
Fall Of Communism In Eastern Europe

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Karl Marx came up with the idea of communism. Communism is a political system in which everyone is equal, it is characterised by the absence of social class and money, and the state. The main reason for the fall of communism (1989) in Eastern Europe would be due to its wide ethnicity, and due to the people with in the countries not accepting one another. Eastern Europe is made of 21 countries, each having a different culture. Some of these countries are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Kosovo, Ukraine and Serbia. Most of these countries have a different language and religion. Bosnia is located in South-Eastern Europe, and classified as an Islamic nation with having its own language (Bosnian). …show more content…

If one was to be a communist they would not be able to practice religion. Communism is against religion and its ways “Religion and communism are incompatible, both theoretically and practically.” Having Eastern Europe with that many religious groups made it impossible for them to achieve communism. There was once an somewhat of well-established communist state in Eastern Europe, it was not fully communistic due to most people seeing it as transitioning to a socialist party. Yugoslavia was a communist state, it was around from 1945-1980. While Yugoslavia existed most of its firms were co-operatively operated. The problem with Yugoslavia is that it lasted while Tito (Communist leader) lasted, once Tito died so did Yugoslavia. Tito was sought as a great leader one of the last great WWII leaders. It seems as he was only able to keep everything in place due to his great ties with the west (United States of America), and the major support and love from the civilians of Yugoslavia. Tito is seen as a great leader but he neglected to create strong ties with in the united countries. He did not encourage students to study outside their republics. This had created a week bond between the countries. Once he died it was obvious that there was going to be a split, Tito might of have held the countries together but did not bring the people of different ethnicities together. If Yugoslavia was not created because of the after math of WWII, but instead created due to people wanting to create a better nation in which communism is a reality everything would be different. When talking about the unification of Yugoslavia mostly

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