In this content am going to be talking and explaining the structure and function of the skeletal system. I will be talking about: Axial skeleton, Appendicular. Also highlighting the different types of bone such as long bones, short bones flat bones, irregular bones and sesamoid bones. I am also going to be talking about how your body is
Axial skeleton
The axial skeleton is part of the skeleton that has bones from the head and the trunk which are found in the vertebrate, it forms the main axis or core of your skeletal system. It has 80 bones and is split into eight parts; the skull bones, the ossicles of the middle ear, the hyoid bone, the rib cage, sternum and the vertebral column. Ity kepps the heart and the lungs safe from any damge that the body might experience. It is also the portion of
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With out the support we wouldn’t be able to function in the right way. The skeletal system is very important because of the bones that are found in our body, nearly all bones hold our vital organs in place whilst you are moving.
Protection- The cranium and the ribs are both very important for protection. Cranium protects your brain form any impact or any wrong movements that the body might experience. The ribs are just as important because they protect the heart and your lungs, they stop anything that will try and damage the lungs the lung a very important because if they are not working right the heart will not function properly. The heart is protected by the ribs in order for it to function without it being in risk of any damage from the outside.
Blood cell production – Red blood cells and white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow of the bones, this is because it protects the body form any infection that might start. Red blood cells deliver oxygen into the body tissues this happens by blood flow from the heart through the circulatory
The skeletal system works as the frame of the body and it is made up of two hundred and six various bones. The Sections used in the movements of the skeletal system are; the bones, Joints, ligaments and tendons. This system is also divided into two sections known as the Axial and Appendicular skeleton.
The skeletal system has 6 main functions and makes up 18% of the overall weight of the human body. (Tortora and Derrickson, 2011)
The musculoskeletal system provides support for the body as it provides protection, protecting the body from any possible damage. The limbs of the body, e.g. arms, legs, hips and shoulders help support and keep the body held up. Many other bones support different parts of the body such as the rib cage supports and protects all the organs which are located inside the rib cage, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys and others. The shape of the skeleton allows us to cope with
2. The Skeletal and Muscular systems - The skeletal system’s goal is to give the body posture. However, the muscular system connects to the bone and helps move the arm. For example, Biceps and triceps connect to the shoulder and the radius and ulna to lift and lower your arm. In order for proper function, your body must only contract either the biceps or triceps at once. Additionally, the biceps and triceps would lie limp without the support from the bone. This is because the muscle can only constrict and relax. For this reason, they can’t move any limb without bones.
The musculoskeletal system is a made up of the muscular system and the skeletal system. The skeletal system provides the internal framework for the body, it protects the organs by enclosing it and anchors skeletal muscles so that the muscles can contract thus causing movement. The skeleton is divided into two divisions: the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton (Taylor & Cohen, 2013, p. 94). The Axial skeleton are the bones that have formed the longitudinal axis of the body which is made up of the skull, the vertebral column and the thoracic cage (Taylor & Cohen, 2013, p. 98). The Appendicular skeleton are the bones of limbs and griddles that are attached to the axial skeleton (Taylor & Cohen, 2013, p. 103).
Unit 1 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport Examples Axial or appendicular skeleton 5 functions of the human skeleton The human skeleton is very important for many things regarding health and survival. It can be devided into two parts, the axial skeleton that provides a framework for the skeleton, it is the central core of the human body. The total bones that make up the axial skeleton totals at 80 which conisist of the skull, inner ear, the vertebral column, throat, rb cage, and the sternum all fused allowing no movement to occor. The appendicalur skeleton is often referred to as the ‘outer skeleton’, it holds and supports the limbs of the human body with tendons and cartilage it includes 126 bones xonsisting of the shoulder girdle, pelvic gurdle, legs arms, feer and hands.
2. What does each structure contribute to the functioning of the whole skeletal system and the whole body?
Skeletal bone is a dynamic tissue structure that constantly undergoes changes and remodeling throughout someone’s lifespan. Skeletal bones is a mechanical support for locomotion and protecting the organs. Muscle tendons and ligaments insert onto the bone. It is only present in vertebrates.
Protection- the skeleton provides the protection for the vital organs in the body. For example, the rib cage protects the heart and lungs. Another example would be the cranium; it protects the one of the most import vital organs in the body, the brain.
Skeleton- the bone framework upon which the rest of the body is built it provides attachments for the muscular system and carries and protects the cardiovascular reparatory systems
The appendicular skeleton consists of 126 bones containing the appendage bones, the pectoral and pelvic girdles. It is responsible for the ability of movements and the protection of the major organs in the human body.
1. Define appositional bone growth. Formation of new bone on the surface of older bone or cartilage
Bone serves the organism at multiple levels: As a system, bones permit the organism to locomote effectively and to maintain posture by bearing loads without deformation, by providing rigid attachment sites for muscles and acting as a system of levers to amplify small movements. As an organ, bones protect the viscera and house the hemopoietic tissue (red marrow). As a tissue, bones serve as a reservoir of readily mobilizable calcium, an
The skeletal system is a flawless adaption for its functions of body protection and movement. Our bones form a tower of skeleton arrangement designed to keep humans standing upright and balanced. The skeleton is partitioned into the axial skeleton, which encompasses the “bones of the skull, the vertebral column, and the thoracic cage” (E.N. Marieb 2015). The second partitioning of the skeleton is the appendicular skeleton (E.N. Marieb 2015), which include the bones of the limbs and the bones responsible for holding the limbs to the axial skeleton. The bones in the skeletal system are essential for the shape, support, protection of soft body organs, movement, storage of fat, and minerals, production of hormones and blood. To
Bones of the human body can be classified into two sections. The axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.