The citizens need law to know what behavior is socially and legally acceptable and to be able to deal consequences to those who do not follow the law. In any society laws must be obeyed for the good of its citizens. In a sense, obedience to the law is voluntary. At least in countries that enjoy freedom, citizens are permitted to carry on wit life’s activities, for the most part, as each sees fit. The citizens obey traffic laws because they should. Despite the criteria, they pay taxes because they should. However, they have freedom to decide including the decision to not obey laws.
Without law for society, it would be terrible. There have to be rules and regulations. People would most like go wild and crazy. If we did not have laws, people would tend to run red lights, walk across the streets when they should not, steal or kill and get away with it. We definitely have to have rules and this is why there are laws placed on society.
Although critics may argue that law is flawed because laws can be broken by people, laws help keep people in check and from doing what is wrong because there are consequences to those actions. Even though laws can be broken there are things like jail or prison sentences that can take many years and even fines of thousands of dollars which prevent people from wanting to break the law. Without laws everyone could do as they please without and negative outcome of themselves. An example of having no law would be in the novel lord of the flies. In this novel everyone starts to try making their own group ,but at the end they end up killing each other as without thinking anything wrong of it.
In American society today, there are numerous laws designed to protect all citizens. One such law is having a speed limit. This requires motorists to drive reasonably and consider the conditions and potential hazards, regardless of what the speed limit signs say. As the automobile demands grew, the streets and highways expanded throughout the US, lawmakers created speed limits. On thee another hand, some citizens believe with modern day road materials and current automotive technologies, cars can safely exceed the legal limits set on almost every road in the United States. But, endless amount of studies and researches proves that having a speed limit can save lives, not to mention money.
Rules and regulations govern almost every public activity in the United Sates. These are laws created and enforced by legal authorities to safeguard order, justice, and security in society. Laws help mediate the relationship people and groups have with one another, and outlines a general code of conduct, defining what good law-abiding citizens ought to do, according to society. Laws are universally applicable, and carry with them certain punishments and restrictions for violations or misuse. In places where laws either do not exist or are minimally enforced, then insecurity and chaos are the norm. Despite the benefits of laws, there are instances when they fail to advocate equally for all members of its society. These are unjust laws,
It is complacent to think one can obey the law in order for society to progress. The state should never be looked at as a metric for ethics. One can observe history to understand that. Freedom is a constant struggle that involves grassroot movements, collectivization and solidarity of the communities. The people must liberate themselves and cannot expect oppressors to relinquish their rights. One can see these concepts in movements throughout history.
Citizens develop this law to satisfy their wants and fears as individuals in the society as citizens live by their common interest but this sense of fear as holds the society in place together. Municipals law is about formulation, developing tools that have strength in numbers, establishes that all of us work together. It is then defined how parts obey the whole, so the whole can be possible. Without a superior authoritative, we fall into isolation because we need the supreme who govern us of ‘what is right and forbid what is wrong’ or Superior to the inferior, meaning, the whole to the part or state to the individual, which gives respect of their existence as citizens and the state not about citizen’s being a creature of God.
Laws have been a part of civilization for many years. Without them, civilization would implode. Chaos would erupt and people would be a danger to one another. The world would be in anarchy and a brutal place to live. Humanity would cease to exist. According to Wikipedia, law is defined as “a system of rules that are enforced through social situations to govern behavior (” Laws are put into place to regulate society.
Law wouldn’t be able to take place in any society without consequences. Consequences and punishments are a big part of society because they help keep the world safe place to live. The purpose of having consequences in the system of law is to keep crimes from happening in the first place and to keep criminals from committing more crimes after they are punished. For example, the government of BC introduced the consequence that if a driver is caught using an electronic device while driving, they will receive a fine of $167 and a 3 penalty points. Ever since this consequence was put in place, the number of accidents due to the driver being distracted by a handheld device has gone down.
In modern American society, there is little thought in how and why the laws came to be. There is a natural assumption that the laws were made to protect the people and society. The law is made under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States which give the right to the people to seek its government for redress of any grievances. Utilizing this right, it gives rise to new laws to be enacted and old laws to be amended or repealed, in the ever developing society.
Envision if everyone in the world decided to go around breaking laws because they did not agree with them. There would be a bunch of unnecessary arrests, great amount of violence, and the world would be a terrible place to live. As citizens of this country we have the commitment to adhere to the rules, laws, and submit to any consequences we may receive. In the great words of Socrates, “One should never do wrong in return, nor do any man harm, no matter what he may have done to you.” Breaking laws is never morally justifiable.
With the increasing emergence of traffic cameras around the nation, there has emerged a debate about whether the cameras are effectively functioning to keep drivers safe or whether they are just another source of revenue for cites. Facts have proven that the purpose for the traffic cameras is simply generating more money for the cities. The estimated amount of money that the city of Denver will be making in 2011 from these cameras (Kaminsky)—excluding the ones recently put up—a grand estimation total of seven million dollars… “According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety more than 550 communities in the United States use red light cameras.” (Urie) Research shows how the cameras are not improving safety for drivers, and for
“The Obligation to Obey: Revision and Tradition” by Joseph Raz explains the issue regarding the relationship between an individual and law. Does a person have the obligation to obey the law? Why does the person have that kind of obligation? The article also talks about the government and whether it has the authority in creating and implementing laws to the society.
Initially, laws are difficult to design because lawmakers can’t think of every possibility, every scenario, and every obstacle that may present itself in the democracy. Despite these difficulties, laws keep society together and provide unity for the citizens. Advantages for creating laws, include, but are not limited to, providing direction for the collection of taxes, declaring clear expectations for compliance and punishment of citizens and elimination of chaos.
One of the most important purposes of laws in the world is just to prevent that nothing bad happens to us, for example how a society could survive without traffic driving laws? It is impossible, we need to have rules that shows us the way we have to drive, the signs we need to respect, the light we need to observe, when to stop and when we should pass, and the consequences of breaking the laws.
In each country to allow citizens to coexist in the best way possible Laws were put into place, to make clear to all citizens to know there are rules and regulations to follow. If citizens choose not to abide by these laws then there will be punishment. This is why it is important that citizens abide by laws, rules and regulations to make their country run the best way possible.