My GPR is currently a 3.191. I believe that my GPR is okay but it could be better. As long as my GPR doesn't drop I'm fine with it. Of course I wish it was higher but I know that I am actually trying. The ultimate goal would be a 4.0 but I'm a logical thinker and don't believe that I will have that by graduation but that doesn't mean that i wont be trying to make it better. To improve I would need to make above an 85 in all my classes which i plan to do. By my senior year I hope to have a 3.4 at least.
The first goal i would like to achieve is to get a GPA of 3.5 - 3.8 or higher and to get honor roll. I will achieve this goal by focusing more on my grades and paying more attention in my classes. This goal is important to me because I want to show my family I can do better this year. When I get the paper that says that you were in honor roll. I will
Maintain a 2.5 GPA (4.0 scale) each quarter and overall prior and during their term
I currently have a 3.68, that is good, but I plan to raise that to closer to a 4 by the end of my high school career. I spend around 20 hours weekly studying, preparing, and rereading material in an effort to keep my grades up.
My goals for the remainder of my high school career is to maintain my GPA, but also get myself more involved socially and physically active.
Upon graduation, it is my goal to be a distinguished graduate and maintain my 4.0 GPA. When I completed my freshman year, I was unhappy with my GPA, but had the motivation to raise it nearly three points higher the following year. Doing well in school has not only come to me because I know it is necessary in order to have a great future, but it is also used to challenge me. Having this challenge allows me to complete my work on time and award myself with the feeling that I know I did exceptional on an assignment.
Throughout my life, I have worked hard to do well in school and get good grades. I am proud with what I have achieved, but I am still driven to try and do better. As of right now, I have a cumulative GPA of 3.98. I try to get decent grades not only to please my parents and teachers but to please myself and the colleges I plan on applying to next school year.
Throughout each school year I try to push myself to learn more in every class. I have managed to be in the top 10% of my graduating class due to my hard work in school. My GPA, 98.34% at the end of quarter two, is something that I have maintained because of my eagerness to learn and better myself. I find it fun to learn new things, and to try new things. This year I have tried my best to push myself, taking two Advanced Placement courses and two other weighted classes.
My current GPA is a 3.9/4.0. This is something that I have worked tremendously hard for through late nights of studying, focus, determination, and not to mention being substantially younger than most students in my major. I have always strived to give a 110% effort into all of my academic endeavors. My most effective strategy to date is to write things down. I, like many others, am a successful visual learner. Physically writing things down on paper is the most efficient way for me to stay on top of what needs to be done. Another prominent strategy that contributes to my success is to avoid procrastination. When I have a deadline that needs to be met, I find that setting smaller deadlines for myself in advance is my best tactic. In return, all of the work does not pile up the night before the assignment is due. An additional strategy that I continually use, is keeping my goals close sight. I am continually making smart choices that will benefit me the near future. My top strategy would be effective communication. To communicate effectively with others is essential for succeeding at anything in life. With three years of undergraduate studies in a nationally-accredited program, 100+ hours clinical observation through a Directed Individual study, a mission trip, and at FSU’s speech and hearing clinic, and personal experience on my behalf, I believe that I have
'Tis the season for college applications, and as a senior in high school this bring a lot of stress to me and I am not the only one. "Teens across the U.S. are standing by their mailboxes, waiting anxiously for the envelopes that will seal their academic fate. It's college admissions season and for many students a lot hinges on how well they performed in standardized testing"(Sheffer). As I have gone throughout my high school career I have achieved a 4.0 GPA. However, despite my hard work, my GPA will be looked at but the main focus of the decision process will be based on my ACT scores, and because I received a 25 this is very stressful to me. Although a 25 is not horrible, it will jeopardize some of the chances I would have getting into a
I currently have a 4.0 unweighted grade point average (GPA) in high school, and I plan to maintain it by studying hard and keeping up my grades in all my college courses.
The one thing I want to improve this year is my gpa. I want to improve my gpa because I want to make my parents proud. I am also doing it because I can bring it up. And if I keep a good gpa I will be able to keep my honors class and be able to get AP class. The major reason is because if I have a good gpa I will be able to go to college. I am also doing it because I want to better myself. The final reason why I want a good gpa is because I want to graduate with honors. Also because if I move it will be easier to get in a better
Half the climb of my goal is to get through my four years of high school and maintain a 4.0 GPA while still keeping my job, volunteering every week, and spending time with my family and friends. Throughout
My SAT scores aren’t the best because I lacked motivation to learn in high school and barely studied before taking the test. However, after graduating from high school, I stopped playing video games, which took a big part of my time, and motivated myself to become a life-long learner and improve every day. For example, during my first year at IU, I worked hard to be involved in campus organizations such as the Toastmasters Club and the Kelley Student Government while also working hard to get a 3.8 GPA. As a result of this effort, I got accepted into the Kelley School and the Business Honors Program. After transitioning from an average student in high school to a high achiever in college, I realized that any goal is achievable if one if willing
I'm currently a junior at Central High School with a 3.99 GPA. I am a very organized, creative, patient, and committed person. I have a very high tolerance level. I will withstand anything that comes in my way. I have the ability to multitask
This year to be prepared, all I need to do is keep my GPA around 3.0.Some personal goals I have are to get through the police academy and become a patrolling police officer. I will reach this goal by doing all I can in the police academy to pass the first time. I will also go to college for four years and I will get my bachelor degree in criminal justice so I can start off as a