
F Class Reflection

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The past two and a half weeks have been an adventure for me, with “Spies…Like Us: Cold War Literature” being perhaps my most engaging and interesting class this term. Each day I’ve learned something new, and I’ve observed from a distance our F period class evolve. Through watching others receive criticism and ridicule, and experiencing such ridicule myself on certain occasions, I hold the firm belief that this course has succeeded, and far surpassed my expectations, in its experiential learning aspect. On Wednesday, November 29, the first day of English for the winter term, I remember walking into the classroom and being told to push my chair away from the Harkness table for not wearing red. That day, we watched a documentary on the Iron Curtain, and I had taken notes with my notebook in my lap—quite an uncomfortable experience. After classes that day, I had assumed that the “wear red” policy was a practical joke—an introductory activity—and I left my calendar for the next day blank. When I walked into the classroom on Thursday, I immediately knew I had made a mistake. For a second day in a row, I was exiled from the Harkness table. As I stared at the chalk board that class period, I vowed to myself never to make the same mistake again. From then on, I have had a calendar entry for every English day that reminded me to wear red. That Thursday was the last time I neglected to wear red to English class this past Turkey Term. Although I only had a few pieces of red clothing,

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