1. What type of services does your organization provide to the community? Probe: Out of the services that you provide which ones are the most popular? There are two aspects of their services the social services or social ministry as they like to call it and the Core program. The Salvation Army provides a soup kitchen four days a week. Monthly they serve about 2,500 people. They serve about 177 people in an hour. They have a food pantry, which provides food for families that have a resident but many not have enough money to buy food. They provide emergency clothes, and food stipends other than the pantry. They do coat drives to provide coats. They have emergency counseling and referrals. They have an ARC detox program. The core program has bible studies for youth because they are a church. They also provide activities for children and teens ages 6 and up. They have drama, arts, and music classes once a week for free. They have troops which is similar to Girls and Boys scouts. Theirs is based of service and god. Girls are taught painting and sewing. The younger children are taught how to serve others, and being well mannered. The boys are taught fishing. A way to keep the children out of the streets and safe. They have church services on Sundays after Sunday school. There most popular service is the food services because of requests and people coming in with needs of food that is their most popular service 2. …show more content…
What are the populations in the community where you are located and does your organization serve people from these groups? The populations in the community vary because of its location. The population the organization serves also varies because of the soup kitchen. People come from all over for services. Asians and Spanish were two groups that where mentioned. I was told once a friend knows about their services they tell their friends and that how the serving grows. I was told the Asian population has grown because one location in Chinatown was
A semi-detailed business overview of the non-profit organization known as the YMCA or Young Men’s Christian Association is discussed. A brief history of the origins of the company is detailed along with the definition or explanation of the company’s mission statement. The organization’s basic legal, social, and economic environment is described. Likewise the YMCA’s management structure, operational issues, as well as financial issues are discussed. Lastly, the possible impact that potential change factors, which includes the role of technology, can present to the YMCA business organization are discussed.
The Salvation Army is the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country. The Salvation Army Thrift Stores raise money for its rehabilitation programs by selling donated used items such as clothing, housewares, furniture and toys at a cheaper price for those in need.
Describe the community, including demographics and aspects of diversity such as age, race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, cultural, religion and sexual orientation.
Identify the types of diversity that exist within your local community, looking at the range of differences in relation to the following:
2) When you think about working professionally with members of this group, are there traits, characteristics, or other issues about the group that you would be curious about, concerned about, or intimidated by? Why would understanding diversity issues be important to you as a human services worker? I would think that Native Americans would be harder to work with because they may not agree with everything the worker is trying to do. They may feel weak to ask for help. They have many beliefs that may come in the way of receiving help, such as using certain medicines or getting government help. It would be important to understand this group so that the service worker does not offend the client and can help them using their knowledge of their culture.
the united states, the salvation army served as being one of the greatest nonprofit organizations to aid in food, clothing, and shelter for those who were in need throughout all of America. “Today, the Salvation Army still operates in more than 75 countries around the globe. Including more added hospitals, donation centers, disaster services, rehabilitation centers, community centers, and thousands of voluntary contributions centers not only in America but throughout the world” (History.com, 2012). The Salvation Army prides in providing millions of families that are less fortunate with essentials that everyday middle class families take for granted. In addition, this action allows middle class people within their own community to open their hearts and give what they can, be little or nothing; would create a gigantic difference to those who are less fortunate. Throughout the centuries, the Salvation Army continues to a successful organization because they have the ability to provide a helping hand to everyone that is in need. The Salvation Army creates a gateway to wholehearted people who desire to help others less fortunate. The
Salvation Army is about helping people and the donating and using the SMART principle as a goal would be to spread the word to those in need, and give as much as dedication to a good cause with the gain of more helpers to improve support and will
Here is the Salvation Army local mission statement “the Salvation Army, part of the universal Christian church, fosters an environment that improves self-sufficiency,
Organizations in the community can have many purposes. For example, in my community of New York there is a museum called the Hispanic Society of America. This museum shows Hispanic culture through artwork. The mission of the Hispanic Society of America is to represent the life of every Hispanic person, no matter the difference, to share the Hispanic culture with anyone who visits, and to provide free educational programs to the community.
It is important to have this type of organization within the community because it is a great source of support for the community at large. Amongst other services provided by Rescue Mission, they also provide breakfast, lunch and dinner for the less privileged and homeless people. Clothing, shelter,
We serve people experiencing the effects of or are at risk for mental illness, intellectual disability, substance abuse and children with developmental delay. Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services promotes dignity, recovery and self-sufficiency in the lives of the people we serve. We help our community embrace people with mental disabilities.
To protect service users from harm and danger. to promote service users right to access public facilities. To promote service user’s independency and provide opportunity for service users to make their choice and report and document. all service user’s activities including concerning repairs and maintained of the premises to the line
The community organization project our research team chose was LRADAC. The process of researching background information about the organization went well. Each team member contributed to finding background information about LRADAC. Our project manager, Allison Atkins, met with our research team at the beginning of the semester. We all chose Courtney to be the liaison between Ms. Atkins and the group. Ms.Atkins stated, she had high expectations for the group and she was willing to meet with us during the project. Initially there were not distinct roles for each group member. Everyone’s role became more defined when it was time to write the group papers. We all met as a group to choose the part of the paper we wanted to write. However, if a person was not in class when the parts were chosen they were assigned the remaining parts. The responsibilities of each research team member was not explicitly stated. I had high expectations for my group. Since we were in a masters level program, I expected everyone’s part of our paper to be turned in at the time we agreed and a great representation of masters level writing. Whenever there was not a person holding up their portion of the paper I did reach out to them, through text messaging, email and groupme to first make sure they were ok and secondly make sure they were going to do their part of the paper. During this community organization project, I felt as though I babysat more often
I was raised with the fundamental notion of service to mankind, I have always been interested in society’s injustices and problems, and being a catalyst for change. This has brought me to applying to the University of Central Florida’s Master of Nonprofit Management program within the School of Public Administration. I am currently a practitioner in Social Work and serve as the Director of Social Services at the Orlando Area Command of The Salvation Army. I have received my bachelors and master’s degree in Social Work from Barry University in Miami, FL.
I hope you are doing well. As one of the members of the youth, I would like to address a concern of mine involving the youth group. Our church's mission statement is experience, equip, and severe. As a whole, I feel that the youth group is lacking in the area of service. Not only is community service important to our church, I also believe it is crucial to have our youth involved in community outreach to promote emotional and spiritual growth. I believe our youth should participate in more community outreach because it will counter selfish tendencies, allow the youth to feel helpful, and promote our church’s presence in our community.