Why are some people more successful than others You are where you are and what you are because of yourself. Everything you are today, or ever will be in the future, is up to you. Your life today is the sum total result of your choices, decisions and actions up to this point. You can create your own future by changing your behaviors. You can make new choices and decisions that are more consistent with the person you want to be and the things you want to accomplish with your life.” You can take complete control of your destiny by taking complete control of your thoughts, words and actions from this day forward. 1. Habits “Habit is practice long pursued, that at last becomes the man himself.” 95% of everything that you think, feel, do and achieve is the result of …show more content…
85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage, and in each area, of your life • Do what you love-The third goal that we all have in common is to do work that we enjoy, to do it well, and to be well paid for it. • Achieve Financial Independence-The fourth goal we all have in common is to achieve financial independence. You want to be completely free of financial worries. So the question is how do I develop successful habits in my life? The first step is develop your character. Develop your character so you become an excellent person in every respect. You want to become the kind of person that others look up to and admire. You want to become a leader in your community, and a role model for personal excellence to all the people around you. Develop your character/habits so you may be able to think more effectively, make better decisions, and take more effective actions than other people. You cannot develop your character if you don’t work on your
Life is what you make it as we go through life’s journey. We all have different experiences that are unique to us individually. “Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.” - Virginia Satir. There are typical aspects of our journey that are similar, but different; we share commonalities along the way with others. In life, we will face challenges that bring about change, which is what happens to us along the way when we are younger, and it makes us who we are when we are older. Change is the opposite
As the author said, sometimes the fate can be changed by choice you make. It encourages the reader that it is always possible to change and fix destinies before it is too late. One important quote that the author wrote is, “This book is meant to show us how... our destinies can be determined by a single stumble down the wrong path , or a tentative step down the right one." (Moore xiv).
Walking through life admiring everything it brings upon you, can bring upon many question about life and what you are meant to be. You can begin questioning yourself and who you are. What your future would look like and how would you get there. All these question are things that cross our minds at one point in our lives. A reason this happens is because of everything we go through and experience in life that makes us want to know and understand who we are as a person. Like Gandhi once said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”(Gandhi, Mahatma). This wise words said by Gandhi
There is a large burden of guilt carried by Lady Macbeth and Macbeth in Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth. Let's look at this situation closely in the following essay.
As I have previously stated, the choices you make today will not follow you for the rest of your life, yet they will definitely affect you one way or another . Choices are followed by more choices and so on, as a consequence, life is always changing in an unpredictable direction. This was the message I came to conclusion with from reading the book “Life after
There are many things in life that shape us to become what the world has destined for us to be. Just a single action can trigger a widespread chain of lifelong changes sometimes for the better and other times for the worse. These changes ultimately make us who we are and who we will become. There are many life stories of people who have made choices that make them exactly who they are today, but below I will tell you about mine.
Do we humans have control of our lives destiny or are humans controlled by outside forces? In conclusion, freewill is what determines someone’s destiny because everything you do reflects you and the people around you. There are paths in life and you choose what path you want to go
Respect God and His plans for your life by practicing the little details of excellence, quality, and honesty, and your character will increase with your good
The most overall successful people in the world didn’t simply follow a straight path to success. As human beings, there are more than enough mountains to climb and fears to overcome. I have found myself in some of the most difficult situations at times and I somehow made my way out of them with tougher skin to work with. Through these seemingly insurmountable challenges, I persevered and have found that there is hardly any such thing as luck. There is only hard work and laziness.
Too often we get bogged down in our past, and in memories of events that we think define us and restrict us from moving forward. The truth is that we can decide today who we want to be. We may have some baggage, and we may have future dreams, but today is the only day where we can define who we are and what direction we want our lives to go.
We all have two choices in life: to live life joyfully or despondently. The choices we make define our future, which
Habit 1 : Be Proactive. The Habit of Personal Vision. According to Covey, this habit reflects our innate ability to take charge of our lives. We are not simply products of in-grained stimulus- response reflexes. We have the ability to take charge, plan ahead, and focus our energies on things we can control instead of reacting to or worrying about things over which we have little or no control. This habit allows us to rise above the ebbs and flows of the tides of our day-to-day lives and direct our lives.
We tend to think of habits as bad (smoking, cussing, biting your fingernails) but they can also be good (walking the dog, oatmeal for breakfast, a weekly date with your spouse). THE POWER OF HABIT shows how easily habits form. They rely on three simple things–a cue, a routine, and a reward–and don’t take long to stick. Our brains love habits. They allow us to be efficient. They help us do things like drive a car without constant self-monitoring. Once we learn where the brake pedal is and how hard to press the
To choose your own future, destiny and life is very hard. Everyone wants to do something that makes them happy. But sometimes you take the wrong decisions or everything decides to go against you, which makes you stay in the box you were trying to escape from. When your dreams don’t get fulfilled, you will be in that box and wait for the light. It’s not always about what you want, but what you need. And to live a good life, and to do something productive, you have to work in a way that will make you happy, because that is what you need the most.
We are creatures of habit. Whether they are good or bad, habits shape our actions and help us get through our days. As Charles Duhigg describes in his book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, habits “emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort.” They are routines that automate parts of our behavior. Habits can be so firmly ingrained into our neural networks that we aren’t actually conscious of them, and we don’t need to put much thought to follow through them.