rapidly and repeatedly typing the same thing a bunch of times and posting it in chat. When they get to the point where they are displaying the same exact message or a message quite like their last 3 or more times in 10-15 seconds, then it is considered spamming chat. In this situation, a Helper has all the commands to punish the player fully. When I first see that they meet the standards of 3 times per 15 seconds, then I would run the command: “/warn (IGN) Chat Spam”. After the player receives their warn, if the blatantly ignore it, and they continue to send similar messages 3 times per 15 seconds, then I will temporarily mute the player for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on what they are spamming and how fast they are spamming by running the command: “/mute (IGN) 5m(-15m) Chat Spam”.
Advertising; advertising consists of direct advertising and indirect advertising both of these are bannable without warning. If I was a helper and a player was advertising a server with a number IP or posting somebody's IP in chat I would permanently mute that player and tell a higher member of staff with a screenshot/picture of the spamming. (perm mute name (advertising )
If a person were advertising for another server, that would result in a perm ban. If someone were Mute evading, that would result in a temp ban. If someone were purchase trolling, that would result in a ban from the store. If someone were leaking personal info, that would result in a temp ban (if continued would result in a perm ban). If someone were Staff impersonating, that would result in a perm ban if continued. If someone were being excessively racist, that would result in a temp ban after being temp muted.
Any IP's not related to OPCraft will result into a permanent ban (Helpers Temp-mute/get proof)
Punishment: I would first temp-mute the player for 15 minutes, if it is continued afterwards I would inform a manager.
Suspicious Links/ IP-Loggers - If a player is caught posting a suspicious link /IP-logger in chat the player will be permanently muted for Suspicious links or IP -Loggers.