Fall Internship Fair Takeaway On September 29th as I prepared for my day I thought to myself “I am going to find a career today.” I finished my normal morning routine pretty quickly and jumped into my truck to make my commute to college. During the morning my schedule consisted of attending the Discover Your Major Day Event for my Academic Strategies class. Several people asked me why I was all dressed up, and I promptly explained to them about my exciting event later in the afternoon. After a quick lunch and my last class of the day I made my way over to the Fogelman Business College for the long awaited internship fair. As I approached the doors of the building I was greeted by a receptionist who asked me to fill in my
My name is Jeremy Webb. My major is in Marketing and being accepted for an internship as a “Trackman Stringer” for the Tampa Bay Rays baseball franchise is not only an exciting event but will also provide extraordinary marketing avenues for my career path. This position will begin on April 11, 2017, and end September 10, 2017. This is a paid internship that provides the allotment of approximately 12 hours per week.
Freedom Summer was a nonviolent effort by civil rights activists to integrate Mississippi's segregated political system during 1964. It raised the consciousness of millions of people to the troubles of African-Americans and the need for change. Americans all around the country were shocked by the killing of civil rights workers and the brutality they witnessed on their televisions. For nearly a century, segregation had prevented most African-Americans in Mississippi from voting or holding public office. Segregated housing, schools, workplaces, and public accommodations denied black Mississippians access to political or economic power.
On wednesday at my internship was a very important day, because I got to go into the field and instead of go to the agency with went out into the field. That day I went to a place with some body of the agency and I saw the process of how they recruit the young participant to join the program. Which I think it's a good way to reach out to this participants, because as young participant they most of the time won't be interested until somebody reach them to help the participants.is a speciall internship becaouse is very important this is a good story to tell.It was really interesting to see the agancy from another perspective. Chapter 11 on the book the human services internship, it explained how as a professional and as a person that is learning,
On March 16th, from 2:30 pm–6:00 pm Sullivan County BOCES is hosting, in collaboration with Sullivan County school districts, a Job Fair at the Elks Lodge on Darbee Lane in Liberty.
The summer of 1964 also known as the Freedom Summer was a time of social change in Mississippi. The Document Project 26 in Exploring American Histories a Survey with Sources (second addition) highlights the success and failures through primary sources. The Student of Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Understood the magnitude of such a movement and outlined the goals of the Freedom Summer in the Prospectus for Mississippi Freedom Sumer (1964). This document outlines the main missions of eliminating racial oppression by registering blacks to vote, and the organization’s complimentary mission to establish freedom schools for the black community.
I never will understand this day to the fair and what all happened, I don’t think anyone will. I just know that one animal ruined a month for me. It was the week right before fair, and all I did was walk my cow. It was the first time ever showing a cow, my brother convinced me that it would be a fun learning experience. That didn’t happen at all for me when I walked into that show ring with a 1,100 pound steer. I was up at 4:00 a.m. the morning of the show, and I was ready to go wash my cows and get them ready for the show.
My first take-away originated from reading the section on Exempted Employees. I had the misconception that any supervisor could join a union if it was their choice. However, it turns out this is not 100% true since a supervisor who has the authority to direct, hire, fire, discipline, transfer or assign the grievances of other employees and who uses independent judgment in the exercise of each authority cannot be part of any union. Therefore, this was an important take-away for me because I now understand that supervisors who have the authority to hire, fire, etc. are excluded from joining a union.
My internship term at EPRA has gone by with minimal issues. I have genuinely enjoyed working with all of my colleagues and the position itself has been interesting. I would say that the largest issue facing EPRA as a whole would be the distrust on environmental initiatives that was previously discussed. There has, however, been a prevailing issue with my job specifically. As mentioned, the auditing department at EPRA is relatively new. Due to this, very few employees have had to be trained as a compliance analyst in the past. To be specific, only six people (including the four that are currently on the team) have had to learn the position. Included in the six are two employees who were hired to help start the auditing department
Over this past year, a single most outstanding accomplishment that has been a seemingly constant source of pride for me above all else. The summer right before my senior year I took part in Miami Dade’s paid internship program. During that school year, my Information Technology teacher personally told me about the internship program and highly recommended that I go through with it. Eventually, time passed and there was a presentation about the internship and as soon as the presentation ended, I made sure to do all in my power to take part in it. At first, I will admit, I was not entirely sure what to expect from this experience; this was an entirely new experience for me. Despite this, one thing I did know that this internship experience would ultimately benefit me more than anything I have ever accomplished.
It didn't take long to find a place that was willing to accept me as an intern and since I had become so discouraged in not finding my “Plan A”, I almost jumped for joy reading that acceptance email. Manntality
What was missing or disappointing, if anything, about this internship? What was especially rewarding and educational?
May came around at long last. So did the end of my second semester of college at Florida Atlantic University. Not only did I survive my freshman year, I thrived, passing eight of my nine joint courses with A’s and getting A-minus on the other one. Just like “Neon” Leon shocked the departed Muhammad Ali in 1978, I defied my own expectations and those of a few among my closest friends and family. Did I soon spend the next few months indulging in summer merriment at the beach, getting my tan on while thirteen-year-old boys fawned over pictures of Selena Gomez? Nope. I took summer classes to keep my mind sharp and knock out a few of the requirements towards a degree which I’d earn three years later. One such class = a six-week crash course in public speaking. Everything went well until I got an assignment to create, practice, and deliver a three-to-five-minute speech involving someone who stood out. The possibilities overwhelmed me until I recalled someone with an outstanding life, hit him up on my cell, and talked to him in person one hot Saturday afternoon.
Internships are extraordinary opportunities to learn and grow. Internships are mostly designed to expand the depth and the breadth of the academic learning in the particular areas of the study. Internship is an opportunity to receive experience in applying all formulas, methods, theories in the classroom to specific experiences in the real world and to see how it actually works.
You might be wondering am I, Ernie Alvarado on the path of success? Yes I am. So far I've completed about 155 credits. What i've done well so far is my mathematical, history, and science skills. The areas of which I need improvement on is my english skills. The aspects of high school in which I find difficult is self-confidence and managing my time to get all my work done. Time management and effort are ways to improve on my areas of weakness.
In our one on one session Mia briefly spoke about her dad and her relationship. She said that her dad is coming home on the weekends because he has been doing really well in the halfway houses. She stated that her and twin sister have been bonding with him and that she and her sister are really happy that he is able to come on the weekend. Mia also said she cannot wait for her dad to be free complete. Mia through was seemed very happy and overwhelm. Mia is very busy young women she mention that from Mondays through Friday she is always busy. She is taking college courses, tutoring, and also making sure all her college requirements are complete, Mia mention she got accepted to Mercy College which she is excited but not too excited because her twin sister has not been accepted. Mia she strongly stated that she wants to go to Mercy with her twin sister.