
FFA Personal Statement

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Throughout my high school career, my time in Lemoore FFA never had a dull moment, in fact, my involvement in our FFA activities has been the highlight of my high school experience. The start to an encouraging experience within the Lemoore FFA chapter began my freshman year. As a freshman, not only was I given a pocket protector in my Intro to Ag Class, but I was introduced to what the FFA had to offer. I was privileged to be a part of the Greenhand Officer team serving as the Historian. Although the Historian is not a constitutionally required position, being an officer gave me the opportunity to both improve my public speaking skills and a chance to participate in two opening closing contests that year. I was given the chance to run a chapter meeting …show more content…

Above the chapter level activities such as Mcdermont Field House, Adventure Park, and Roller Towne at the sectional level, to regional activities at FFA Grizzlies night and Fresno State Football, even the World Ag Expo all gave me a chance to meet new people and increase my involvement in our program. FFA has also allowed me to opportunity to enhanced my personal leadership qualities, especially through the opportunity to attend conferences such as the Greenhand Leadership Conference, the Made For Excellence Conference, the Advanced Leadership Academy, and the State FFA Convention, all of which I have attended, and some of which I have attended more than once. FFA has taught me responsibility through my service as a Chapter Officer and through the community activities I have participated in. From working at elementary schools through our Ag leadership class’ PALS (Partner’s in Active Learning Support) program, working community events such as dinners and booths at Relay for Life, and serving as a table leader at the middle school’s Character Counts programs, I have made myself available and useful to various aspects of our

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