
Fahrenheit 451 Fire Analysis

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The Result Of Destruction what exactly can fire do? How can you prevent the smell of a campfire as it gets closer and closer. Ray Bradbury based on Fahrenheit 451 in a setting where something's are wrong, and some are right, and as long as you follow the rules you're okay. His setting encouraged him to write about what would happen to someone under influence (by society or someone in society)when they decide to change. In a world based on what's right and wrong. Montag begins to think differently about the things around him. He begins to feel different emotions, and reacts by stealing the one thing that this society has lead him to burn. The government has set out rules to make sure everyones lives are lived right. In their point of view, keeping the books from them relieves them from dealing with unwanted emotions. Montag begins as normal and inflammable (like the houses). Yet throughout the story a small fire is lit. It gets bigger and bigger as Montag begins reading his way into downfall. "And as before, it was good to burn..." (pg59)And its as if a ball of fire is lit around him. And where ever he goes it brings destruction. Montag's view on the fire, was that it helped get rid of the growing problem. Which in this case …show more content…

He believes the books will give him some hope. Yet although they give him something to care for, there's something keeping him from everyone else. Beatty gives him a speech about the books stating " what traitors books can be...lost in the middle of the moor." (Pg 107) he tries to warn Montag that the books are bad. Yet Montag dose not listen. He then steals a book from a woman's house. In which the woman had burned with her books. He then comes home to his wife in which he shows his new found treasures to. She takes this the wrong way he'd hoped for. She had called on him to get caught for the

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