How unique storage solutions reinvented my Atelier? What is Fairy Dust Teaching up to in Oklahoma? Specifically, with their use of the word “atelier” in relation to teaching, and isn’t an atelier a workshop or studio for an artist, designer, or fashion house? Intrigued by founder Sally Haughey’s unique, and accessible ways of creating the ease of access for children with creative storage solutions, in the planning for “classroom ateliers,” raised some curiosity about Haughey’s planning methods.
What is curriculum mapping? Curriculum mapping is important, because it allows teachers, and administrators to focus on balance between the content across curricula. Fairy Dust Teaching defines a curriculum map as charting the journey for the year, and means of looking ahead to see where you want to take the children you are teaching.
" yourselves must be filled with wonder and when you have acquired that, you are prepared.”- Maria Montessori
Haughey has two secret ingredients, and three helpful action steps in this process:
Secret Ingredient #1 Personal Passion:
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When you are enthused in your teaching, you become magnetic! Learning is a natural outcome in an inspired teacher’s presence. For me, what has always given me energy and vitality in teaching has been the arts and fairy tales. I absolutely love the arts - painting, drawing, puppetry, drama, drumming. I never tire of thinking about how to integrate the arts into my lesson plans - especially lesson plans grounded in fairy tales. It floats my
The Leadership Team will then need to meet with all literacy, math, and CTE teachers to develop skills for lesson planning that is aligned to the curriculum. If the curriculum is not aligned the integration will not be successful. Teachers must be willing to collaborate with one another to stay on track with the lesson plans. Curriculum maps serve as an effective tool to ensure teachers are incorporating academic standards in the lesson plans and how often they are used (Grams, Hebert-Giffin, 2011).
“You will find the world in your own eyes, if they learn how to see; in your own heart if it learns how to feel; and in your own fingers if they learn how to touch.” (Dunham 188).
When were young we are full of interest and wonder to understand the meaning of life, yet although we never truly comprehend the reality that we see right in front of us. Our mind craves knowledge and that’s when we tend to ask questions, but never an answer and would be brushed aside leaving us with questions with no resolution. Our mind would wonder down bizarre paths but we go no further then what we know. Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless me Ultima proscribes that feeling when we are young our minds strive with curiosity to seek guidance to face the harsh reality of life in a manner we ourselves are prepared for when that time finally arrives.
While I was always drawn to teaching careers, I craved the freedom to be flexible and creative in my
Wonder unites within the knower the opposition between what one thinks one knows, what are the different types of knowing, what one is able to express of what one knows, and how much more one knows than one may be able to express. When Gallagher considers the maxim “know thyself”, he discusses how one must come to the conclusion that one doesn’t totally know oneself, but instead there are parts of one that may seem what he termed “distant.” Wonder starts “not primarily before the complicated, and abstruse, but before the simple, the obvious, the close at hand.” 1 From the external world to oneself, wonder in its various aspects is the source of all philosophical inquiry.
I believe that each child has the will to learn, and that if they have a teacher who is on fire they will be on fire. I think that if a teacher cannot be excited about why they are doing, how can they expect their students to be excited. I want to be a teacher who brings the
Currently I'm helping out at a local primary school, which has allowed me to see new side to teaching that I didn't know existed. I was asked to prepare an activity that involved teaching different skills in one task. I had to think out the box and came up with making paper mache doughnuts, it was a fun, messy but ultimately it taught the children to think innovatively for themselves, it brought out their creative skills, taught them about 3D dimensions, colours and shapes. To think something as easy as paper mache could give these children a variety of knowledge in one task, is unbelievable. It makes me look at life in another light, to see if has a double learning opportunity. It is the simple things, like talk time in class that are highly important as the children are not only learning from the teacher, but they absorb information from others and build on that knowledge to feel confident enough to share their thoughts, it's absolutely fascinating to see how a child's mind works and what they can contribute to the class, without them realising they are actually learning.
I always thought I would be a teacher and I would make differences in lives and it would be the greatest experience in the world for me, yet being a teacher wasn’t enough, I had a need to expand my education. I decided that perhaps I needed a new career, however, I felt certain education remained my passion. I began to explore new areas of education and I realized I still want to be a member of a classroom, a school and curriculum. I aspire to guide those leading our classrooms.
Brady and Kennedy (2010) define the term curriculum as ‘the means by which young people and adults gain the essential knowledge, skills and attributes they need to be productive and informed citizens in a democratic society.’ However the term has many varied definitions, it can be described as being the subject matter, the overall plan for teaching or the outcome of what is taught (Wiles, 2005). Marsh and Willis (cited in Marsh, 2009, p. 3) break curriculum down into three individual areas of ‘planned curriculum’, the objectives and aims, ‘enacted curriculum’, how the objectives are
Hi! My name is Emily Hernandez. I am a student who will graduate in the Fall with an Associates in Elementary Education. I am a visual and active learner. Meaning, I hate sitting in a room and listening to a lecture for more than an hour or at least 30 minutes. So, it would be easier for me to learn by doing something that involves hands-on activities. For example, if I were to learn about biomes I would either do an experiment with growing plants in different temperatures or go to an Arboretum. I love moving around and going on adventures. I also love doing all kinds of projects like doing murals or build a lesson plan for a 6-hour class. I like anything that involves being artistic and anything that can be challenging.
To say that "I am extremely passionate about working with children" would be an enormous understatement in regards to my personal experiences, ideologies and self-proclaimed purposes in respects to working in public schools. Being passionate about ones every day line of work is a huge deciding factor for most of us when it comes to “what we want to be when we grow up.” Conversely, it was quite simple for me, you see the rewards of teaching truly lie in the outcomes of one’s teaching. Knowing that from the first day of school, what I do and how I do it will have a domino effect on hundreds of lives throughout my career as an educator. In hopes to not only work in a field that I both admire and aspire to be a part of, I am also driven to one day be that teacher in which my students can look back and say “Miss. Chadwick really motivated me to be a better learner, artist, writer” and hopefully “a better person.”
Curriculum is so much more than the paper copy of lessons and activities that we receive as teachers, but before this course I never really thought of curriculum as
Within three months of taking ED 523, my school district began using curriculum mapping. Curriculum mapping has facilitated my district in eliminating gaps and repetition in the curriculum and has allowed us to develop a fluent scope and sequence. This process has optimized student learning in my classroom. I now know what the students have already learned and can build upon those skills and understandings and can also better prepare them for the content they will be introduced to in the future. The mapping process has given me the ability to create cross curricular units with my colleagues. The students
Teaching is not just a job that I perform because I expect a reward at the end of each month; it is my passion and I feel extremely satisfied with every successful lesson. I like to help the society, and teaching gives me a great opportunity to do so. I am passionate about educating my students, so I work with them and motivate them to lead them to find inspiration in learning. I use different strategies to engage them and share with them the knowledge.
My passion is to not only teach students in a creative and positive way that they are actually learning but also to inspire them to learn and make something great of themselves in their future. The reason being when I was younger I did not take my education that serious. If I would have known then how serious an education was, I feel that I could have accomplished more in middle and high school. After school I wouldn't care about actually learning about my homework. For this reason I want to inspire kids to want to learn at a young age and for them to see that their education and work ethic is very important even at their age. Most importantly I want my future students to want to learn.