Your lifestyle and diets matters a lot for your health! Everyone wants to spend a healthy life but it requires a balanced diet and exercise.
The worst problem occurs with people is the loss of memory with the passage of time as dementia risk increase with the age. The experts have recommended three drinks that boost the brain function and reduce risk of memory loss.
What are the problems associated with dementia?
Dementia can cause several health problems to the people including:
• Memory loss
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Changes in mood
• Difficulty performing familiar tasks
The research shows that these symptoms are common among the older people. The most common disease is Alzheimer but there are some diets that help the person to prevent the condition.
The experts
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Nothing is better than the consumption of water regularly – you can view thousands of health research and every research suggests that people should need to drink plenty of water regularly.
The hydration is good for brain function while being dehydrated will cause symptoms including memory problems, brain fatigue and problems with sleeping. The fact is that if you remain dehydrated for long period of time then your brain cells start shrinking in size and mass.
If you are not drinking plenty of water regularly then you surely risking your life for dementia and it can occurs you at any moment of life.
Turmeric Latte:
Have you ever heard about turmeric latte? It is the best drink towards lowering the risk of dementia. The turmeric has been used for curries in the mental function.
You should either change your breakfast drinks or replace them with any one of them to increase the capabilities of your cognitive functions. The only secret to live healthy life is to stay focus towards your diet and lifestyle
There are several causes of dementia some of them are; a stroke, brain disease, MS, certain medications, shrinkage of the brain, too many opiates over a long period of time and severe alcoholism
Dementia Syndrome is a condition caused by a set of symptoms. These symptoms can include but are not limited to: - memory loss, mood changes, communication difficulties, difficulty understanding or thinking.
c) Age-related cognitive impairment (or mild cognitive impairment MCI) – is when an elderly person’s memory starts to wane and they have problems recalling their short term memories, they have difficulty learning new things, their thinking process starts to become reduced and have difficulty concentrating. It is thought that MCI can develop due to alcohol abuse and cognitive decline (poor diet, chronic inflammation, vascular disease and
Because of not drinking could lead to headaches, increased confusion, constipation or urinary tract infection. Its imporatant that a person with dementia has a healthy well balanced diet. With someone in later stage dementia in is important to make sure they have the correct nutrition and by seeking advice from a dietitian can help to maintain thay person well being.
for England (QCF) and Edexcel Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for Wales and
The term ‘dementia’ describes a set of symptoms which can include loss of memory, mood changes and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by certain conditions and diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Age is the greatest risk factor for dementia. Dementia affects one in 14 people over the age of 65 and one in six over the age of 80. However, dementia is not restricted to older people: in the UK, there are over 17,000 people under the age of 65 with dementia, although this figure is likely to be an underestimate.
Dementia is a progressive process, with the symptoms and decline in function often worsening, sometimes rapidly, overtime. Although the elderly population are most frequently affected, many younger patients can also be affected. Currently, no cure, be it medical or behavioural, has been isolated, however certain treatments have proved beneficial in delaying the onset or staying off further rapid deterioration. In addition to pharmaceutical treatment modalities, other support and managerial techniques may enable n enhanced quality of life.
No one wants to lose their mind. But the reality is that the risk of dementia doubles every five years after the age of sixty-five. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this age-related loss of brain function? Are There Ways to Reduce Dementia Through Lifestyle Changes? European researchers analyzed 1,433 people over the age of 65 to determine what lifestyle factors would reduce the risk of dementia the most. After getting a complete medical history on the participants, they tested their cognitive function at intervals over a seven year period. What did they find? According to this research, the two best ways to reduce the risk of dementia is to eliminate diabetes and depression - both of which are dementia risk factors. If both of these factors were eliminated and more people were encouraged to eat fruits and vegetables, the number of new cases of dementia would drop by 21%. There 's some controversy as to whether depression actually increases the risk of dementia - or whether it 's simply an early sign of the disease. This study suggests that depression probably does increase the risk of the disease - and isn 't just a symptom. It 's not surprising that diabetes is a risk factor since it 's associated with insulin resistance. Some studies show insulin resistance increases the risk of dementia. Another way to reduce dementia risk is to encourage people to be literate and educated. This study showed that the number of new cases of dementia would drop by 18% if
Malnutrition and vascular dementia are serious conditions that do not develop overnight, therefore there are signs and symptoms to recognize this risk before it escalates. The signs of dementia including forgetfulness, confusion and difficulty with everyday tasks (McGinley,
Not many people drink enough water in one day to get water intoxicated, but others are more at a risk of not drinking enough. Even though the human body is about 60% water it would seem unlikely to die from Hyponatremia, but in rare cases it still happens. Hyponatremia has become more common for athletes with longer lasting activities like marathon runners or cycling. Where it's easier for other sports activity to just take a quick water break. When you're thirsty it's a way of your body telling you to hydrate, and how much you’ll wanna drink. Drinking large amounts of water won’t cause overhydration, it’s when your pituitary gland, kidneys, liver, and heart aren’t functionally working normally. Whereas an adults body’s with a healthy kidney function can take in six gallons of water on a regular daily
Well, according to Dr.Ananya Mandal of the News Medical, “dehydration is a condition that results when the body loses more water than it takes in. This imbalance disrupts the usual levels of salts and sugars present in the blood, which can interfere with the way the body functions”. The main reasons for dehydration are the lost of too much fluid in our body when we work and the second is by disease like diabetes. For an instance, work, diseases and prescription are also the cause for the dehydration. You just need to work a little while and you are already on the way to the dehydration. When you have diabetes, you will have high blood sugar level, urination and fluid loss will lead to it as well. Simple as that, fluid lost inside, diseases, prescription are mainly the cause for the
Dementia is characterized as a condition where the mental processes of cognition and memory start to deteriorate. It is described as a syndrome that hinders the daily lives of those who have it and is characterized by memory and thinking impairment. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease and the second most common is vascular dementia. Dementia is a syndrome occurring usually, but not limited, to people over the age of 40 and is due to brain damage caused by natural deteriorating, stroke or can be brought on by factors such as excessive drinking or drug abuse. Dementia is best cared for in its early stages and, therefore, an early diagnosis is essential. Recognizing the symptoms by both the dementia patient and the
2. Without enough water in the brain to clear toxins, the brain is more prone to diseases such as Alzheimer's
The second study the researchers conducted included 94 people ranging in age from 62 to 80. They were divided into four groups. The people in this study didn't have noted cognitive issues, but they felt their memories were diminishing. The groups were given placebo, blueberry powder, fish oil or a combination of fish oil and powder. The results weren't as profound as the first study. Researchers feel the reason for this may be because the participants had less severe memory problems when they joined the study.
C. A 2009 University of Florida Study showed that drinking 3-4 cups of caffeinated beverages such as coffee in your 40s and 50s reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's in your 70s by up to 70% (Sagon).