
Fall Prevention Memo: Fall In The Elderly

Good Essays

Fall in Elderly
Statement of the problem
‘A fall is an event that results in a person coming to rest inadvertently on the ground or floor or other lower level’.[1] In Maryland, each year more people 65 or older die from falls and associated complications than motor vehicle accidents & suicide combined, making it the leading cause of injury related death and admission to hospital in this age group. [2] To address this problem and as part of the ongoing revision of the current prevention protocols, this memo is written to the office of Dr Sharfstein, the Secretary Maryland department of health and mental hygiene


In USA nearly 30 % of community dwelling adults older than 65 years fall. This number is relatively higher for those …show more content…

Nearly 10 % of falls are followed by serious injuries including fractures, head injury and injuries to the soft tissues. About 2% of falls result in hip fracture, which is among the leading cause of long-term disability and admission to nursing homes. Interestingly more than 90% of hip fractures, which are one of the most expensive surgical diseases to manage, are caused by …show more content…

Exercises could be done individually or structured as group activities. Twice or three times per week, as part of CDC recommendation for all adults, supervised by trainer is ideal and proven to be more effective[1], [9].Exercises could also be integrated into the existing public gymnasiums with minor modifications. The types varied also from intensive cardio oriented exercises to those that can be done at a sitting or semi-sitting positions with out strenuous activity (focused on balancing & strengthening). In addition to the fall prevention, exercises encourages group work with strengthening of elderly peer support

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