
Explain Why Was Packing Was Always Worse Than Unpacking

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1. Camp grounds are usually really open and big but this one was different, instead of just open areas, it was surrounded by giant trees and ravines that were so deep you had to dig with both your hands and feet into the dirt and climb back up to get out.
2. Watching my mom during my aging process I’ve learned as years progressed that it’s wise to save those nickels and dimes you recieved as a toddler in that piggy bank until you could afford that wrestling man, or that Barbie doll that would be broken or lost in a weeks’ time.
3. Packing was always worse than unpacking, for the simple fact of rolling the sleeping bags, airing out air mattresses and shoving it back into a small square box.
4. I don’t want just some old run of the mill house, or some straight off the lot car. I want something that’s going to make me stand …show more content…

That person has been harassing me since day one of our break up. Now life-less laying on the kitchen floor with mother`s favorite turkey cutter wedged in her stomach.
6. In a nine- and ten-year-olds mind candy and toys were a definite stocking stuffer on Christmas time.
7. Flickering on the overhead light bars from my poorly lite 70s garage. I notice the chain my bother left behind on top of my sled.
8. Without four walls and a roof over you’re head your basically outside homeless.

10. At the end of the day I know that the one billion dollars I win won’t last forever it’s in my best bet to stretch that money as long as I can.

11. I chose to apply and study in ivy tech because they are well-organized and from my little research, ivy tech is the best choice for a nursing program, it is very affordable and for the fact that I will be getting my degree in such short period of time is a plus, the environment is very conducive for learning, with great staffs and lecturers.
12. Since we were just kids setting up doing dishes and tearing down the camps were the only thing that we really had to worry about for the most part which was really

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