
Fahrenheit 451 Technology Analysis

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Technology have a lot of advantages, however a lot of disadvantages also comes with it. One of the disadvantages of technology is that it replaces the necessity for face to face interaction between humankind because it has turn to an addiction, so having personal interaction to another human seems rather boring compared to technology. That’s shown in the science fiction novel “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, where the main character’s wife, Mildred became so obsessed with technology to a point where she didn't care about her husband wellbeing and the TV shows characters became her “family”, and more important than her own real husband. Early in the novel, After Montag burned an old woman alive with her books, Montag was sick and vomiting all …show more content…

Mildred’s husband Montag was sick but that didn't bother her, she was however, more concerned about her TV show. She showed no care for Montag, even refusing to shut the parlor walls off despite it being a disturbance to Montag. Mildred makes the conscience decision to place the parlor above her duties as a spouse, and that decision shows how much Mildred is addicted to technology. That scene symbolize Mildred’s complete disconnection from Montag and the rest of society because instead of helping her husband and having a personal interaction with him, by asking what’s wrong and why he’s sick, she, however, focus more on the parlor and her “family”, and not her real family. The similar thing is happening to the current society, where technology is 20x more advance then the technology being described in the book, so it’s even worse. Unlike the book, there’s smartphones, which can be like a parlor but on a small screen, and the internet. With the smartphone and internet, people can chat online, which can lead to either friendship or a romantic relationship, this way no one is interacting face to face or having any personal

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