1 Kevin Alves-Stone Homiletics First Expository Sermon Outline Joy IS A Fruit Of Salvation Open Our focus today is on 1 Peter 1:8-9 The question I want you to think about is this: Why does Peter tell the Christians what they are experiencing? He says, “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls” NKJV He tells them what they are experiencing: "You are loving Christ; you are believing in Christ; you are rejoicing in Christ with inexpressible and glorified joy; all of that even though you do not now see him." Why? Introduction The Book of 1 Peter was likely written between A.D. 60 and 65 A. There is an …show more content…
Is Christianity a burden or a bridge? C. The fruit of Christianity is joy! I. There Is a Difference Between Worldly Happiness and Christian Joy A. The world is seeking happiness; it depends on outward circumstances for happiness.
2 “As a rule, a man’s a fool, When it’s hot, he wants it cool; When it’s cool, he wants it hot, And he always wants what’s not.” B. Happiness—like prosperity—always seems to be just around the corner, just out of a person’s reach. C. Even if worldly happiness is realized, it can be temporary at best. D. Christian joy is different. The Christian’s joy is not dependent on earthly circumstances but on the risen, exalted Christ at God’s right
Everyone that is living in the world we live in today are all making their best efforts to obtain that which we all want the most, happiness. Many individuals will pursue that happiness, while others manage to compromise that happiness. Everyone has their own methods at trying to achieve happiness, but sometimes they just cannot pursue it and when they realize that what they want, they cannot have. Their happiness will become compromised. When at the same time some individuals can pursue that happiness and achieve what they truly want in life. Other times those who pursue their happiness, end up compromising their happiness in the process. The image “New York, ca. 1962” can be shown to prove what an
Those that are not in Christ, pagans, can only experience happiness. There is a big difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is feeling good and, well, happy. Happiness is a result of feelings. If something good happens, one feels happy. But, if something bad happens, one feels sad, or even angry. Happiness is
41. “Our dilemma is that we see happiness only in the future” 42. “Harmony and happiness are powerful weapons against the war” 43. “Happiness is the feeling of being alive” 44. “Every new day is achance to discover a happier you” 45.
In the article, “Does Trying To Be Happy Make Us Unhappy?” Adam Grant argues that putting too much effort into life changes will actually me people unhappy. Grant point out two countries and how they give the right to be happy to their citizens. The U.S.A grants life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and in the kingdom of Bhutan they have a national index to measure their happiness. Grant then goes on presenting a psychologist study done about happiness, this study reveals that the more pressure people puts on trying to be happy the less happy they are.
In “Happiness: Enough Already,” Sharon Begley argues that happiness is overrated and it should not always be a priority in your life.
The purpose of this text is to demonstrate that if one tries to find happiness, they will be unable to do so. Also, to demonstrate that happiness can only be found with one’s mind set on an object other than happiness. I reached this conclusion by looking at the examples given in the final paragraph as shown.
Lewis claims, people have tried to find alternate sources of happiness, but in the end, they’ve found that the worship of God is the only true source of joy. He makes the effect that God delivered to expend thousands
Often the best things in life come with sorrow before the joy. This is true in the life of Katie Davis, who is a missionary in Uganda. She wrote a book about her life there called Kisses from Katie. It tells of the hard times, the good times, and all sorts of things that she has experienced during her time in Uganda. Katie is always talking about the joy and the peace she gets from living the life God has called her to, but that does not mean she doesn’t experience trials and hard times too. This is shown in one specific situation with one of her daughters that displays the idea of healthy confusion which is a situation that has both pleasure and disquietude.
Now happiness, more than anything else, seems complete without qualification. For we always choose it because of itself, never because of something else. Honor, pleasure, understanding, and every virtue
It is human nature to want and desire certain things out of life. For the most part, people want the same things. No one is the same as anyone else but we all share the fact that we want to make our lives as good as we possibly can. There are many ways to achieve happiness and everything that is wanted out of life can make you happy. Whatever a person’s truest desire may be, if they obtain that desire they obtain happiness. All that is desired falls under “What will make you happy in life?” We long to be happy, but what gets us there?
As human beings we are naturally wired to seek happiness wherever we can find it. When we don’t, we may enter a stage of anger, anxiety, or distress. That’s why it is our personal goal to look for happiness and preserve it once we acquire it. Many have explored ways to find what triggers this feeling of “happiness” and what we can do to keep it; nonetheless, the evidence found is hardly sufficient to make a public statement on how to find happiness. For this reason, most of the time we speculate what might provoke this feeling of contentment. “Happiness is a glass half empty,” an essay written by Oliver Burkeman, highlights the importance of happiness and discloses how we can find delight through unorthodox methods. The prime objective of this piece of writing is to inform the audience about the effect of happiness on their lives and how their usual attempts of becoming happier can sabotage achieving this feeling. Furthermore, he wants to promote the benefits of pessimism and describe how it can help us in the long run. The author utilizes pronouns, logos, and pathos in order to prove his point and draw the audience into his essay, in an attempt of making them reconsider the way they live their lives and adopt this new pessimistic way that would greatly boost their level of happiness.
People tend to feel the most happiness in their daily lives rather than happiness over all. For instance, if someone opens the door for you, does something outrageous, tells a funny story or simply reacts kindly to you, you can experience happiness. Laughing at someones joke can cause you to feel happy even for just a moment. Another definition of happiness in our daily lives is self appreciation such as, getting that new raise, getting an A on a test or even getting into the college you want. These examples all cause happiness in different but still rather large ways. We seem to think that happiness is so difficult to come by, we focus so hard on what happiness is that we don't even realize the simple things in life that are truly making a difference. We can become significantly happy without even noticing. Although happiness seems like it’s hard to find it’s not all that difficult. What’s hard to come by is the feeling of genuine happiness ; genuine happiness is what people truly look for.
Our internal world governs our happiness, not conditions put upon us from our external environment or conditions we place on ourselves. To put it another way, our search for happiness is the very reason we’re unhappy (McLeod, 2007). Psychology considers happiness an emotion or mental state and a predictor of how well one’s life is going. Some say that happiness is a choice, and therefore a behavior that one chooses. Happiness is a way of interpreting the world, since while it may be difficult to change the world, it is always possible to change the way we look at it (McLeod, 2007).
Happiness… It could be said that there is no one in this whole wide world who does not want to be happy. We live every single day in hope to find happiness, which also known as pursuit of happiness. We strive to bring happiness in our life. Nonetheless, along the journey to find happiness, some people stumble and find themselves unhappy instead. One might question why, but actually we all have different value and understanding to describe happiness. Therefore, we have our own unique approach to pursue happiness and there is no telling to the exact cause of our wrongs and errors in the process. What might have been the cause, which most people hardly notice, is their perception of happiness. There are three most common misconception of happiness that lead to unhappy life.
Much of us will spend our life in dedication towards finding the ultimate goal, we strive and sacrifice in order to find what happiness is. We should strive not only to make ourselves happy, but to do things with God in mind. It is through God that I have found a better understanding. I thank God for all the good that I have in my life, for the opportunities he gives to all of us. I learn more and more through what he left behind, whether that be the Bible, prayers, the church, a movie or readings that I may find. God teaches us through these things, and gives us a better understanding of how to live, and how to feel fulfilled. One must always seek God in order to continue learning, many of us who believe are sometimes distracted by our busy lives that we forget to look up, or we forget god in moments of difficulty. We should strive toward escaping the idea that this is our only existence in order to feel more fulfilled. It is then that we can find happiness. For one God has given us the opportunity live and face these challenges we face in our daily lives so that we can strengthen ourselves, through this we can find God. God teaches to let go of seeking happiness in this world by letting go of the material wants. Another point I found is that God teaches you to humble yourself in order to be a happier person. I want to talk about why Christianity can be the sommum bonum, what we as believers of God learn through Him, and what to take away from Christianity and what it