In today’s world, students are being challenged more academically than they have ever been in the past. This is causing students to focus more on their education, and less on getting the proper nutrients they need (Leal). Students should be allowed to eat in class because it will give them more energy throughout the day, help them focus, and will help them receive the nutrients they need to live a happy life (Brozak).
So many teachers in schools do not allow their students to eat inside of their classrooms. This is causing many students to sit through class hungry and unable to focus. A lot of students do not have time to eat breakfast in the morning, and will bring food to school to eat while they are in class. This strategy would work very
As a result of the bad food, students do not eat in the cafeteria. They walk out of the cafeteria without eating. They can’t focus on their work because they are hungry. Students survive on snacks and junk food, which is also unhealthy.
If the students don’t eat the school food then they won’t have the energy they need to get them to pay attention in class and
School lunches are not the epitome of meals in the world. Raising the level of nutritional output would highly increase the healthiness of the student’s body. For example, if a child were to drink only water at school the health benefits would help that student, just by cutting out the sugar and the calorie intake. If schools were to serve grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, the student would not have that extreme carb intake just from the fried part alone. Chicken and vegetables should be the entrée for most school lunches, of course, this does not allow for a great variety of meals, but the healthiness of the students would increase over time and could possibly be the healthiest thing they eat that day, but the only thing that they eat at all. The poverty in Mississippi is abundant, which may mean that children do not get three square meals a day, but maybe only one, which is at school. Therefore, the best way to affect student’s healthiness is by putting good, nutritious, and energizing food on the plate in front of
Since 2009 Schools have been improving there healthy choices of food like fresh fruits and salad bars,but those foods take longer to eat (Hellmich). Turning school lunches into an actual sit down meal rather than a feeding frenzy is a good way of improving health (Parker-Pope). Students usually have less than 20 minutes to eat lunch which makes it less likely for them to choose the healthy choice (Elsevier). Kids often like to eat there favorite foods first,not giving them enough time to eat the healthy food (Hellmich). An increase in school lunches could encourage students to eat the healthier choice(5 Elsevier). School nutritionist suggest that students need to have atlas 20 minutes to eat (Hellmich). Research shows that when people consume meals faster they take in more calories because they get hungry sooner (Chen). The shorter lunch periods are starting to lead to more and more obese and overweight kids ( Hellmich). Doctors are saying there are more and more kids getting diabetes and other illnesses due to the lunches and something needs to be done about it
When children do not eat a healthy meal, their concentration and energy become more difficult to manage. The “Journal of School Health” issued a study in 2008 about the eating behaviors of approximately 5,000 school children. The research showed that children who ate more fruits and vegetables, accomplished higher grades on tests compared with children who consumed a high-fat, high-salt diet
Therefore, modifying the Healthy Hungry-Free Kids Act of 2010 is a great start to meeting the needs of a more diverse student body. In deciding to keep the program the same, active and athletic students leave school undernourished everyday. Consequently, students not receiving their nutritional needs could also quench their hunger with unhealthy alternatives. For example, they could choose to visit a gas station before a sport practice to get through the practice. A healthy lunch program is ineffective if, in effect, it causes students to consume more unhealthy alternatives. Overall, this either causes undernourished students or students indulging in unhealthy alternatives. Neither of these is a good outcome for the students health, it would more effective to offer a second serving of healthier food during
Students should be allowed to eat snacks during the class period. This will give them brain food , it would be healthier, and students wouldn’t have hunger during class. I think that if they were allowed they would be happier.
Students are often in a rush during the mornings and might forget to pack their lunches. Students have enough stress on their plates, with having to get to school on time, and have outfits picked out and make sure homework is completed. Even if some students opt to pack their lunch the night before, they still are in a rush in the mornings. With forgetting lunches, if being allowed to leave campus they would still be able to eat something, than school food, which is often bland and unappetizing. When students often decide to eat at school, the menus are always subject to change. Having
Similarly, in Hughes article “Student food insecurity: The skeleton in the university closet,” published on February 24th, 2011, in the book Nutrition & Dietetics vol. 68, examines the consequences of food insecurity, health risks involved, and how it can be a negative impact on academic performance. There is a reason why humans have dietary
If asked, would you be able to explain in detail how the food you ate for dinner last night was made and what ingredients it contained? Furthermore, would you be able to identify the presence of corn in your meal? Unfortunately, the average American would not be able to. Food is one of the most basic and essential human needs, yet it is a topic that most of us know very little about. Tom Small believes that this should change. Small asserts that parents nowadays do not have time to cook healthy meals, let alone teach their kids how to shop for food and cook. This dangerous new phenomenon is compromising our health, our environment, and our consciousness. I agree with Tom Small; schools should provide and require courses that teach students how to cook and shop for themselves.
First of all, students aren’t motivated to eat unhealthy, not-tasty food. If you observed students buying lunch in the cafeteria, you don’t often see them buying these kinds, but not limited to, foodstuffs: burritos (which are just beans wrapped in tortillas), “burgers” (meat slapped on two
Many schools do not offer healthy things to eat at lunch or break. This is a significant problem that might make kids obese. A Lot of disease rates have gone up by not eating health like cancer heart disease and diabetes. My proposal to help statutes is to have the school lunch have more options for fruit and vegetables. This will have to go through the principle and school council to see if they will allow this. Another proposal is the have a health class within the PE class. Mostly every student has to take a pe course so they will get some information on proper eating.
Better nutrition in schools is critical being students will eat food that is better for them. Research shows students that eat school meals are more likely to obtain a healthier weight than students that bring a lunch if the school abide National School lunch program (NSLP). This shows that school lunch is healthier by
Many state public high schools in Michigan are progressing towards possibly allowing an open campus lunch policy for its students. The trend would allow students to depart from school to a distinct location of considerable distance by the school. Recent studies have shown that providing high school students the choice to a better quality of healthy food during lunch could lead to higher test scores. (Michael, Justin, & Elizabeth. “How the quality of school lunch affects students’ academic performance.” www. Changing school meals to accommodate healthier options is a cost effective way to fix other issues like students who struggle with obesity. Revising eating habits could help fight high health risks in students to improve
A healthy lunch and snacks provides children with the energy and nutrients they need to grow and learn and play at school. Without adequate energy from food, they may feel sluggish and find it difficult to concentrate in class.