We live in a time when people like to share some of their lives on the Internet. Social networking has been a popular activity most teenagers and adults in their daily life. It is a daily life routine for some people, whether it is interacting with friends, sharing pictures or thoughts and even advertising a certain business such as a bakery or a salon. Some popular social networking platforms include Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. On a platform such as Facebook, anything can be shared such as pictures and statuses and you and your friends can see them. Posting things online so that it can only be seen by you or your friends is not considered private. It isn’t considered private because if you were to have your page public, many other people you don’t know have access to your profile and see what you post. Hackers are another reason your profile isn’t considered private. There have been different cases in which so many people are getting hacked nowadays. People realize that online networking can enable to land a position, yet not every person understands that it can be justification for losing one, as well. With your Facebook profile being set to a public setting, everyone that isn’t on your friends list can see your posts. Some people not realize it and are just careless on what they post. Meaning that you can go on somebody’s profile and see anything from their posts, picture, and even information such as birthdays or email addresses. All of your little
Putting your personal information on a social network site can put your safety or future at risk. You never know who is watching. “The words and images you post on the Internet may be available for years, and your profile may be viewed by future employers and school admissions officials, as well as identity thieves, spammers, and stalkers.” (whoswatchingcharlottesville.org), anything can happen and most times you can’t take it back.
Facebook is a well know social networking site that has taken all over the world with over 500 million people using the site. Social networking sites such as Facebook share information about the user over the Internet, where it can be freely accessed by anyone. This is where issues of privacy to the individual arise. As
The use of social media by colleges and employers may increase as time goes on. Although some may say people have a right to personal business, it is not personal if it is posted to the public. To avoid people from looking at one’s social media, keep the page
If you want to be a ‘public person’ you need a public Facebook page. I suggest that start a public page. No one should have to friend you to read your post and find out more about you. Public figures are followed. Big difference. If someone decides not to follow them they can still see and read their page.
How many Facebook friends do you have, and how many of those friends have you spoken to in the past week, month, or even year? Are there any people that you follow on Instagram whom you’ve never introduced yourself to? The answers may come as a surprise. The use of social media makes it effortless to connect with friends and family. However, it also allows us to to catch a glimpse the lives of those we’re never met. Depending on how much information is shared on one’s profile, it can allow a person to determine enough about them to consider them a friend. Conversely, those people who have never met you have access to all of your information that you allow “friends” on Facebook to see. This is an alarming discovery, especially considering that the concept of “catfishing” (creating a fake profile online and pretending to be someone
When people share their information online, their privacy could be divulged. According to the article The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals, Jung said: “Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives.”(Jung 1) Sometimes you may not want people know your secrets, but your friends may post your secrets online. Also, the relationship on the social media could make it difficult for people to understand the mean of connection to the real world.
Many today live under the opinion that we share and do online is private to a certain extent, but it is the question: is it really? On Facebook you can choose if you fancy a closed or public profile. Is your profile public, so can the anyone go into looking at your posts, but if your profile example. is closed, then it got to be so only your
Are you concerned people are watching you? If not, let me point out some of your peers that check up on your online presence. Your page on Facebook is viewed nearly 200 times a day. If you are under the age of 18 your profile is somewhat private by default, but after you reach that age it becomes public, unless you manually change it. If your profile is public- family, friends, acquaintances, and people you don’t know are viewing all your information. As Clive mentions, “Browsing Facebook was like constantly poking your head into someone’s room to see how she was doing.” Are you comfortable with your online privacy settings? Are you aware that when accepting the ever changing Terms and Conditions for Facebook, you agree to let outside sources access your
Private information that was previously segregated now becomes easily accessible to employers, colleagues, recruiters, and clients, among other perhaps unintended audiences” (Abril, 2012, para. 4). Yes, most social media sites attain privacy settings but one must always remember there are hiccups in everything on the internet and no guarantees leaks will not occur.
When you are suffering from a debilitating addiction, it 's easy to feel alone, isolated, and frightened during recovery. However, the emergence of social media has helped connect the world in a way never imagined. And you can tap into these brand new resource as a tool towards fueling our recovery and regaining a life of sobriety.
Anything on a Facebook page is fair game because “a public Facebook page is just that public” (Source G). Anyone can access the internet and see what someone posts. People are purposely putting pictures or comments on another people’s posts and they are fully responsible for their own actions. No one is directly telling them to post. If they do not make their page private it is their own fault and the comments or pictures should be used against them, when applying for a job or college.
Some people may wonder what effect social media has on people worldwide. Many people are using social media daily and because of that, they might not know the effects that can be lurking behind a screen and causing harm to their mental health. Social media has many negative effects on mental health. Some people could think that mental health and social media has no relation, when it does. It is a fast-growing issue with many “cause and effect” reasons behind it. Each cause needs to be recognized along with the effect it has on the people who use social media.
Most people who post personal information on Facebook believe they know who has access to their personal information. Generally, they intend the information to be for friends or maybe groups (people of a shared interest). From the conversations that I have had with work associates, I find many, if not most are unaware of the complexity of setting the permissions of who get to see what they have posted. To further compound the complexity, Facebook will make changes to their ‘security’. Facebook is very slow to inform the users that they need to reevaluate their security settings. I have often helped associates with these settings. When going through the steps with them, they are very upset that the world or even a group of people or students had access to their personal postings. I have seen faculty members dismissed because of improper privacy settings and students suspended for the same reason. Many years ago, after our department chair, co-chair, and a faculty member were sacked for not setting their privacy settings correctly, as the story goes, I quit Facebook
The face of this century is wrapped around social media. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are the three most commonly used of social media websites. Mainly to share personal information or perhaps even view what one person is doing by simply uploading a video. There have been many scenarios and debates on whether social media is consuming our daily lives in a negative or positive way. Although the three of these apps are very popular, Twitter has been in the lead with their users by sharing over 500 million tweets per day. Even though those statistics may sound cool, Twitter has also been known to be the main cause of cyberbullying, relationship problems, and teen depression. Is it really that bad?
The term “social media” simply refers to the websites or applications that can either be created or used and a medium of social networking. It has become one of the basic need of today’s generation. It is supposed to be the most useful tool in life, but it has been a major distraction for students. It has become one of the biggest social issue today and a controversial topic. Some society consider it as a boon whereas there are many cultures which believe, it is the biggest curse to young generation.