
Fahrenheit 451 Dystopian Analysis

Decent Essays

All pieces of literature have a fundamental message that the author is trying to convey. To convey this message, authors often develop a base aspect in their work to help reveal this message. This could be in the form of symbolism, mood, issues, or character. The purpose of dystopian literature is most often to portray the problems of a society where there is usually a strong centralized government that aims to control everything. One way that dystopian authors attempt to depict the issues with these societies is through the use of their characters. Many dystopian authors use curious characters to demonstrate the dangers of a society void of knowledge and discovery. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury uses Montag’s curiosity about literature to expose the dangers of the restrictions that his society places on knowledge. Although Montag is initially a member of the group responsible for burning books, his thirst for knowledge overpowers his desire to conform to society. He realizes that the members of his society are extremely superficial and do not care for things that actually matter, like the possibility of a war. Montag delves deeper in his quest to make people care when he says, “Go home and think of your first husband divorced and your …show more content…

In Fahrenheit 451 and Anthem, the authors portray the idea that oppressive and controlling societies can only cause harm. The citizens in both Montag’s and Equality’s society have little to no knowledge about what is occurring in the community which eventually leads to the downfall of their societies. Any society can create a facade that makes it look seemingly perfect or have citizens that appear to be happy, but once that facade crumbles all that there is left is a broken community with numerous

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