
Factory System Dbq

Decent Essays

Introduction of the factory system was earth shattering and increased manufacturing for the cotton and iron industry which effected cities and the population distribution. There were four inventions that changed manufacturing and the way people worked. Some inventions included the spinning Jenny, Crompton’s Mule, and the Self acting Mule, and the Water Frame. “In 1764, Hargreaves invented a new spinning wheel. He called it the spinning jenny in honor of his wife. This simple machine allowed one spinner to work six or eight threads at a time.” (course reader 102) The Spinning Jenny was a machine that helped the people sew clothes faster. Then came Cromptons Mule, “In 1779, Samuel Crompton combined features of the spinning jenny and the water-frame …show more content…

“The water-frame used the waterpower from fast-flowing streams to drive spinning wheels.” (course reader 102) Then there was the introduction of the steam engine and power-loom. Due to an expired patent, James Watt decided to create his version of the steam engine for use in a cotton mill plant and introduced a system for the factory that was revolutionary. As a result, wages and manufacturing of cotton and iron really increased. This helped get more work done in less time and gave people jobs. (Document 2) The steam engines also helped get the economy ramped up by being able to bring supplies to the cities and more jobs to people. The steam engines provided jobs because they needed miners, engineers, and sailors who could build the canals and railroads for this transportation. As a result, they could bring supplies to the cities which also increased farmland available to produce more food for everyone. (Document 3) The steam engine brought in railroad development, industrialization and changes to the population. (Document 9) With the growth of railways and transportation, from 1801-1851, many cities were developed within the central part of Great Britain and the population …show more content…

With the development of cities the working class ended up living in low income slums. Friedrich Engels stated in The Condition of the Working Class in England, “Every great town had one or more slums areas into which the working class are packed.” (Document 5) The slums then lead to poorer living conditions such as infected water and poor ventilation, which effected the life span of the people. Living with the poor condition meant that they were prone to get sick. As Edwin Chadwich pointed out in his report, “That the annual loss of life from filth and bad ventilation are greater than the loss from death or wounds in any wars in which the country has been engaged in modern times” (Document 6) In addition to these struggles, Karl Marx from the Communist Manifesto said, “Modern industry has converted the little workshop of the patriarchal master into the great factory of the industrial capitalist.” (Document 10) This quote shows that this is another way the poor is being controlled by the rich and that someday there will be a classless

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