
Fair Trade Is An Organized Social Movement

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Fair trade is an organized social movement. Its goal is to carry out trade under commercial agreements where producers achieve better trading conditions and sustainability by setting minimum prices at which distributors can sell their products. The movement is focused mainly on products that are made and exported from developing nations to developed ones. Most commonly products and commodities such as coffee, sugar, tea, honey, cotton, cocoa, gold and fruits etc from countries like India, Brazil, Sri Lanka and African nations.
The following report looks at what the concept of Fair Trade means and the impact that it has on producers, communities and the environment. It then proceeds on to the demographics regarding consumers of fair trade products, who they are and what sort of products do they prefer most. It shall look at why they do or do not opt for fair trade products and will provide advice to retailers on how to improve sales of fair trade goods with a recommendation at end for people on how to do their part in promoting the fair trade cause.
According to;
" Fair-trade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers.
It’s about supporting the development of thriving farming and worker communities that have more control over their futures and protecting the environment in which they live and work."
People buy fair trade products as they cut the middleman. This means that when we buy a

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