Summary of “Extreme Distance Running: Too Much of a Good Thing?”
In the article “Extreme Distance Running: Too Much of a Good Thing? (2012)”, Erin Allday discusses the benefits and the drawbacks of extreme running on the human body. With increasing popularity of long distance running, the side effects of extreme running have caused sport experts’ and scientists’ attention. Although death happens rarely during running, Allday declares that runners are likely to hurt themselves if they do run too hard. Then Allday cite Dr. Matt DeVane, who comes from the American Heart Association and points out that moderate running is good enough to keep healthy, otherwise, injuries will take a runner back to the “ground zero”. With regard to couch potato who
Gladwell, Valerie F., Daniel K. Brown, Carly Wood, Gavin R. Sandercock, and Jo L. Barton. "The Great Outdoors: How a Green Exercise Environment Can Benefit All." Extreme Physiology & Medicine. BioMed Central, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. .
Born in Washington, DC, Martin O’Malley was raised in Rockville, Maryland by parents who taught him the importance of public service. His father, Thomas, served as an Air Force bombardier in World War II, flying 33 missions over the Pacific. After the war, he attended law school on the G.I. Bill, working his way up to become an Assistant United States Attorney. O’Malley’s mother, Barbara, has worked in Congress for nearly 30 years, where she continues to serve on the staff of the state’s first female United States Senator, Barbara
In the book Born to Run, McDougall’s purpose is to inform and educate the reader in matters of the running world. He seeks to prove that running can be an inspirational activity in physical fitness and doesn’t require injury as part of your running journey. “And all because in January 2001 I asked my doctor this: ‘How come my foot hurts?’” (8). While McDougall’s initial purpose was to seek out if humans were born to run “…why should every other mammal on the planet be able to depend of its legs except us?”(13), he later develops his purpose into a more complex
Running is much more than it seems. People view it as a way to get in shape, lose weight or even just a hobby. It is much more than that, running is a dumbed down version of a psychologist. Two miles in, a lifetime to go, came directly from what someone's mind wants them to believe during a run, it wants them to quit, cut it short. Why would someone keep going if the only reward they could maybe receive is a shiny piece of metal or to lose a few pounds? Why would someone go to practice and push themselves to the point of exhaustion, get up, and do it again everyday? For most, this would be absurd, but a select few realize the undercover benefits that come with this kind of self induced trauma.
Athletes are always trying to improve their performance and skill in sports. This can harm themselves by overtraining, adopting eating habits that damage them physically or psychologically, and using steroids or illegal supplements banned by the NCAA. Sports injuries are often the result of overuse or trauma to a part of the body. Several risks like injuries include heat illness and dehydration, concussions, and trauma-related deaths. These illnesses include heat syncope, muscle cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and exertional hyponatremia. These illness can end one's career in a blink of an
The research was done at the Minneapolis heart institute foundation. Data were gathered, and dated back to 1980. The research was reviewed by the Allina Institutional Review Board. Searchable records n=5 billion were being explored. The criteria were: an athlete was part of an organized team or individual sports, which required intensive, or systematic intensive training. The athletes were less than 39 years old at the time of the event (either survivors or non survivors). Out of the 1866 athletes, the specific causes n=1353 of death through autopsy report were documented, and/or clinical evaluations information n=117. The cause of death in the n= 513 athletes were not well documented due to the
The Main Features of Weimar Germanys Golden Years Between 1925-1929 There where many events between the years of 1925-1929 in Weimar Germany that were seen as golden years. The diplomatic skills of Gustav Stresemann, the foreign minister allowed Germany to excel in foreign affairs. Politically Stresemann wanted to improve relations between Germany and the rest of Europe and also the USA. In 1925 the Locarno Treaty took place and Germany accepted the borders with France and Belgium that were agreed in the Treaty of Versailles. Germany accepted that the Rhineland would remain a demilitarised zone.
One could compare life to a multitude of images all of which provide a different meaning. Even the difference between close words like run and race can provide life with distinct different images. A race provides an image of quick and fast paced competition. On the other hand comparing life to a run provides the image of a relaxed journey at one's own pace.
Participation in high intensity sporting activities is widely considered to be a contributor to positive cardiac health. However, for a portion of the athletic population, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) poses a serious risk (Chatard, Mujika, Goiriena, & Carre, 2016). Although considered rare with estimates of one death every three days in the United States (Pigozzi, Rizzo, & Maffulli, 2009), the impact of the often-fatal event resonates through society due to the young age of the athlete and the immediacy of the decline of the perceived healthy person (Chatard et al., 2016).
Long-distance running is not a sport for wimps. Distance runners seem to have a pretty strong connection with each other because of all suffering and pain that goes into pushing their bodies to the limit. This is evident in the waves (or nods because one is out of breath) exchanged between complete strangers that meet while out for a run. Cross country teams are even more cohesive. With all the time spent together at practice, team members have a solid bond that lasts long outside of running and practice. One the first day of track, the new freshman who were not in cross country are a little lost. The distance runners have their little group, the sprinters have their group, and the throwers have a group as well. The groups intermingle somewhat, but it is fairly easy to tell who belongs in which group. You also associate people with what track group they belong to. The track team is a group, and each discipline is a subgroup.
A study conducted by Dr. Brymer suggests that many people who participate in extreme sports do not do them for the adrenaline rush. The author wrote that “What I found was that these people have a real love for these activities, and talk about a realisation about the power of nature, a sense of humility, and a real sense of peace,”(Medical News Today 9). Many people who participate in extreme sports love doing them and find the risk taking aspect to be relaxing. This shows that taking risks and actually be good for you, mentally. This shows that risk taking is not about getting an adrenaline rush, but about improving mental health. While extreme sports help many people relax, overall they are just good for
Although running may not seem like a big sport like football, basketball or soccer, it takes a lot of courage, heart and strength to be able to run. In the article called “Cool like me” by Donnell Alexander he says, “cool is finding the essential soul, while being essentially lost”. When we feel stressed and feel like we want time for ourselves away from society, running is a solution. Running is not just considered a sport, running is a lifestyle that people choose to live. It makes them feel good, look good and it makes them happy.
The benefits of physical exercise in humans far outweighs the harmful effects associated with exercise. A prescription of physical activity has been known to delay the onset or prevention of many chronic diseases. An improvement in heart function, lower blood pressure and improve functional capacity is noticed after just a few weeks of exercising. Physical activity will also result in an increase of lean muscle mass, promote weight maintenance, increased flexibility, and a generally stronger more fit individual. Conversely, exercise when preformed strenuously or obsessively can counteract such positive effects, bringing up some issues like oxidative stresses, injuries, and
Moving from one place to another is a necessity for almost every living organism. Whether it be sliding, walking, jumping, crawling, or flying, movement is bound to happen sometime. Humans like to move from place to place quickly without doing any work. Since running is work, humans generally avoid it if possible. There tends to be some unfavorable expression like a grimace or a sigh accompanying the quote, “I think I have to go running.” Although hated among many people throughout the world, the positive sides of running can be enough to turn the lazy into the hardworking. Running is an excellent choice for physical and mental enhancement because it keeps one active, relieves stress, and is a good self-esteem booster.
THE MONTH OF AUGUST - The worst performing month for the S&P 500 since 1992 has been August. The stock index has suffered an average loss of 0.7% (total return) during August over the last 25 years (1992-2016). The best performing month since 1992 has been April, gaining an average of +1.9% (total return). The S&P 500 consists of 500 stocks chosen for market size, liquidity and industry group representation. It is a market value weighted index with each stock's weight in the index proportionate to its market value (source: BTN Research).