
Example Of A Fairy Tale Play

Decent Essays

Fairy Tale Play: Character List: Create a table below listing your characters and brief physical and emotional descriptions. There should be AT LEAST 4 characters. King Queen Princess Prince Setting Description: In 15-30 words, describe the setting of the piece. A dark and stormy night in a castle. A World like setting. Bedroom with sight. Title: Princess and the pea. Run Time: 5 minutes Below write the dialogue for your play. Please make sure that the story is easily followed. Narrator: (Enters left stage) In a small land there lived a prince that was looking for true love. He traveled all around the world just to find a true princess. He had looked everywhere for a perfect princess, but it seemed to be …show more content…

I am delighted to have you here.” Princess:”Thank you once more for having me in your castle” Prince: (answers happily) “We hope you will like it here.” Princess: ( glad) “Gladly”... Queen:(says to the Old King) “ I will be right back” Old King: “ok” (Old Queen goes to the Princess’s room to put the pea underneath all the mattresses) (Next Day... ) Old Queen: “ How did you sleep, Ariana?” ` Princess: “ Not so well, your majesty. That thing under all those mattresses kept me up all night!” Prince: “ How could she feel that through all those mattresses?” Old King: “ She must be a real princess. Only a real princess could feel that pea under those mattresses.” Old Queen: “ We must go and see if the pea was the only thing under there!” (they go up and lift the mattresses) Old King: “ Well, it was just the pea. SHE IS A REAL PRINCESS!” Princess: “ Yes, your highness. I am called Princess Ariana, after all.” Old Queen : “We must arrange a wedding!” Princess: (promises gladly) “ I shall make this the best life for us!” Prince: (promises gladly too)“ I shall promise too!” Old Queen: “ This might make everyone happy in this family!” Old King: “ Well… We need room for littles just in case!” Old Queen: “ That’s for sure.” (exits stage right) (Next Day…) Priest: “You may kiss the bride” (Princess and Prince kiss) Old King: “Yay!!” Old Queen: “Oh, how lovely!!”

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