What does my language say about me?
I’ve never, in actual fact, sat down & thought to myself “Does the language I speak influence the way I think?” Growing up, I picked up innumerable different languages that weren’t very much helpful being the person I am in the moment. The language I speak most of the time is unsatisfactory, weak, and needs improvement. I often find myself becoming aggressive throughout the conversation with hopes of getting my point across, however, the only thing it does is make others look at me differently. I came to realize I have to be aware of weak language and eliminate and/or replace the words that have a negative impact on my professional image and reputation. Simple replacements can make a difference in how one’s message is perceived. I know by simply removing weak words from my daily vocabulary I could instantly change my language from weak to strong with little effort. Nevertheless, one day the language I speak may become very profound.
I admire individuals with knowledge, whom I can learn from and strengthen my own vocabulary. I interact with people as much as possible and tend to work hard to
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Therefore, learning new language changes the way an individual think because when you speak different one individual does indeed think differently. I, myself, have become slightly faster at memorizing information and associating other thing as well. In addition, reading play a fair part in being economically successful. It allows one to build up their vocabulary, become more informed, and learn things about the world around them. I remember I used to love reading books all the time until I grew older. Unfortunately, when I stopped educating myself, in a sense, I realized it took me much longer to complete and finish reading assignments. My grade went down which I wasn’t so pleased about; I felt less of person knowing my score wasn’t as good as the next
Having the ability to speak more than one language influences one’ life deeply. Speaking two or more languages can affect someone from being infants to old age. Bhattacharjee continues with, “The bilingual experience appears to influence the brain from infancy to old age (and there
I consider myself a dedicated and goal-oriented person. Also, I am avid to learn new things and perfect my English.
It is fairly evident that to succeed in any society, one must be able to communicate clearly and eloquently. It’s like the musician that transmits that certain vibe when you hear him/her. This musician has practiced and studied music so as to master it and perform to the best of his/her ability. If we want to communicate to our best, we must also strive to perfect and master our language skills. But we are not going to do it in a tongue that the “public” is not familiar with, you will be driving the wrong way on a very fast one way highway, and find yourself in an accident of a sort.
To begin, I am going to summarize the video of “Does learning languages make kids smarter?” of the program “Your voice” which you can find it in the following page multilingualliving.com.
My friends and colleagues would describe me as charismatic, nurturing, and with a strong desire to learn, all
The Impact of Degrading Language “Words are the central tool of education. Whether written or spoken, words can elucidate, inform, and inspire. But they can also scare, humiliate, and disempower” (Wessler). Language is crucial within human lives. It has multiple uses such as eliminating confusion, exchanging information and communicating instructions.
Although there is no official language in the United States, the English language is the most widely spoken. Language helps to shape our identities, define and limit our expectations of the world around us and who we are. You might ask yourself, how does our language shape our identities and influence our perceptions of the world? Through language, we are able to make meaning, understand, and define ourselves. We are able to communicate what we feel, our ideas, our hopes, and our dreams with others who can respond to our feelings and thoughts. However, our choice of words cannot always capture what we are feeling to the full extent.
Language plays a significant role in defining who we are. It is a method of communication in a structured and conventional way. “Language reinforces feelings of social superiority or inferiority; it creates insiders and outsiders” (p. 242) states Robert MacNeil (2012) in his article “English Belongs to Everybody”.
Kids that learn a second language at an earlier age tend to have the ability to multitask with ease. In a video called The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli, she explains how although being bilingual would not make you smarter it does keep your brain healthy and more active and
There are approximately 6,500 different languages in the world, and knowing more than one may help a lot more than just communicating with others or getting a better job. Whether a person is bilingual, multilingual, or even a polyglot learning languages can have massive impacts on a person’s brain. People are always looking for ways to be smarter, have more focus, and perform better on tests. Languages might be the answer. Scientists have found that learning languages can offset Alzheimer’s and dementia, increase brain size and connectivity, and improve overall brain function.
Language is an integral part of human existence. It is not only a crucial tool in which we use to convey meaning to others, but also a cultural construct passed down from previous generations that helps to define who we are and how we relate to others. Ultimately language defines our relationships with others, the way we use language is shaped by our own socio- cultural background and also that of whoever we may be communicating with. Self awareness of how our own use of language has been shaped by our background and an understanding of what shapes others use of language leads to better communication, understanding and empathy.
In my opinion, I feel that reading does make us better people because the more you read the more you gain knowledge.
When learning Spanish, it is interesting to think of it as the new English. Learning languages increases intellect. Spanish has many similarities with English in terms of the vocabulary. These open up ones ideas and thinking to diversify a learner intellectually. It is a fact that learning a language like Spanish leaves one sharper than anyone who just speaks, reads and writes English. Most children are advised to learn as many languages as they can. Why is this? Foreign languages like Spanish broaden the mind and this is another reason why learning it is
What Can Multilingualism Effect to Humans Cognitively? The definition of being multilingual, also known as multilingualism, is that one can use and understand multiple languages, but usually not have to be equally well. A multilingual speaker could be able to speak two or more languages fluently, excluding the mother tongue. Usually, there is more multilingual speakers than monolingual speakers in the world, and those who can speak several languages are called polyglots. The idea of multilingualism is spread by globalization and the use of the internet, as in many countries the population of multilingual speakers is skyrocketing since in many multicultural areas people speak different languages in different fields, such as an official language for business and school, a local lingua franca, and a mother tongue they speak grow up with. Because of this fact, people can be easily exposed in a multilingual environment, and that is becoming a global phenomenon nowadays. The population of multilingual speakers are increasing each year, as we know being multilingual is good and beneficial to individuals in the work field and is easy and convenient to access variety of knowledge and different perspectives from multiple cultures. However, is it really purely beneficial to us or is there any drawbacks of multilingualism? In the following paragraphs the pros and cons of multilingualism
From my readings to research from Edutopia to literature courses, I have gained a deeper appreciation for language. In order to understand what one is speaking, a person needs to spend time listening to one’s language and before responding must reflect and analyze what the other said and how to respond. If a person wants to love another person they have to listen to their language in order to speak their language, and the core part of learning another language is by listening. According to Joan Blaska, author of The Power of Language: Speak and Write Using “Person First” the language people use shows one’s bias and prejudices. Beliefs and another’s performance fall under the influence of language. Blaska claimed “ the degree to which children are able to perceive themselves as competent and worthy, or the opposite, is heavily influenced by the verbalizations used by their teachers...Studies have found that labeling of students does affect teacher expectations which in turn affects student progress”. People have heavy influence with their words, because of this, our language must be intentional in a way, that breaks down negative stereotypes and helps one gain empathy as well as seeing others capabilities. Communicating and reading others comments and inquiring others has helped me to accept