
Failure Of Nursing Medication Errors

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Cause of Nursing Medication Errors Rebecka Rodriguez Adventist University of Health Sciences Abstract: Nursing medication errors were examined by having nurses take surveys based on their perception of why medication errors are occurring as well as visiting their work setting and observing any errors. Nurses are encouraged to take precaution when administering medications to ensure that the correct medication as well as the dose, is given to the correct patient. It is imperative for hospitals to enforce medication stipulations to ensure that nurses are double checking medication labels. Studies show that causes of medication errors are due to nurse’s not understanding protocol, administration errors related to overworked weary …show more content…

Similar results were seen in data collected from thirty eight nurses by conducting separate interviews to explain the occurrence of faults when giving medications. One of the simplest tasks that patients entrust their nurse to be performing before administration of medications is, checking that the medication correlates to the patient. It is imperative for all nurses to be participating in double checking medications to ensure it corresponds with the patient. In this study paediatric nurses participated in interviews to see if nurses are truly checking medications. Furthermore, home healthcare nurses were studied to verify their perception on protocol for double checking medications. Lastly, it is apparent that many nurses are not aware of what protocol is for their work facility. Similarly, in the previous study, double checking medications is protocol for most if not all healthcare facilities. This study asked nurses questions about them double checking medications and how often do they perform it. It seems that not all nurses are on the same page with what precautions need to be addressed in order to ensure safe drug management. In both studies nurses were able to confess that many were not certain of the exact stipulations that needed to be met by their

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