Karl Marx came up with the idea of communism. Communism is a political system in which everyone is equal, it is characterised by the absence of social class and money, and the state. The main reason for the fall of communism (1989) in Eastern Europe would be due to its wide ethnicity, and due to the people with in the countries not accepting one another. Eastern Europe is made of 21 countries, each having a different culture. Some of these countries are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Kosovo, Ukraine and Serbia. Most of these countries have a different language and religion. Bosnia is located in South-Eastern Europe, and classified as an Islamic nation with having its own language (Bosnian). …show more content…
If one was to be a communist they would not be able to practice religion. Communism is against religion and its ways “Religion and communism are incompatible, both theoretically and practically.” Having Eastern Europe with that many religious groups made it impossible for them to achieve communism. There was once an somewhat of well-established communist state in Eastern Europe, it was not fully communistic due to most people seeing it as transitioning to a socialist party. Yugoslavia was a communist state, it was around from 1945-1980. While Yugoslavia existed most of its firms were co-operatively operated. The problem with Yugoslavia is that it lasted while Tito (Communist leader) lasted, once Tito died so did Yugoslavia. Tito was sought as a great leader one of the last great WWII leaders. It seems as he was only able to keep everything in place due to his great ties with the west (United States of America), and the major support and love from the civilians of Yugoslavia. Tito is seen as a great leader but he neglected to create strong ties with in the united countries. He did not encourage students to study outside their republics. This had created a week bond between the countries. Once he died it was obvious that there was going to be a split, Tito might of have held the countries together but did not bring the people of different ethnicities together. If Yugoslavia was not created because of the after math of WWII, but instead created due to people wanting to create a better nation in which communism is a reality everything would be different. When talking about the unification of Yugoslavia mostly
Communism is system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people. In some countries, the communist government functioned well while in other countries, the government slowly collapsed on itself. Criticism rose from the masses of the population of each country and caused the people to question if communism was the most favorable system of government. In the late 1950s, Eastern European states’ criticism over communism was harsh and condemnatory as the communists appeared to be doing nothing for the well-being of the countries; overtime, criticism shifted to a more melancholy tone, presenting a comfortable but non beneficial view of communism in the 1980s. Negative views spread throughout the European states and eventually developed on their own.
Yugoslavia survived under Tito as a militarized communist nation with secret police and dissident purges. It was amazing how he maintained peace between so many factions and nationalities. He even accepted loans from the West but leaned toward the USSR. Once Stalin died, Yugoslavia was one of the most liberal Communist countries in Europe.
After the First World War country was united with other Slav territories to form Yugoslavia. At the time, the population of Bosnia consisted of over 1,300,000 Serbs which were Orthodox Catholic Christians, million Muslim Bosnians and around 700,000 of Croats. They all were strong attached to this land by the historical and local claims. After the death of Josip Broz Tito, elections in 1990 brought nationalists to power in Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia, which declared independence in 1991 and were recognised internationally. The Leader of Bosnia’s, Alija Izetbegovic called for independence too, and the country was recognised as independent by the USA and the EU in 1992. However, Bosnia’s Serbs weren’t happy because they wanted to be part of “Greater Serbia”. a Serbian named Slobodan Milosevic, a former Communist responded to Bosnian’s declaration of independence by attacking and bombarding the capital city, Sarajevo. Serbs shot down civilians in the streets, including over 3,500 children.
The major domestic challenges to the new independent states were the deterioration of housing markets and balance sheets. Yugoslavia was formally a national state; prior to its collapse the Yugoslavian nation consisted of Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Yugoslavia broke apart and slide into civil war because of economic collapse, the deterioration of the culture, and the split of the nation’s religions. The West responded by recognizing the independence of different regions after Yugoslavia’s collapse. They also used NATO to stop invasions of these countries by their
The word ‘communism’ originated from ‘commun’, a French term meaning ‘belonging to all’. Before the actual foundation of communist parties and countries, there were people who had desired the theory of shared ownership and equal wealth among society for centuries. The earliest notable people to endorse this theoretical societal system included Greek philosopher Plato and religious leader
One of the youngest nations of Europe, Yugoslavia was created after World War I as a homeland for several different rival ethnic groups. The country was put together mostly from remnants of the collapsed Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary. Demands for self-determination by Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, and others were ignored. Yugoslavia thus became an uneasy association of peoples conditioned by centuries of ethnic and religious hatreds. World War II aggravated these rivalries, but Communist dictatorship after the war controlled them for 45 years. When the Communist system failed, the old rivalries reasserted themselves; and in the early 1990s the nation was rent by secessionist movements and civil war. Within several years these conflicts
Communist had a long history during the 20th century, and communism was very influential. Almost all of Asia and East Europe became Communist. From the start of the theory then many civil wars in Russia affected the whole world. Communist defined the idea of itself in many different ways, it helps many nations came together formed a party fought wars, but it also made many countries became really poor, and the economy in most of the countries got pushed back about 10 years. Communism is an economic and political system that sought to create an egalitarian society; it collapsed because of personal interest and government’s corruption.
Furthermore, these wars cannot be fully understood without a basic knowledge of the former Yugoslavia. Formally known as the Soviet Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, it was a federation that was comprised of six socialist republics: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. Additionally, two autonomous provinces, Vojvodina and Kosovo, were established in Serbia. Many different ethnic groups called Yugoslavia home, namely the Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Bosniaks, Albanians, and Montenegrins. However, the presence of large ethnic minorities across republic lines made things complicated, especially with the advent of rising nationalism among these different peoples. The borders of the republics had originally been of little significance; Josip Tito, the beloved leader of the Communist Party in Yugoslavia, decided the borders with little opposition from anyone, as the federation was supposed to be a centralized “dictatorship of the proletariat”. Only with later decentralization and democratization would any concern for the individual republics and nationalities be voiced and nationalism become an issue. Tito’s death in 1980 seemed to suddenly remind all the Yugoslav peoples that they had in fact retained their separate ethnic identities and that the ethnic identity of Tito’s successor would certainly affect them, whether positively or negatively, and inter-republic relations began deteriorating quickly. Tito and his communist
Bosnia-Herzegovina was made up of three main ethnic groups, Bosniak Muslim, Serb, and Croat (Bosnia-Herzegovina). Before Bosnia declared independence from Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia had a history of political, economic, and cultural conflict. Towards the end of World War II, Tito, a communist, ran Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia’s government fell apart and each nation had its own self-rule to be apart of the
What is Communism? Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat. It also can be defined as a conceptualized system of government in which resources and production facilities are the property of the entire society rather than individuals. In a communist society, labor is shared equally as well, and the benefits of labor are distributed according to need (Communism.4all 1). No one person shall be ranked higher than another and there is to be one person in charge of the society in a communism government. There are still to this day many countries that fall under the rule of communism and the ways they were transformed under communist rule is quite interesting.
It is very difficult to point out a single major reason that affected the collapse of Yugoslavia because there were so many, that’s why different people have different opinions towards this issue as for what reason might have had the most influence. Explanations for Yugoslavias’ disintegration start from cultural reasons, continuing to religious and then oppressed rights between the different groups within the nation and so on.
A Research Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of BSc (Hons) Logistics, School of Applied Sciences, The University of Huddersfield, 2011.
Communism in the USSR was doomed from the onset. Communism was condemned due to lack of support from other nations, condemned due to corruption within its leadership, condemned due to the moral weakness of humanity, making what is perfect on paper, ineffective in the real world. The end of this system was very violent. It left one of the two most powerful nations in the world fearful of what was to come. <br><br>Communism can either be called a concept or system of society. In a society that follows the communist beliefs groups own the major resources and means of production, rather than a certain individual. In theory, Communism is to provide equal work, and benefits to all in a specific society. Communism is derived from many ancient
Is the feeling of the cannabis high worth the academic and social side effects? This has been a question asked around many campuses across the state of Colorado. Ever since marijuana became legal in Colorado, it has become a hot topic on whether or not a college should allow their students to participate in the intake of cannabis products. College students and Universities as a whole are hindered by the availability and side effects of marijuana.
After the death of Travon and Brown, Alicia Garza started to organize a campaign in Oklahoma, rallies started to come out from some cities of the country. The community of Ferguson became united and revolting against the law enforcement, this is an social order that became status because all the people in the Ferguson Community were unified they all felt the same way when they heard the verdict of officer Darren Wilson and because they feel that the government was not been fair with the verdict that the issue was high rank against the lower class and that their rights were not been force. The reason that they started to organize was to build power between the black communities they wanted to stop violence against black people, they also wanted to support for the people that were feeling scare of the situation so they wanted to create a network were the people wouldn’t feel powerless and make them feel that they can have power to face the problems that are going on in their communities and make choices for their communities. People wanted for their communities to end the state violence against the black people. They felt that if they didn’t speak out they will become oppressed and they will face more violence against them. Causes: The issues is that police are over using their power against the lower class. Police officers are racial profiling people of color, law is being racism and not being equal also there’s have being police brutality. Demands: They are demanding