
Fahrenheit 451 Signpost Analysis

Decent Essays

#1 Again and Again-

Describe what happened in the story that is that signpost- Throughout the book, Montag notices that the Hound does not like him. The Hound is also frequently a part of his thoughts. Whenever he goes to the station he is kind of frightened of the Hound, and makes sure he knows where it is.

Explain how what was written above is an example of that type of signpost- This is an example of an Again and Again because the Hound is mentioned many times throughout the book by Montag.

Explain why this is an important part of the book- I think this is an important part of the book, because later on I think the Hound will play a larger role in the books. Perhaps, the Hound will hunt him down or even injure him, or …show more content…

Explain how what was written above is an example of that type of signpost- I think this is an example of an Aha Moment because although Guy thought that he was happy, he realized that he wore his happiness like a mask, and that it took Clarisse to take that mask off of him.

Explain why this is an important part of the book- This is an important part of the book because this realization could cause Guy change the way he acts. He could also end up trying to take steps to regain his happiness that he lost. By trying to fill that hole in his heart that once contained happiness, Montag could end up doing something very drastic or unexpected.
#6 Contrast and Contradiction-

Describe what happened in the story that is that signpost- When the firemen were called to a house owned by a old lady, to burn the books she had. A book fell into Montag’s hands and without knowing it, he had stuffed in under his armpit in his coat.

Explain how what was written above is an example of that type of

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