Topic selection Theme: Health and Wellness Topic: Fad Diets 1. What is your possible topic? Fad Diets: how dangerous can be fad diets to your health in short and long term? If fad diets are dangerous why are they so popular? If I want to lose weight which is the best way to do it? Are there any record of illnesses cause by this type of diet? Are some of these diets true and the mainstream are saying us that they are dangerous for our health? 2. How is the topic important to you and how does it affect you? What do you personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic? I pick this topic because I study medicine when I was in my country, and I always believe in the occidental medicine, but working in a coronary ICU …show more content…
Describe whom you might choose as your audience. Who are your readers, and what are their needs, motivations, and influences? In what ways will you need to structure your writing to appeal to them? To become a healthy person with good self-esteem, when you look in the mirror and see what you want to see. My article is intended for those who really want to improve their physical and mental state, who want to change their lifestyle; for those who have been for years trying to lose weight and also have secondary illnesses to their lifestyle and diet. Anyone who wants to feel different how it feels now; obviously there are always people who oppose to these changes. But I try to use the proper persuasive method for the type of audience anuque prefer the evidence-based
The intended audience is the person, or group of people, to whom the author is writing. The intended audience is a key factor to the author’s essay, because it is to whom he wants his essay to be directed as a message towards. We placed a picture of those who were being discriminated against, because the message had not been received of the author writing the essay. Our most important slide was on the thesis. It was absolutely necessary to make this part of our presentation, because it controls the subject matter of the essay and states something significant to the reader. Slides nine had to do with objectivity. This is extremely important, because it proves if the author is credible for his work or not, based on him being biased or unbiased. Slides ten through fifteen were based upon the six elements in the implicit writing of a non-fiction essay. This was an essential part of our presentation, because these qualities are an outline of what readers look for, and what writers should strive to accomplish, in effective
2.What is author’s purpose for writing the book? Write a paragraph summarizing the main argument or purpose.
Before sitting down to write something, I always like to take a second to think about my audience. Who will be reading my content and why will they be reading it? Keep this in mind helps me tailor my message. For example, a landing page will have a different audience than a press release.
I want to reach out to children or young adults. There are a lot of captivating things for children and young adults and I want to write something to draw their attention and also teach them a lesson through my writing.
4. Who are the members of my audience? Try to find out as much as you can about the individuals that comprise your audience. Consider the following
by Ali Anderson, NTP on January 19, 2017 in Advice, Charleston, Health, love, South Carolina, values
In today’s growing world, fad diets seem to be all the rage. As obesity rates are increasing more and more each year with 1/3 of the population overweight and 1/3 of the population obese, many people are trying everything that they can to lose weight. With people in our nation because too busy to exercise, too busy to make healthy meals, and healthy foods being too expensive, many people turn to these fad diets to help control their weight or help them lose their weight. One of the most known fad diet is the Weight Watchers program. The purpose of this study is to find out using both creditable and not so creditable sources if this fad diet actually works.
Audience- The audience is person or group of people who the writing is directed towards.
In reference to this element, Lindemann differentiates the terms by describing the reader as the person that deciphers a message while the audience is mentioned to be the target of a writing piece. In addition, Lindemann includes a broader definition of audience with the input of authors Lisa Ede and Andrea Lunsford. In general, I agree with Ede and Lunsford on the importance of the relationship between readers and writers. It is crucial for a writer to know his/her target before putting in paper a rhetorical piece. As Lindemann mentions, most of the students write their papers considering their teacher as their only audience. Therefore, I believe it would be a good practice to start imagining a broader audience to persuade with our writing assignments to acquire the skill of targeting different audiences to become better
In identifying my target audience, the reader must first ignore the fact that this was written for my English professor, and imply that it was meant to be written for a blog on the internet so
What is a fad diet? The definition of fad diet is a diet that promises quick weight loss through what is usually an unhealthy and unbalanced diet. Losing weight is not an easy process and should be taken seriously. Doing too much too fast can have a permanent effect on your body and fad diets are not the way to go when trying to lose weight. Many types of fad diets are low and high carb diets, controlled portion diets, and liquid diets. Many of which do not work. Other big names diets like the Atkins Diet, South Beach Diets, The Military Diet, Weight Watchers, and NutriSystem don’t work as well. The fad diets advertise a quick weight loss result but don’t talk about the long term effects they have on the body. Many of the diets don’t last very long, and in some cases you gain more weight after the diet. Having an long term diet is better than having a short term diet that does not last. Taking your time when trying to lose weight will be more beneficial than trying to lose weight fast using fad diets.
How will you feel after gaining back the weight you spend money toward? Well, Fad diets have been around for a very long time, based mostly on half-truths and wishful thinking of the authors. Some may have a bit of science to back them up, but the diets are so restrictive and difficult, no one can stick to them. Losing weight temporarily on a fad diet does not equal success. Diet success is defined as keeping that weight off permanently. If a fad diet is impossible to follow for very long, you'll just re-gain all the weight. And much of the weight lost on extremely low calorie fad diets is water. UCLA associate professor of psychology and lead author Traci Mann said “You can initially lose 5 to 10 percent of your weight on any number of
Obesity in the United States is a major issue. Because there is such a high obesity rate, there have been so many diets established to try and reduce these constantly rising rates. A lot of these weight-loss diets that have been established are known as fad diets. A fad diet is a diet that becomes popular quickly, and may die out just as quickly. In the United States, there are some popular and healthy fad diets such as the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, and Weight Watchers.
Obesity has become an epidemic in our over indulgent North American society. In addition to body image issues, obesity causes significant health issues. Society often views obesity to be a disease when it is actually a sign of a disorder, genetic or environmental. The percentage of our population that is growing overweight is increasing every year, and can become a very serious issue if it is not dealt with urgently. Problems relating to self-confidence, self-consciousness, and isolation can occur as a result.
Dieting is a behavior most women will do for at least once in a lifetime. Just as British sociologist, David Gauntlett, has mentioned in his book, “the body is the outer expression of our self, to be improved and worked upon” (113). We are somehow bounded by society’s standards of beauty, to the extent that it could affect out self-esteem. While it is all about a bony body figure nowadays, I have no choice but to fall into this unrealistic mainstream. I used to think I am simply ‘not so skinny’ until this summer, when my parents and friends keep on telling me I look fat. It started to pressure me to think that others constantly judge me by my body figure. I was then determined to lose weight, but the next question is –what are the lifestyle changes I should make to achieve this goal?