Have you ever taken the time to look around you at your surroundings? Or taken a moment to reflect on the experiences you have had that have had a big impact on your life? Have you ever thought about the fact that they could affect and shape the person that you are? That the only thing making you you, is your experiences and what you are exposed to everyday? Well, you may not realize it but this is the case. Everything around you and your experiences impact you, shape you and make up the person that you are.
We are all shaped by the world around us (our experiences, what we see, hear, and do) in one way or another. In his TED talk, Julian Baggini said, “ There are all these things, like beliefs, desires, sensations, experiences, they’re all
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Some examples of this are government, education, events, ideas, media, etc. These impact who we are and the person we come to be. In Syria, war is a major external influence in their lives. The people of Syria are impacted tremendously by the ongoing warfare of their country. It has caused them to be strong, courageous, and to persevere despite everything. They have had bombs dropped on them, they have had to flee their homes, they have lost their families, they have lost everything. But still they continue to strive to keep their children alive and to try and make a better life for them. One little girl, Dania Amroosh, has gone through a great deal of trauma and experienced things that no 7 year old should have to experience. ”Five months ago, Dania and her family were sitting in their home in Aleppo, Syria, about 60 miles south of here, when a bomb dropped from the sky. Her grandmother, aunt, uncle and two cousins were killed instantly. Another cousin lost his legs. Dania was mangled.” Despite all this, Dania survived and she will live on to tell the tale, but she will be permanently shaped by what has happened to her. This experience will now be a part of who she is, forever. External influences, good or bad, are a major part of our lives and making us who we are whether we like it or
Life is what you make it as we go through life’s journey. We all have different experiences that are unique to us individually. “Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.” - Virginia Satir. There are typical aspects of our journey that are similar, but different; we share commonalities along the way with others. In life, we will face challenges that bring about change, which is what happens to us along the way when we are younger, and it makes us who we are when we are older. Change is the opposite
Land between Empires. Since early history, Syria experienced Colonization, invasion and occupations. The history dictated the path that took Syria from early 1900 to the present. Below is an outline of this paper
The French’s mandate over Syria after World Ware One had an irrevocable impact on the nations’s communal factions. The mandate lasted from 1920-1946 and they begun their rule with intentionally made sectarian divisions. They were made in order to prevent Arab nationalism and stifle national independence movements. The divisions were made my religious and national minority. Granting the minorities independent status locations where they make up the majority. For example, there was a large population of Alawites in the mountain range behind Latakia, the French declared them a separate state. The Druze were granted the right and ability to govern themselves in the city of Jabal, just south of Damascus. The one religious group that did
Since the beginning of time, the environment in which one is accustomed to provides them with the choices that lead down paths that make their legacy. This environment can be negative or positive, structured or chaotic, rich or poor, all which give a variety of choices. Regardless of the different trials and tribulations we face ultimately, it is the choices we make in response that make us the person we become.
“And. after all, our surroundings influence our lives and characters as much as fate, destiny or any supernatural agency.” Pauline Hopkins, Contending Forces. This quote helps sum up my
Syria and America both have very similar governments. There are only a few assets which makes syrian government Republic and us a Federal Republic. Syria’s government has three branches: legislative, executive and judicial ( Just like America!).
lives are determined by who we are or what we can be, and more and more is
Every person, without exception, is the product of their environment. Every action, reaction, and interaction molds us, shaping our thought process, responses, and the very base of our moral code. Whether it adds to us, takes away from us, and how much it changes us all depends on when and how it occurs. The younger we are, the stronger the influence. The older we are, the harder it is to change. The people that I was around, the things that happened around me, and what I was taught made me the man I am today. My family, my friends, and my faith have influenced me to a startling degree, and it is because of them that I hope to do the same for others.
Our lives are influenced even before we are born. We are products of our environment. Depending upon
People's character traits are built upon what happens to them in their lives everyday. When a person is little they fear things like water or the dark. They often carry this trait with them into adulthood without really knowing why. A person’s life is often fully of events that alter their opinions and beliefs
Within the ever-changing landscape of the Middle Eastern Region, Syria is consistently in the news due to its strategic location and the present set of local and global problems. Located in the northwest portion of the Middle East, Syria is bordered by Turkey to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest. Mostly composed of Sunni Arabs, Syria is also the home to a diverse ethnic group that includes Armenians, Assyrians, Kurds, and Turks. The capital of Syria is Damascus and is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world (CIA Fact Book). Once a part of the Ottoman Empire, Syria was controlled by France following World War I until it gained its independence in 1946.
Think of our dependency on our environment and constant surroundings. They help create our persona and thus who we become in the future. From the point of birth, people live in a set environment
They say a person’s past can change and influence who you are as a human being, overcoming the obstacles that face us head-on, so that we may challenge them with no regrets. People change, people can change others emotionally, through events, decision’s, an insight, experience, or a conversation. For an example, as a kid Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed in front of him which changed him tremendously. It changed him as a person of justice. So far I have had three big influences that impacted my life. The three biggest influences I have had in my life were moving, my grandfather, and running.
The Syrian Arab Republic also known as Syria is a country on the continent of Asia. It lies on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean. It shares borders with Turkey on the north and northeast, Iraq on the east, Jordon on the south, Israel and Lebanon on the south west and its coastal region on the west. The land geographically consist Mountain ranges, rivers, desert, plains and coastal area. It is approximately 72,000 square miles, and the climate is hot and dry.
In 2011, a few years prior to the bombing of the Temple of Baalshamin, Syria officially became a country plagued by continuous conflict. A civil uprising began against the government of the country and started what is now known as the Syrian Civil War. Mass numbers of Syrian individuals were displeased with what they felt was a corrupt political regime ruling their country and sought to create a better way of life through their pro democracy protest. Unfortunately, as the government fought back and Syrian citizens continued to protest, shots were fired and the country collectively spiraled out of control leaving around eighty percent of the population in poverty by 2015. In an attempt to establish order amidst all the social turmoil,