In the internal view it’s the satisfaction and happiness I gain from my actions that justify life. It doesn’t necessarily imply a selfish code of conduct. In the external interpretation there’s a claim in which after life there’s death. For me I think my life is evaluated by a supernatural that we called god, who will assign to me reward or punishment after my death depending of what kind of life I had. The meaning of my life, and its purpose is to fulfill the expectation of god, and then to receive the final reward. It’s possible to argue though that meaning is best found in activities that benefits others, the community or the earth as a whole. The reward for those activities has to be found here, in the satisfactions that they afford in
Imagine not having any purpose, or at least so far as you can see. This would be quite depressing, since everyone wants a purpose and a reason to go through trials. This theory is illustrated in the book, “The Alloy of Law”, by Brandon Sanderson. Sanderson uses third person point of view and diction to reveal how self-discovery brings happiness.
Life was created to give living things a purpose. This motive is finding its own
Many philosophers have spent countless hours contemplating human existence and human purpose, but overall they are all analyzing one question- what is the best way to live? In almost every culture around the world, life is cherished and people have come up with religions and philosophies that suggest answers to the question concerning the best way to live. Some philosophies, such as Ayn Rand’s objectivism and Aristotle’s views on happiness, are centered around pursuing one’s own happiness and leading a fulfilling life. However, actually successfully living in the best way by pursuing one’s own happiness is quite challenging due to the complex restraints of human nature and human flaws. In order
1. Do you think Happiness no matter how formulated is the purpose of our lives? Defend.
But even just living life to fullest isn’t enough according to Chittister. It is possible to think you are living your life beautifully and but still be corrupt. The legacy we should attempt to leave behind should be filled with caring and respect for not just others, but also the environment surrounding us. It is easy to respect those that look like us and have the same morals. It is much harder when it comes to respecting those that are different. We should be looking for the goodness in others regardless of the distinctions. We should also be concerned with our surroundings. We need to leave the earth better than how we found it. This reminds of the rule I always tell my son when we go to the beach or park. We need to pick up our litter but also 10 pieces of litter that were left behind by
“By purusing his own interest he frequently promotes that of society more efficiently than when he really intends to(p477) ”. Humans are selfish by nature it's only natural to do what best fit their needs. when doing so it helps promote society even if said person is unconsciously benefiting the society they are still benefiting the world's growth.
Therefore, it is better to fulfill one 's own purpose than that of the creator. But also in the book it discusses how people do not agree with creating one’s own purpose. They think that if they create their own purpose then that means that their life meaning is not as meaningful. I do agree with this to some extent but I also think that we know ourselves the best and if we create our own life meaning it can be the most fulfilling. A quote from this chapter is, “What matters is not necessarily what the inventor had in mind, but the uses or purposes the innovation actually has” (p.12). So this quote is saying that for example the predetermined meaning of humans is not really important at all. It is what purposes a human can bring about in this world.
Every life given by God is worth living. However, a self-examined life may well be one full of meaning, depth, and humility. It is vital to delve into life by being inquisitive and reflective rather than floating on the surface of existence.
Human beings have a need for self-actualization that involves growing towards courage, kindness, knowledge, love, honesty, and unselfishness. When we fulfill this need, we feel serene, joyful, filled with zest, sometimes euphoric, and generally happy. When we act contrary to our need for self-actualization, we experience anxiety, despair, boredom, shame, emptiness and are generally unable to enjoy ourselves. (Singer 327-328).
I had decided that life was too short to spend time thinking about why we might be here, especially since we will never know the truth. Over the past semester, I have learned that it is important to think about these things. Even though I haven't decided what I believe the meaning of life is, it is important that I have taken the first step and started to establish my positions.
The document stated “surely if living creatures saw the results of all their evil deeds, they would turn away from them in disgust. But the selfhood blinds them, and they cling to their obnoxious desires. They crave pleasure for themselves and they cause pain to others; when death destroys their individuality, they find no peace; their thirst for existence abides and their selfhood reappears in new births. Thus they continue to move in the coil and a find no escape from the hell of their own making. And how empty are their pleasures, how vain are their endeavors! Hollow like the plantain- tree and without contents like the bubble. The world is full of evil and sorrow, because it is full of lust. Men go astray because they think that delusion is better than truth. Rather than truth they follow error, which is pleasant to look at in the beginning but in the end causes anxiety, tribulation, and misery” (155). Renewed birth are the causes of suffering sickness and death. If people are selfish they old in age and have
In sum, life is supposed to be about more than happiness. We are supposed to do something important, adhere to some ethic, and serve a greater good. We live for a goal, a principle, or a destiny—not just for pleasure.1
What does this mean in terms of our personal lives or needs? What does this mean to me, the writer, personally? To be honest I am not sure. My upbringing and moral codes tells me
The famous philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated that “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” The world is full of people who are conformists as well as people who stand for themselves and follow their own values. Emerson explains that by being yourself you are already part of something great. However, the question still lingers: Which is the real cause of genuine happiness? There have been many claims argued by various sources, such as Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Ursula Le Guin’s The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas, Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery and Sherry Turkle’s TED Talk titled “Connected, but alone?”. All have come to a consensus
It is the laws that humans create to maintain a day to day life with restrictions. He said that not everyone fully participates in Divine reason, meaning that we cannot understand each and every single truth that it holds. In short terms, it is to do good and avoid evil. An example of human law is doing something to help others rather than going out of your way to do wrong to someone else. Volunteering for an organization you agree with is a way to do good and avoid evil. Even something simple as to help someone cross the road when they are unable to do it themselves is a form of doing something good and avoiding evil. It is commonly not rewarded but it can make someone feel good on the inside, knowing they were able to