
Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Decent Essays

Fahrenheit 451 “Comparison” Essay Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, differentiates from the cinematic form of the novel directed by François Truffaut in numerous ways. Bradbury states, “The movie was a mixed blessing. It didn’t follow the novel as completely as it should have. “It’s a good movie: it has a wonderful ending; it has a great score by Bernard Hermann. Oskar Werner is wonderful in the lead. But Truffaut made the mistake of putting Julie Christie in two roles in the same film, which was very confusing, and he eliminated some of the other characters: Clarisse McClellan and Faber the Philosopher and the Mechanical Hound. I mean, you can’t do without those!” Other than the characters in the story, including the score …show more content…

In the movie, Truffaut casted Julie Christie as two completely different individuals, who in the book were different based on their age and personality. Truffaut possibly casted her in these two polar opposite roles to portray Montag’s feelings towards both of them. When Montag met these ladies, he saw that they were both energetic and lively, although, Linda had lost this trait after their marriage while Clarisse had still possessed it. Bradbury would find it necessary to cast two different ladies as these characters because of how opposite they were in their age, personality and style according to the book. While being interviewed, Bradbury mentions, “Oskar Werner is wonderful in the lead.” Werner did do Montag justice due to his impressive acting skills and his ability to play the role. Therefore, I can understand how Truffaut had casted these characters and the importance of the roles they play. Some of the positives things occurring in the movie were the effects of the film score and the alternate ending. Film score is original music written to specifically accompany a film. There is a distinct relationship between the mood and setting and the score of the movie. In the movie, whether it was a dramatic event or an action, such as the scene where the Salamander is racing to its destination, there is a soundtrack of sound effects or music that enhances

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