The school day should be shorter because students could get more sleep, they would have more time in the afternoon, and they could focus more on each class. A shorter school day will also benefit the students so they can have much more time to different activities as well. Did you know 90.3% of students fall asleep in at least one class every day? The long length of the school day provides ample opportunities for students to sleep in class. The school day should be shorter because students could get more sleep, they would have more time in the afternoon, and they could focus more on each class. If the school day is shorter it allows students to get home earlier and get more sleep.More sleep helps the students to focus
Many people in the U.S. think longer days are necessary, however it makes students more tired and less ready for their day. With shorter days, teachers have more time to plan a higher quality lesson. They can add more things to do, or find a better way of doing those things. Students will have more social time because they go to school for less time. This is good for a student's mental health. On top of that, students will get more rest. Most students can relate to being tired during a class, with the U.S. system. In Finland, students get more rest. This allows students to be more prepared for their day. That is how beneficial shorter days can
School days should start later in the day because there are many benefits to doing so. Such as improved grades, Test scores, and safer roads because teens won’t be as drowsy if they sleep 8 plus hours.
One reason is that if school times started later kids would get more sleep during the night. More sleep will help the kids stay awake in class and will focus more which will lead them to learn more. Paying more attention and learning more in classes will lead to higher grades. Also if kids get more sleep because of later start times they will be a lot healthier. “What If Schools Started Later by Jennifer Pignolet tells us about the benefits on later school days.
Shorter school hours means that teachers can have better focus on their students and their education through mentoring and the work they do from home, including grading and lesson planning. An award-winning teacher, Melissa Taylor, in "Parenting" magazine said ¨Teachers unions have expressed that they don't want to work longer hours, and trying to persuade them otherwise could be a challenge¨ (¨The Disadvantages of Longer School Days¨). Starting schools later would also result in schools and the entire country saving money. In an article, it stated ¨The United States would realize roughly $9 billion a year in economic gains by instituting a simple, nationwide policy change: starting public school classes no earlier than 8:30 a.m¨ ("Letting teens sleep in would save the country roughly $9 billion a year"). Residents around the school will even benefit from this action because they would pay less tax for public schools.
Along with the advantages come the disadvantages. If the school day started later then the student athletes would have their practices ending later than usual, students with jobs and students involved with extracurricular activities would have a harder time finding decent hours and there would be less time for finishing homework. There are also students that are involved in helping take care of their younger siblings, with the school day starting and ending later their whole home life schedule would change.
They need more sleep than the adults. In the same way, getting their proper hours of sleep makes their body and mind ready for school. Students who are tired during school can’t focus and learn at their best, because lack of sleep damage learning, attention, and memory. A recent study from “Start School Later”, “Academic improvements have been show, and overall school climate has been measurable improved when high schools have restored later start times” (1). In addition, teacher won’t have to worry about the students who falls asleep during class.
Many high school students wander into school each day shuffling around and trying not to pass out in their classes. In order to cut back on sleep-deprived teens, we must follow through with this solution; it would give students enough time to go to bed early and wake up at an appropriate time. According to Sleep Foundation, teenagers require eight to ten hours of sleep and are not getting that with the current schedule. Many teenagers have discombobulated biological clocks and need the opportunity to adjust their sleeping schedule as they see fit. If this plan were to be put into practice, more positive attitudes would emerge from schools all over America due to their fulfilled need of sleep, which would give teachers, students, principals, counselors, and even parents a more productive start to each day. On the other hand, I realize that the opposing side of this intelligent solution may proclaim that some teenagers would abuse this and go to bed even later, but people must also realize that a large amount of teenagers who wish to succeed academically would gladly not abuse this and respect this privilege; although there would be some teenagers to mistreat this, it is up to the maturity level of the student, and they choose whether they want to succeed or
Does the thought of school make you want to lose your mind? Most schools think that having a longer break will make it easier for kids to learn less than if they had a shorter break. But if schools had a longer break then most students would want to come to school because they know that their whole day isn't just them sitting in a classroom for 8 hours and they have something to look forward to. Although having longer breaks cuts classroom time, schools should have a longer break because it frees the mind, helps them learn life skills, and reduces stress. This is why schools should have a longer recess.
Most people believe that students should have a four day school week because students benefit from less homework, the students can also get a better math score, and the student can also be more productive. There is a boost in math scores and other classes, the shorter school schedule resulted in a seven percent increase in math and a three percent boost in reading. This shows that there is more of a dramatic improvement in students math score. According to Education.seattlepi “512 schools have tried this method with the shorter schedule and it became more popular from the great outcomes from other schools. This shows that students do better in school from the four day school week.
Recent studies say yes, students who have to get up to go to school need more time to sleep. The students are having a very hard time keeping their eyes open during school hours, and some say that school should start at 9:00am instead of 8:00am, and a lot agree. Students need to get their sleep as much as they need their education, but can you have both?
Have you once gone to school exhausted and wanted to sleep through the whole school day? How much sleep do you get each night during the school year? Have you ever wished for school to start later into the day, instead of it starting in the morning? In schools, most students aren’t energized and ready for the school day, all because of the early school start times. I think that school should start later because teenage students get tired faster than some people in younger and older age groups, they would be energized and ready to learn, and they could learn without their health at risk.
With early school start times, students tend not to have enough sleep. National Sleep Foundation and American Academy of Pediatrics recommend an eight to ten-hour sleep, which is sufficient. However, 69 percent of the students in the United States sleep less than eight hours per night, which is insufficient. It affects students negatively through health, behaviors, and grades. The lack of sleep promotes students to become sleepy, defenseless, and lead to the inability to concentrate, which may cause injuries and lack of knowledge in school. This dilemma has been around for years and years in the United States. Schools should start later to avoid this dilemma because it provides students with more time to sleep and an efficient work-and-rest
School is never very exciting for most students, the day is long and most of the time very boring. I believe that the days are too long and should be changed.
Starting school at a later time reduces tardiness, improves mood, and boosts sports performance. A study found that starting the school day at a later time improves school attendance. When students slept more, they were less sluggish in the morning and more enthusiastic about going to school (Pros). Getting more sleep and adjusting school schedules to coincide with the natural sleep patterns of teens
If an hour and half of school were added every day, students would miss after school activities. Students will miss the fun extracurricular activities. and students won’t get the exercise they need.