
Factors Influencing The Adoption Behavior Of Coffee Producers

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Selected Explanatory Variables
A micro approach was used to analyze which factors influence the adoption behavior of coffee producers with regard to SMPs. We considered farm and management characteristics, the socioeconomic profile of producers as well social capital indicators. Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the data collected.
Several factors that were considered are accepted as common predictors of agricultural adoption in developing countries. However, three questions related to explanatory variables were not included in the final questionnaire. Firstly, we did not consider access to bank loans because coffee farmers in Mexico are mostly unable to obtain investment credit from lending institutions. Coffee producers usually have the option of obtaining short term financing (cash advances) either from local traders or from coffee cooperatives for those who are members. However, the availability of long term credit has virtually disappeared making it difficult for producers to defer the costs of implementing over several years (AMECAFE, 2009).
Secondly, land tenure arrangements were not factored into the model since the communal land system in Mexico (ejidos) remains the dominant type of ownership especially in the rural areas of the south (Brown, 2004). Households in the sampled area continue to work the land under this traditional system and therefore the inclusion of a variable to capture tenure security could amount to model misspecification.

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