In the article should candy and soda be banned from school, written by Tom Vilsack and J. Justin Wilson, they explain their theory on schools banning candy and soda. Although both articles were very convincing, I would say I agree with J. Justin Wilson and his theory that schools should not ban candy and soda. There are certain factors that led me to choosing his theory. For one, I believe that schools should not have the right to decide our ways of eating, because to me this seems like a personal decision. Also, banning these items in school will not make too much of a difference in the students eating choices. Another factor is that a student’s food type decisions can be affected by what they eat at home.
In continuation, schools should not be deciding our eating choices. Schools want to ban candy and soda because they think this is the cause of child obesity. Like stated in the article, although these food items are banned it does not mean students will stop eating them. The student can purchase these things outside of school whenever they like. If schools really want to make a change in students lives to be healthier they have to do something
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For this reason is why I think that parents also need to be taught about healthy eating so they can reflect this onto their child. If a parent is not educated about healthy eating then most likely their child won't be either. If schools want to make a change in a child healthy eating hey need to inform them about what choices to make. They should provide workshops about healthy eating that both student and parents can attend.
In conclusion, I stand by J. Justin Wilson's theory that candy and soda should not be banned from schools. If schools want to make a change in a student's eating choices they should not ban these items, but try to teach students what choices are best for
I also disagree with this plan of action because many teens and kids struggle with weight, and putting soda at easier access is a bad idea. Yes this would raise money for the school, but why soda? Why not water or freshly delivered fruits and veggies? Even packages of dried fruit and nuts would be better than soda. Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death, and putting soda at a closer grasp for bored students may make it the first leading cause
In the article Should Candy and Soda be Banned from Schools the writer of this article shows the both sides of whether candy and soda should be banned from schools or not.I agree with the writer that candy and soda should be banned from schools because it is our first step in stopping obesity in our nation. The reason in why I agree with the writer is because that our generation is known to be overweight or even obese, but if we can switch out the unhealthy food and bring in healthier food we can stop obesity before it even happens.
No, because many kids at school want to enjoy a soda and candy for their own reasons. In, schools they say that many of these foods that they provide for the students is very unhealthy and can lead to obesity to students, but what will banning all soda’s and candy do, it surely won’t stop obesity throughout the school. This shows that banning soda and candy should not be banned. The problem is not the soda or the candy the problem is the unlimited supplies of the products are available at school seven days a week and 9 hours a day. The obesity is coming from the soda and candy but the reason is because the product is available. The other problem is if we were to take all the soda’s and candy away from school how will the students be able to realize that not only are they making bad choices but, will crave for more of the soda or candy and find ways to drink or chew more.
I do not think that pop should be sold in schools. It dissolves tooth enamel, it can lead to obesity, and it gives you a sugar overload. A typical 20 ounce soda contains 15 to 18 teaspoons of sugar and at least 240 calories. Teachers would not let us just eat 15 teaspoons of raw sugar, so why would they let us have pop in schools?
Giving student access to eat and drink soda in campus will not only hurt the way students need to eat but it will also hurt our environment.Many students love to eat candy and drink soda but if we take action by banning candy and soda the environment would not look messy by the rappers.Take action now because later when students get comfortable with bringing candy and soda, there are going to be students selling the items to other students.Letting the students eat candy and soda is practically saying that the school and administration don’t care about your weight.It's like saying if the government doesn't care about your weight limits.Eating things like that are
They say child obesity is not the fault of school lunches, school meals are only consumed once a day, meaning that the majority of meals are being eating at home and this makes what kids eat the responsibility of the parents (Metallo). They feel that because more meals are consumed at home, they effect on their weight is happening at home more than it is at school so it is the fault of the the child's parents for their unhealthy habits. Another reason why people think they should not need to ban junk food from schools is, schools that have began to get rid of vending machines have lost thousands of dollars and found, funding things like athletics and schools activities became increasingly hard to pay for (Rosenthal). In other words, vending machine revenues are often used for funding school activities, if they were to be taken out of schools they would cause schools to lose fundings because the contents of most vending machines are junk
Many schools nowadays turn off their vending machines during the school day to prevent students from eating fattening foods. In California and Hawaii, state legislators are very close to passing a law that would ban any drinks excluding milk, water or juice from being sold in elementary schools, and reduce the hours older students can use the vending machines. Michelle Obama and the Obama Administration have asked Congress to improve children's nutrition by getting rid of school vending machines that provide students with sugary snacks and drinks. The problem with this is school’s are making an extravagant amount of money off feeding their students with artificial flavoring and
It is essential for the government to continue to regulate the food in our school systems. In the article, “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food,” Michael Moss shows how the food industry is targeting children in school systems. “A potato chip that tastes great and qualifies for the Clinton-A. H. A. alliance for school...We think we have ways to do all of this on a potato chip, and imagine getting that product into schools, where children can have this product and grow up with it and feel good about eating it” (Moss 488-489). This is a prime example of how the food industry is circumventing regulations already in effect. The children of the United States of America are being zeroed in on by companies finding a loophole, instead of protecting the children, by using
There is a dramatic increase in the number of children who are being affected by diabetes and obesity in America. Sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks should be taken out of the vending machines in schools and replaced with healthier choices to help stop this trend. Some may argue that taking out the options it is taking away a student’s right to choose what they will and will not eat. However, by taking out the sugary drinks healthy habits are encouraged, future diseases are avoided, and a healthier generation is brought up.
I agree it doent make since to take away soft drinks but keep fast food resturants. It doesnt make sense to take it out of school but it still be surved at home. I feel that is something that parents should want to change first.If parents aloow their kids to drink soft drinks I dont understand why school should have a say
Imagine that you saw the inside of your body just after you drank a can of soda. It is not pleasant. Soda is a sugary drink that a lot of people and kids love to drink when they have people over for an occasion. It is also offered at restaurants and other stores for people to get and buy. Soda and other sugary drinks should not be permitted in schools. Although soda is not healthy for you, it tastes delightful and pleasurable. Soda shouldn’t be allowed in schools because they are bad for your body and can damage the insides of your body, and soda can make you become obese and large.
Everyone loves sugar filled snacks, especially children. A kid’s day can be made so much better just by handing them their favorite candy bar. This is something students looked forward to during their school day. Sadly, this was made to change. Schools started banning snacks, and drinks based on their unhealthy effect they have on individuals. According to Beverly Ballaro and Ann Griswold in "Junk Food in Schools: An Overview,” this change occurred when Michelle Obama launched her project for healthy eating in 2010. Let’s Move! Was her way to fix child obesity in America. This directed schools to feed children healthier options, and twice as many vegetables or fruit. This was not a necessity for public schools across the United States. Students should not be limited to what they eat in school. As long as they are being fed their basic lunch, it should not be important what they decide to snack on.
One reason they shouldn’t be selling pop and junk foods at our schools is it can be harmful. Many people don’t think on what they are giving the kids at the schools they give them junk food. The pop isn’t good for them either. Soon kids will get used to it and not have a care for what they are eating. Some of the food that people serve at
However, kids have the right to learn to make healthy choices in their life, and by telling them what they can and cannot eat, school boards are making their life decisions for them. Taking away vending machines is telling students that they can't eat junk food. According to psychology, when authority figures tell someone not to do something, their urge to do that thing is much higher if they had just let it go. According to Business Insider, "When someone discourages someone else from doing something, they often feel that their freedom is being threatened, which motivates them to regain choice and control by doing exactly the opposite. Experiments show that children become more interested in a toy after they're put under severe rather than mild pressure not to play with it, and children and adults become more likely to taste fatty foods when labels explicitly warn against them". The fact is, the forbidden fruit always tastes so much sweet. Kids are going to do what they want to matter what, so instead of trying to forbid them from doing or eating something, let them learn to make their own life decisions. As Mark Twain once wrote, “Adam was but human… He did not want the apple for the apple’s sake, he wanted it only because it was
Dear Principal, sometimes school can be tiring and children just need something to refill their energy, even though they do have a lunchbreak, but seeing them doesn’t look like lunch is enough to keep them focused through the day. So, for the one rule that should be changed in schools should be (no snacks). If teachers can take snacks breaks in school between classes then why can't school children have snacks? The Center of Science in the Public Interest reports that snacks are beneficial for children, promoting good nutrition, encouraging healthy habits, and for the most part preventing any diseases. If snacks are used in a good need, it will help children focus in class and it may lead to good grades in school. They need to be able to