In summary, I’m reliable to work and having strong sense of duty. My habit is having attention with details with a strong sense of duty and focused on do it now. When I was in customer service position, I am helpful and realistic person. Most of the times, I’m focused on what can be done to help up others and I am great supportive team member. On other hand, I never say no when someone asked me to do something with them but over time I have learned to start saying no when I just cannot do what they asked me to do.
1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role In my own work role means I ensure I give a good quality and standard of care to the individuals I care for. Whilst acting with reasonable care and respect of the individuals best interests. Also acting within and fully understanding my own work places policies and procedures. This means protecting individuals from harm and abuse that may occur and avoid any acts that may result in injury.
In addition, I am thoroughly dependable with any responsibility accepted and I constantly have a positive attitude. Last but foremost, the characteristics of outstanding service apply to me as an individual because I am available and willing to offer assistance. Also, because I am a dependable and well-organized volunteer. In conclusion, I am a very responsible and dependable person and the characteristics of outstanding scholarship, citizenship, character, leadership,and service definitely apply to me as an individual.
Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings
Commitment, organisation and professionalism are three of the qualities that I possess which make me very suitable for this role. My slight obsessiveness with planning and organisation is definitely something that most people don’t have but it’s also a quality that makes sure I get everything that I need to do, done. You will rarely find that I haven’t done my work or fulfilled my responsibilities.
I will interact with my superiors with respect, courtesy and a constant drive to carry out their
After taking the Project 2 assessment, I found that I have an agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience personality (Project 2 Assessment, 2017). At times, I can sympathize with people’s feelings. Usually, I can have a better understanding of why someone is thinking a way if I understand what they think. I am completely a conscientiousness person. I always want to do well with any task that is in from of me. Also, I am always thinking and planning things to do.
My main goal in life is to work in a detention center for juveniles and move up throughout this field. The reason why is because I love being a role model for the younger generation. If I do not feel comfortable in that field or work I would want to be a correctional officer. I would try this out for the fact of the thrill of the job seeing how people act in certain environments and learn how the prisons work. Lastly my short term goal would be to be a police officer just too still is in the field of work.
A couples of my professionalism strengths are organized, reliable, ridiculously punctual, and helpful. I constantly am keeping lists about the tasks I need to complete. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to get out of my routine, so keeping consistence helps. I’m reliable because if I’m asked to do a task it will get done in one way, shape, or form. I like to arrive 10-15 minutes early, so I can collect my thoughts and make sure I’m ready to tackle the task. Part of feeling important and accepted is helping others (it not be a part of professionalism, necessarily, but I think it’s part of how I carry myself). You, Dr. Burrow, can capitalize my strengths to make a strong impression in Field Experience I is if there is a change
Imagine, your friends are pressuring you to act a way you normally wouldn't or do something that isn’t favorable or healthy. Do you Behave anyway in fear of being left out? Or act upon what you know what is right? In my perspective, it is extremely important to determine and perform the proper action, even if the right deed is not what the whole is doing. Having our own thoughts as well as beliefs are what individualize ourselves and make us unique, furthermore, we shouldn’t ever feel the need to agree for the sake of others feelings. Moreover, You don’t even need to justify why you don’t want to undertake the action. The significance of doing the honorable task is incredibly high, in view of the popular activity isn’t always, and almost all
I am always willing to learn different aspect of the job, which in turn makes me a better-rounded individual. I always believe that knowledge is power and what you learn will only help you to function better at your job. When I am at work my job is always first and foremost in my mind. Part of my work ethic also comes from me being a team player. I also show that I am willing to always assist wherever I can, so that our members can get the exceptional service that they deserve. I know that many of my co-workers can depend on me, and feel confident that when they approach me they will always be given the right
I think that one of my weakness is that I want to help all of my coworkers at the workplace as much as possible. Earlier in my career, even though I tried to be assertive about deadlines or compliance
I also pay a very attention in respecting other people as an individual important person and I am so strict about time management. I think I can make use of them to contribute to the group. Sometimes we may be given some instant task in the group. In that case I can play an important role to take quick decisions. In our group assignments all of the group members need to meet together. I can be on time in every meeting and others might be inspired from me. And finally whenever I start to respect and recognize each person, then all of them would get a friendly floor to contribute their
In order to get and keep a job there are many requirements, so it is imperative that you have the proper skills to present. Honorable traits will get you far in life and in the work area. It is valued if you recognize your strengths and weaknesses beforehand, and then work on them in order to improve on yourself. Personally, my strengths are personal management skills and having strong work values. On the other hand, my weakness would be teamwork skills. It is my goal to maintain my strengths and reform my weakness.
Be that employee who, when someone asks you to do something, will feel confident that the job will be done, and done right, without a doubt. Dependability goes a long way in the workforce, and having the reputation of being the employee that everyone can count on is a compliment.
Well I am a responsible hardworking individual. If I believe in what I am doing. Which of course will be my job. I will a hundred percent believe fully in my job. The reason being is that my job is the one thing that will give me a good life. A job will give me a nice home a nice living style. So when I have a job I will protect it thoroughly. I will do anything to keep it. I know that I procrastinate but that will definitely stop when my career is on the line. So if I believe in the task I will complete it. I don’t believe in homework which is why I most of the time don’t do it. I think it is a complete waste of resources. I prefer quizzes to homework I don’t like quizzes but I still like them better than homework. I think one quality I have that some people lack is people skills I like talking to new people though I might get nervous I will talk to someone new if it is my task to do.