
Explain The Achievements Of The Federalist Era

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The Federalist Era is the period of time from about 1788 to about 1801, beginning with the ratification of the Constitution and ending with Jefferson’s inauguration as President of the United States. The Federalist Era is characterized by how the Federalist Party took over and transformed politics in the United States. The Federalist Era brought about quite a few achievements in failures. During the Federalist Era, there were a lot of achievements in the United States. First of all, the Federalist Era arguably began with the adoption of the United States Constitution. The Federalists, who later became the Federalist Party, were the supporters of ratifying the Constitution. Anti-Federalists did not support the ratification of the Constitution …show more content…

The Constitution took effect as the supreme law of the land in 1789. Second of all, Congress established the National Bank during the Federalist Era. Alexander Hamilton was President Washington’s Secretary of Treasury. As a Federalist, Hamilton believed in the loose construction of the Constitution. Loose constructionists like Hamilton believed Congress had the power to do anything not banned by the Constitution. Hamilton proposed the establishment of a national bank for issuance of currency and federal loans, protection of federal revenue, and regulation of smaller banks. Despite opposition from the Democratic-Republican Party, Congress approved Hamilton’s proposition by a narrow margin. Third of all, the Federalist Era triggered westward expansion. During the Federalist Era, the government formulated policies for settlement. In the 1790s, the United States began to expand into western territory. The government also accepted three new states to the union; Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Fourth of all, the Federalist Era encouraged the growth of a strong central government. During the Washington presidency, the influential power behind the Federalist Party was Alexander Hamilton. Alexander …show more content…

First of all, an event known as the Whiskey Rebellion occurred during the Federalist Era. In Pennsylvania, farmers used corn to produce whiskey in order to utilize more useful modes of storage and transportation. In Hamilton’s plan of tariffs and taxes, there was an excise tax on whiskey produced in the United States. The tax triggered violent protests from farmers in Pennsylvania. George Washington used executive power to put down the rebellion. In addition, the rebellion caused a deeper division between political parties. Second of all, the Federalist Era is characterized by resistance from the opposing Democratic-Republican Party. The Democratic-Republican Party began with Thomas Jefferson’s resignation from Washington’s cabinet due to decisions on Federalist policy. Jefferson especially disagreed with Alexander Hamilton’s decisions on finances. By the end of the Washington presidency, the partition between loose and strict constructionists had transformed into two political parties. The loose constructionists became the Federalist Party and the strict constructionists became the Democratic-Republican Party. In Washington’s farewell address, Washington warned the people of the United States about how political parties can cause the destruction of the government. Third of all, the Federalist Era is characterized by foreign conflicts and tension. During the Federalist Era,

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