
Explain key influences on personal learning processes of individuals

Decent Essays
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Unit 6:

Personal and Professional
Development in Health and
Social Care

Unit code:


QCF Level 3:

BTEC Nationals

Credit value:


Guided learning hours: 120
Aim and purpose
This unit aims to enable learners to understand the learning process and to give them the skills they need to plan for, monitor and reflect on their professional development. Learners will then be able to investigate and gain an understanding of health or social care provision. Learners must complete 100 hours work experience as a requirement of this unit.

Unit introduction
Initially, learners will explore factors that affect learning, then plan and monitor their personal and professional development and reflect on it. They …show more content…

on own professional development over time
Review at start of programme: current knowledge and skills, practice, values, beliefs, career aspirations; self-awareness Knowledge: review, plan and monitor, eg relevant formal and informal learning to date, current contemporary issues, understanding of theories, principles and concepts, understanding of potential careers; gained from a variety of learning opportunities
Skills: communicating: language (verbal, non-verbal); working with others, eg service users, professionals, peers; technical, eg IT, use of equipment, creative/craft skills; research, eg primary, secondary, data handling; personal, eg organisational skills, personal presentation
Practice: review, plan and monitor, eg respect for the value base of care, professional interactions with others, cooperative working with others, teamwork, influence of personal values and beliefs, awareness of need to develop personal value base to support and promote good practice, awareness of the impact of legislation, codes of practice and policies on own practice, responsibility and limitations
Values and beliefs: personal and professional eg, values and beliefs, value base of care
Career aspirations: career options, preferred choice
Action plan for own development: targets/goals, short term (up to six months), long term (minimum of 18 months), specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, timely
Consider personal goals: in terms of knowledge, skills, practice, values,

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