
Exploring The Role Of Effective Communication In Young Children

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Communication is the act of conveying thoughts, opinions, or information through speech, writing, or signs (, 2016), language and speech is the medium that we initially encourage, to develop children’s verbal skills. However, facial expression, body language, gesture and vocalisations are then all important ways in which young children make themselves understood, long before language emerges.
Communicating is essential for social development, as developing language relies on social interactions. Children who have close attachments to significant people in their lives are able to build trusting relationships and develop their self-confidence in expressing themselves and sharing their ideas. In such relationships of mutual respect there is powerful motivation to interact, communicate and use language (Manning-Morton, 2004).Toddler’s communication skills can vary quite vastly within the age range set out in the EYFS of between 16 months and 36 months. Also within the EYFS, the guide to what you are able to judge your assessment on is loose and fluid to allow for children’s ability’s to be determined through a range of activities.
“Any realistic account of language acquisition must take into account the manner in which the child passes from pre-speech communication to the use of language proper (Brunner, 1974–1975)”. …show more content…

Communication in young children has an immediate nature as verbal speech allows for the “formation of coherent speech consisting not of the separate, irrelevant sentences but presenting the coherent statement: story, announcement, description” (Efimova and Shadrina, 2016). This form of communication is used to assess young child to gauge their ability and plot their progress and ascertain where “next steps” can be made to assist them in their individual

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