Wellness is considered to be more than just physical health, and includes social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual and physical wellness. These are called the Seven Dimensions of Wellness and all act together to give us a healthy life. The two leading causes of deaths in America is cardiovascular disease and cancer. These Seven Dimensions can affect your cardiovascular system through stress, unhealthy eating, and your relationships with others. They can also cause cancer through decisions you make such as using tanning beds, smoking, and unhealthy eating. If teens saw the ways these Seven Dimensions of Wellness can effect your way of living and future self they might be more cautious with what they do in their
According to the text, "Wellness has been defined as purposeful, enjoyable living or, more specifically, a deliberate lifestyle choice characterized by personal responsibility and optimal enhancement of physical, mental and spiritual health.
For a fulfilling, healthy balanced life Kevin M Norris confirms in his article “Finding Balance: 6 Dimensions of Wellness” that following the six dimensions could lead to improvement in unhealthy lifestyles. Norris expresses that when you evolve the six dimensions of wellness it could be used as a model or a guide. Norris begins to list off the 6 dimensions which are physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, environmental and social. When Norris begins to explain of each dimensions balance each other he states, “Each dimension forms a piece of a lifestyle pie; without one piece, there is a void, a missing link that imbalances the remainder of the dimensions’. In order to take control or to achieve a goal to become healthy and maintain
It has one focus; the actual person (biological process), rather than the social and emotional process of the individual. The aim of it is to identify people who are at risk from a disease. It focuses on the treatment rather than the prevention. Wellness model has been defined more as the action an individual takes to meet the above definition of health that incorporates the power of choice, meaning an individual has the ability to take action towards optimal health. Wellness model generally refers to promoting good health and reducing risk of disease with a holistic approach which takes into account many factors including physical, mental, social, and spiritual issues.
Physical Wellness- Physical Wellness encourages us to take care of our bodies by doing physical activity, eating well, and keep balance of metal health. The more you take care of yourself and the more you exercise, the more your physical wellness goes up.
Wellness is the degree of how functional someone’s life is. There are eight dimensions of wellness, which include: physical, social, occupational, spiritual, environmental, financial, emotional, and intellectual. An older adult might find himself or
Most often than not health is used synonymously with wellness. It can be assumed that when a person is healthy then they are well. Thus, wellness and healthy can be used interchangeably. The UC Davis Student health and counseling services explains that wellness has eight dimensions: “occupational, emotional, spiritual, environmental, financial, physical, social, and intellectual. Each dimension of wellness is interrelated with another and they are all equally vital in the pursuit of optimum health”. Health’s the body’s ability to adapt to a variety of stresses or challenges maintaining a state of equilibrium that is physical, mental, and emotional. Based on the following information it can be easily reasoned that health should be considered a basic human right. Difficulty accessing healthy food based off of geographic location, denied access to healthcare treatments based off of individuals economic capacity, and denied access to health care based off of where a person is born should not happen. Health does not consist of one concept but rather a combination of comprehensive subjects that form the cycle of everyday life.
The Six Dimensions of Health are physical, social, mental, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental. All the dimensions work together. If you are struggling in one dimension it may cause you to struggle in others. There are ways you can help keep your dimensions healthy. Practicing theses dimensions can help you keep healthy and happy.
Wellness is something that a lot of people have different definitions for, as well as categories. Wellness is a driven approach to health encompassing healthy living. From a Christian point of view, we base our idea of what wellness is off of something called a wellness wheel. The wellness wheel is based off of what God tells us in the Bible and basically shows all of the different parts of wellness and gives us a better idea of it overall. We can categorize wellness based off this wheel as a push towards healthy living or health education.
The two principles of wellness are physical wellness and social wellness. Physical wellness means ability to recognize the benefits of physical activities and adopting healthy habits such as routine check-ups of vital signs, a balanced diet and exercise while avoiding the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive use of alcohol. (Floyd, Mimms & Yelding 2008). Second, social wellness is characterized by the ability of an individual to connect with other people in the world and become aware of their importance in the society as well as take an active part in improving our surrounding by encouraging healthier living and build a better living space in the community (Hettler, 1976).
The purpose of this paper is to explain my definition of Intellectual, emotional, social and physical wellness. Also the purpose is to set certain goals for myself so I have a standard that I can attain to.
Anspaugh, Hamrick and Rosato (2011) propose seven components of wellness. The first that they mention is environment and it appears that people are becoming more aware of their environment and how it can make an impact on their health and wellbeing. Home is considered a place where children can grow and develop successfully. However, many homes may also cause damage to physical health, mental health and lower school performance (Saltzman et al 2001).Damp and mouldy living conditions have an adverse effect on symptomatic health, particularly among children. Children who are living
Health can define in many different ways. Dr Roslyn Franklin defines health as “A multilayered social and ecological phenomenon created in the context of community life. (Dr. Franklin. R, C 2016) The dimensions of health include physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and social health. During the first week our reflections included what we believed being healthy meant. I listed enjoying being the ideal weight for my height, participating in regular exercise and eating the right foods. This is how I defined being healthy. Through our PHP, nutrition, physical activity, relationships and
There are seven dimensions of wellness: Social, Emotional, Spiritual, Environmental, Occupational, Intellectual, and Physical. Out of the seven wellnesses, only one, Occupational Wellness, was not used. Otherwise, Social Wellness was used because all the runners were connecting with each other throughout the race by taking to each other. Emotional Wellness was used because there were several people who were nervous or scared to run a long distance but after they completed their run, they felt relieved and were happy. Spiritual Wellness was used because all the runners developed a form of congruency between their values of staying fit and their actions of running the race. Environment Wellness was used because all the runners were admiring and the beautiful weather. Intellectual Wellness was used because some people opened their minds to the idea of running a 5k instead of doing their usual Saturday morning activities. Lastly, Physical Wellness was used because all the runners had the ability to finish the race without giving up to muscle fatigue. After the race, the runners ate a healthy breakfast which also contributed to Physical
There will be five dimensions explained under this topic. Which are: Financial dimension, physical dimension, intellectual dimension, emotional dimension and social dimension. Wellness is substantially more than only physical wellbeing, activity or sustenance. It is the full coordination of conditions of these five dimensions.
Health and wellness are increasingly being used. Health actually is more to a medical and describes the mental and physical state of a person. It will reflect a lack of disease of a person. In the contrary, wellness is defined as the overall process of maintaining a state of good health of a person. Wellness involves conscious decisions on the part of the individual, while health simply describes a person's condition of the body. However, the combined phrase health and wellness showed the meaning of the state of complete physical, mental, emotional health and social wellbeing, and it is when a person is absence of disease.